
#	Title:	photon-build-machine-init        			#
# Date:	2015-04-16                        			#
# Version:	1.1				                          #
# Author:	tmcphail@vmware.com     	            #
# Options:					                            #


# Move to the workspace and cleanup any old build artifacts
sudo make clean

# Build toolchain
sudo make toolchain

# Build ISO
sudo make iso

# Remove the old stage directory on the host and copy the newly built one
if [ ! -e ${PHOTON_WORKING}/stage/discus.iso ]; then
  echo "The build failed..."
elif [ -d ${PHOTON}/stage ]; then
  echo "Refreshing the host stage directory content..."
  rm -rf ${PHOTON_HOST}/stage
  cp -R ${PHOTON_WORKING}/stage ${PHOTON_HOST}/stage
  echo "Copying content to host stage directory..."
  cp -R ${PHOTON_WORKING}/stage ${PHOTON_HOST}/stage

# Cleanup and shutdown (Halting the machine forces an rsync next time vagrant up)
echo "Cleanup the build..."
sudo make clean
echo "Shutting down the photon build machine..."
# sudo shutdown -h now