 # Photon Network Manager Command-line Interface (netmgr)
 For locally logged-on users, Photon OS provides a command line interface to manage network configuration of the system.
 - [Setup Steps](#setup-steps)
 - [Syntax](#syntax)
 - [Network Manager CLI](#network-manager-cli)
 # Setup Steps
 The netmgr tool is included with your Photon OS distribution. To make sure that you have the latest version, you can run:
 tdnf install netmgmt
 # Syntax
 The CLI is built on set, get, add, delete command model and uses the option-name - option-value model of specifying command parameters.
 netmgr <network object> <--get | --set | --add | --del> <command options>
 Passed-in parameter values can be enclosed in single (&#39;) or double-quotes (&quot;) as long as you use matching characters to denote the beginning and end of the value. Unless a parameter value contains special characters or spaces, you can also omit quotes altogether.
 ## network object
 ``<network object>`` is one of the following values:
 - ``link_info``
 - ``ip4_address``
 - ``ip6_address``
 - ``ip_route``
 - ``dns_servers``
 - ``dns_domains``
 - ``dhcp_duid``
 - ``if_iaid``
 - ``ntp_servers``
 - ``hostname``
 - ``wait_for_link``
 - ``wait_for_ip``
 - ``error_info``
 - ``net_info``
 # Network Manager CLI
 ## link_info
 Get the mac address, MTU, link state, and link mode for the (optionally) specified interface.
 netmgr link_info --get --interface <ifname>
 Set the MAC address, link state (up or down), link mode (manual or auto), or MTU for the specified interface.
 netmgr link_info --set --interface <ifname> --macaddr <mac_address>
 netmgr link_info --set --interface <ifname> --mode <manual|auto>
 netmgr link_info --set --interface <ifname> --state <up|down>
 netmgr link_info --set --interface <ifname> --mtu <mtu>
 ## ip4_address
 Get the IPv4 address for the specified interface.
 netmgr ip4_address --get --interface <ifname>
 Set the IPv4 address (dot-decimal/prefix notation), mode (dhcp, static, or none), and (optionally) the default gateway for the specified interface.
 netmgr ip4_address --set --interface <ifname> --mode <dhcp|static|none> --addr <ipv4_address/prefix> --gateway <gateway_address>
 ## ip6_address
 Get IPv6 addresses for the specified interface.
 netmgr ip6_address --get --interface <ifname>
 Add one or more IPv6 addresses (comma-separated list in colon-separated/prefix notation) to the specified interface.
 netmgr ip6_address --add --interface <ifname> --addrlist <ipv6_addr1/prefix,ipv6_addr2/prefix,...>
 Delete one or more IPv6 addresses (comma-separated list in colon-separated/prefix notation) from the specified interface.
 netmgr ip6_address --del --interface <ifname> --addrlist <ipv6_addr1/prefix,ipv6_addr2/prefix,...>
 Set the IPv6 DHCP mode (1=enable, 0=disable) and IPv6 auto-configuration settings (1=enable, 0=disable) for the specified interface.
 netmgr ip6_address --set --interface <ifname> --dhcp <1|0> --autoconf <1|0>
 ## ip_route
 Get the static IP route for the specified interface.
 netmgr ip_route --get --interface <ifname>
 Add the static IP route (gateway IP, destination network, and metric) to the specified interface.
 netmgr ip_route --add --interface <ifname> --gateway <gateway_address> --destination <destination_network/prefix> --metric <N>
 Delete the specified static IP route from the specified interface.
 netmgr ip_route --del --interface <ifname> --destination <destination_network/prefix>
 ## dns_servers
 Get the list of DNS servers.
 netmgr dns_servers --get
 Set the DNS mode (DHCP or static) for one or more DNS servers (comma-separated list).
 netmgr dns_servers --set --mode <dhcp|static> --servers <server1,server2,...>
 Add a DNS server to the list of DNS servers.
 netmgr dns_servers --add --servers <server>
 Remove the specified DNS server from the list of DNS servers.
 netmgr dns_servers --del --servers <server>
 ## dns_domains
 Get the list of DNS domains.
 netmgr dns_domains --get
 Set the list of DNS domains (one or more DNS domains in a comma-separated list).
 netmgr dns_domains --set --domains <domain1,domain2,...>
 Add a DNS domain to the list of DNS domains.
 netmgr dns_domains --add --domains <domain>
 Delete a DNS domain from the list of DNS domains.
 netmgr dns_domains --del --domains <domain>
 ## dhcp_duid
 Get the DHCP DUID (optionally interface-specific DUID) for the system.
 netmgr dhcp_duid --get
 Set the DHCP DUID for the system, optionally per-interface if the interface is specified.
 netmgr dhcp_duid --set --duid <duid>
 ## if_iaid
 Get the IAID for the specified interface.
 netmgr if_iaid --get --interface <ifname>
 Set the IAID for the specified interface.
 netmgr if_iaid --set --interface <ifname> --iaid <iaid>
 ## ntp_servers
 Get the NTP servers list.
 netmgr ntp_servers --get
 Set the NTP servers list.
 netmgr ntp_servers --set --servers <server1,server2,...>
 Add the specified server to the NTP servers list.
 netmgr ntp_servers --add --servers <server>
 Delete the specified server from the NTP servers list.
 netmgr ntp_servers --del --servers <server>
 ## hostname
 Get the system hostname.
 netmgr hostname --get
 Set the system hostname.
 netmgr hostname --set --name <hostname>
 ## wait_for_link
 Wait for the specified network interface to be up and usable (it can send and receive packets).
 netmgr wait_for_link --interface <ifname> --timeout <timeout>
 The timeout (in seconds) specifies the maximum time to wait. Specify 0 for no timeout (wait indefinitely).
 **Note:** You might need to use wait_for_ip to wait until you can send and receive IP packets.
 ## wait_for_ip
 Wait for the specified interface to acquire a valid IP address for the specified address type.
 netmgr wait_for_ip --interface <ifname> --timeout <timeout> --addrtype <ipv4,ipv6,static_ipv4,static_ipv6,dhcp_ipv4,dhcp_ipv6,auto_ipv6,link_local_ipv6>
 The timeout (in seconds) specifies the maximum time to wait. Specify 0 for no timeout (wait indefinitely).
 ## error_info
 Get error information about the specified error code.
 netmgr error_info --errcode <error_code>
 Here is a list of error codes:
 - 4097 - invalid parameter
 - 4098 - not supported
 - 4099 - out of memory
 - 4100 - value not found
 - 4101 - value exists
 - 4102 - invalid interface
 - 4103 - invalid mode
 - 4104 - bad configuration file
 - 4105 - write failed
 - 4106 - timeout
 - 4107 - DCHP timeout
 ## net_info
 Get the specified network configuration parameter for the specified object.
 netmgr net_info --get --object <ifname or filename> --paramname <param_name>
 **Note:** The object can be an interface name (for example, &quot;eth0&quot;) or a file name (for example, /etc/systemd/resolved.conf).
 Set the value of the specified network configuration parameter for the specified object (interface or file).
 netmgr net_info --set --object <ifname or filename> --paramname <param_name> --paramvalue <param_value>
 **Note** : You can add (+) or remove (-) a parameter by prepending the parameter name with + or -.
 For example, in order to add static IPv4 address "" to eth0 interface, the following command adds this **Address** to the **Network** section of the **eth0** network configuration file.
 netmgr net_info --set --object eth0 --paramname +Network_Address --paramvalue ""