 # Installing the Lightwave Server and Configuring It as a Domain Controller on a Photon Image
 You can configure Lightwave server as domain controller on a Photon client. You install the Lightwave server first. After the server is installed, you configure a new domain. 
 ## Prerequisites
 - Prepare a Photon OS client for the Lightwave server installation.
 - Verify that the hostname of the client can be resolved.
 - Verify that you have 500 MB free for the Lightwave server installation.
 ## Procedure
 1. Log in to your Photon OS client over SSH as an administrator.
 2. Install the Lightwave server by running the following command. 
 	`# tdnf install lightwave -y`
 3. Configure the Lightwave server as domain controller by selecting a domain name and password for the `administrator` user.
 	The minimum required password complexity is 8 characters, one symbol, one upper case letter, and one lower case letter. 
 	Optionally, if you want to access the domain controller over IP, configure the ip under the `--ssl-subject-alt-name` parameter.
 	`# configure-lightwave-server --domain <your-domain> --password '<administrator-user-password>' --ssl-subject-alt-name <machine-ip-address>`
 4. Edit `iptables` rules to allow connections to and from the client.
 	The default Photon OS 2.0 firewall settings block all incoming, outgoing, and forwards so that you must reconfigure them.
 	`# iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT`
 	`# iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT`
 	`# iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT`
 5. In a browser, go to https://*lightwave-server-FQDN* to verify that you can log in to the newly created domain controller.
 	1. On the Cascade Identity Services page, enter the domain that you configured and click **Take me to Lightwave Admin**.
 	2. On the Welcome page, enter administrator@your-domain as user name and the password that you set during the domain controller configuration and click **LOGIN**.