 # Network Configuration Manager - Python API
 Photon OS 2.0 provides a Python API for the Network Configuration Manager.
 - [Setup Instructions](#setup-instructions)
 - [Initialization Steps](#initialization-steps)
 - [Get Online Help](#get-online-help)
 - [Basic Information](#basic-information)
 - [Interface Configuration](#interface-configuration)
 - [IP Address Configuration](#ip-address-configuration)
 - [DNS Configuration](#dns-configuration)
 - [DHCP Options, DUID, and IAID Configuration](#dhcp-options-duid-and-iaid-configuration)
 - [NTP Servers](#ntp-servers)
 # Setup Instructions
 To set up and run the latest version of the Network Manager API for Python:
 # tdnf install pmd pmd-python3
 # systemctl start pmd
 # Initialization Steps
 # python3
 >>> import pmd
 >>> net = pmd.server().net
 >>> net._command_
 # Get Online Help
 Get help for all commands.
 >>> help(net)
 Get help for a specific command.
 >>> help(net.add_ntp_servers)
 -in function add_ntp_servers:
 add_ntp_servers(...) method of  []( instance
     net.add_ntp_servers(ntpservers = ["", ""])
     adds ntp servers. returns success: 0, failure: exception.
 # Basic Information
 ### get_system_network_info
 Get network information details that are common to the entire system.
 - details about the system network (DUID, DNS mode, DNS server list, DNS domain list, NTP server list)
 >>> system_network_info = netmgmt.get_system_network_info()
 >>> type  (system_network_info)
 <class 'list'>
 >>> print ( system_network_info)
 [{DUID: 00:02:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:20, DNS Mode: (null), DNS ServerList: ['', ''], DNS domain list: [' []('], NTP ServerList: (null)}]
 ### get_err_info
 Get information about the specified error number.
 net.get_err_info(error = <error_number>)
 - error - error number
 Here is the list of error numbers:
 - 4097 - invalid parameter
 - 4098 - not supported
 - 4099 - out of memory
 - 4100 - value not found
 - 4101 - value exists
 - 4102 - invalid interface
 - 4103 - invalid mode
 - 4104 - bad configuration file
 - 4105 - write failed
 - 4106 - timout
 - 4107 - DCHP timeout
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 >> net.get_err_info(error = 4097)
 'invalid parameter'
 # Interface Configuration
 Use these commands to manage the configuration for a network interface.
 ### get_link_info
 Get the link info for the specified interface or for all interfaces (if no interface is specified).
 net.get_link_info(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name (optional)
 - success: link info
 - failure: exception
 ### get_link_macaddr
 Get the MAC address for the specified interface or for all interfaces (if no interface is specified).
 net.get_link_macaddr(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name (optional)
 - success: MAC address
 - failure: exception
 ### get_link_mode
 Get the link mode for the specified interface (auto or manual), or for all interfaces (if no interface is specified).
 net.get_link_mode(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name (optional)
 - success: link mode (auto, manual, or unknown)
 - failure: exception
 ### get_link_mtu
 Get the MTU of the specified interface or for all interfaces (if no interface is specified).
 net.get_link_mtu(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name (optional)
 - success: link MTU
 - failure: exception
 ### get_link_state
 Get the link state of the specified interface or for all interfaces (if no interface is specified).
 net.get_link_state(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name (optional)
 - success: link state (up, down, unknown)
 - failure: exception
 ### set_link_down
 Bring down the specified interface.
 net.set_link_down(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### set_link_macaddr
 Set the MAC address of the specified interface.
 net.set_link_macaddr(ifname = interface_name, macaddr = mac_address)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``macaddr`` = MAC address
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### set_link_mode
 Set the mode (auto or manual) of the specifed interface.
 net.set_link_mode(ifname = interface_name, link_mode = [auto, manual])
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``link_mode`` - auto or manual
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### set_link_mtu
 Set the MTU for the specified interface.
 net.set_link_mtu(ifname = interface_name, mtu = mtu)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``mtu`` - ``mtu``
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### set_link_state
 Set the state (up or down) of the specified interface.
 net.set_link_state(ifname = interface_name, link_state = [down, up])
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``link_state`` - down or up
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### set_link_up
 Brings up the specified interface.
 net.set_link_up(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``link_state`` - down or up
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 # IP Address Configuration
 Use these commands to manage IP address configuration for a network interface.
 ### add_static_ipv6_addr
 Add a static IPv6 address to the specified interface.
 net.add_static_ipv6_addr(ifname = interface_name, addr_prefix = ipv6address_prefix)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``addr_prefix`` - IPv6 address prefix
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### del_static_ipv6_addr
 Delete a static IPv6 address from the specified interface.
 net.del_static_ipv6_addr(ifname = interface_name, addr_prefix = ipv6address_prefix)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``addr_prefix`` - IPv6 address prefix
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### get_ipv4_addr_gateway
 Get the IPv4 address with the prefix and gateway for the specified interface.
 net.get_ipv4_addr_gateway(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - success: IPv4 address with the prefix and gateway
 - failure: exception
 ### get_ipv6_addr
 Get the list of IPv6 addresses for the specified interface.
 net.get_ipv6_addr(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - success: IPv6 address list
 - failure: exception
 ### get_ipv6_addr_mode
 Get the address mode for the specified interface to determine whether DHCPv6, autoconf are enabled or disabled.
 net.get_ipv6_addr_mode(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - Status for DHCPv6, autoconf (True=enabled, False=disabled)
 - failure: exception
 ### get_ipv6_gateway
 Get the IPv6 gateway for the specified interface.
 net.get_ipv6_gateway(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - success: IPv6 gateway
 - failure: exception
 ### set_ipv4_addr_gateway
 Set the IPv4 address with the prefix and gateway for the specified interface.
 net.get_ipv4_addr_gateway(ifname = interface_name, addr_mode = [dhcp, static, none], addr_prefix = ipv4addressprefix, gateway = ipv4gateway)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``addr_mode`` - address mode - dhcp, static, or none
 - ``addr_prefix`` -  IPv4 address or prefix
 - ``gateway`` - IPv4 gateway
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### set_ipv6_addr_mode
 Set the address mode for the specified interface.
 net.set_ipv6_addr_mode(ifname = interface_name, enable_dhcp = [True, False], enable_autoconf = [True, False])
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``enable_dhcp`` - True to enable, False to disable
 - ``enable_autoconf`` - True to enable, False to disable
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### set_ipv6_gateway
 Set the IPv6 gateway for the specified interface.
 net.set_ipv6_gateway(ifname = interface_name, gateway = ipv6gateway)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``gateway`` - IPv6 gateway
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 # DNS Configuration
 Use these commands to manage DNS domains and servers for a network interface.
 ### get_dns_domains
 Get the list of DNS domains for the specified interface.
 net.get_dns_domains(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - success: list of DNS domains
 - failure: exception
 ### get_dns_servers
 Get the list of DNS servers and the mode for the specified interface.
 net.get_dns_servers(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - success: list of DNS servers and mode
 - failure: exception
 ### set_dns_domains
 Set the list of DNS domains for the specified interface.
 net.set_dns_domains(domains = ["domain1","domain2",...], ifname = interface_name)
 - ``domains`` - comma-separated list of one or more domains
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### set_dns_servers
 Set the list of DNS servers for the specified interface.
 net.set_dns_servers(dns_mode = [dhcp, static], servers = ["server1","server2", ...], ifname = interface_name)
 - ``dns_mode`` - dhcp or static
 - ``servers`` - comma-separate list of one or more servers
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 # DHCP Options DUID and IAID Configuration
 ### get_link_iaid
 Get the IAID for the specified interface.
 net.get_link_iaid(ifname = interface)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - success: IAID
 - failure: exception
 ### set_link_iaid
 Set the IAID for the specified interface.
 net.set_link_iaid(ifname = interface_name, iaid = <iaid>)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - iaid - IAID
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### get_dhcp_duid
 Get the DCHP DUID.
 net.get_dhcp_duid(ifname = interface_name)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name (optional)
 - success: DUID
 - failure: exception
 ### set_dhcp_duid
 Set the DCHP DUID.
 net.set_dhcp_duid(ifname = interface_name duid = duid)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name (optional)
 - ``duid`` - DUID to set
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 # NTP Servers
 Use these commands to manage the NTP servers list.
 ### add_ntp_servers
 Add one or more NTP servers to the NTP servers list.
 net.add_ntp_servers(ntpservers = ["server1", "server2", ...])
 - ``ntpservers`` - Comma-separated list of NTP servers to add to the list.
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### del_ntp_servers
 Remove one or more NTP servers from the NTP servers list.
 net.del_ntp_servers(ntpservers = ["server1", "server2", ...])
 - ``ntpservers`` - Comma-separated list of NTP servers to remove from the list.
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### get_ntp_servers
 Get the NTP servers list.
 - success: NTP servers list
 - failure: exception
 ### set_ntp_servers
 Set the NTP servers list.
 net.set_ntp_servers(ntpservers = ["server1", "server2", ...])
 - ``ntpservers`` - Comma-separated list of NTP servers to remove from the list.
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### get_hostname
 Get the host name.
 - success: host name
 - failure: exception
 ### set_hostname
 Set the host name.
 - ``hostname`` - name to assign to the host
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### wait_for_ip
 Wait for the specified interface to acquire a valid IP address of the specified IP address type.
 net.wait_for_ip(ifname = interface_name, timeout = timeout, addrtypes = [ipv4, ipv6, static_ipv4, static_ipv6, dhcp_ipv4, dhcp_ipv6, auto_ipv6, link_local_ipv6])
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``timeout`` - maximum time (in seconds) to wait (until the link is up) before timing out of the request; specify 0 for no timeout (wait indefinitely)
 - ``addrtypes`` - one of the following address types: ipv4, ipv6, static_ipv4, static_ipv6, dhcp_ipv4, dhcp_ipv6, auto_ipv6, or link_local_ipv6
 - success: 0 (when the link has an IP of the specified type)
 - failure: exception (for example, timeout expired)
 ### wait_for_link_up
 Wait for the specified interface to come up.
 net.wait_for_link_up(ifname = interface_name, timeout = timeout)
 - ``ifname`` - interface name
 - ``timeout`` - maximum time (in seconds) to wait (until the link is up) before timing out of the request; specify 0 for no timeout (wait indefinitely)
 - success: 0 (when link is up)
 - failure: exception (for example, timeout expired)
 ### get_network_param
 Get the specified network configuration parameter for the specified interface or filename.
 net.get_network_param(object = IfName or Filename, paramname = SectionName_KeyName)
 - ``object`` - an interface name (for example, "eth0") or a file name (for example, /etc/systemd/resolved.conf)
 - ``paramname`` - name of a parameter associated with the object; specified in the format SectionName_KeyName (for example, Link_MTUBytes represents the MtuBytes key in [Link] section in  [](
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception
 ### set_network_param
 Set the value of a network configuration parameter for the specified interface or filename.
 net.set_network_param(object = interface_name or filename, paramname = SectionName_KeyName, paramvalue = key_value)
 - ``object`` - an interface name (for example, "eth0") or a file name (for example, /etc/systemd/resolved.conf)
 - ``paramname`` - name of a parameter associated with the object; specified in the format SectionName_KeyName (for example, Link_MTUBytes represents the MtuBytes key in [Link] section in  [](
 - success: 0
 - failure: exception