# This config file is INI-formatted

# Lower the logging threshold. Acceptable values are 0, 1, and 2. A higher
# value corresponds to a lower logging threshold.
# verbosity=0

# Provide a custom set of etcd endpoints. The default value is determined
# by the underlying go-etcd library.
# etcd_servers=[""]

# Amount of time in seconds to allow a single etcd request before considering it failed.
# etcd_request_timeout=1.0

# Provide TLS configuration when SSL certificate authentication is enabled in etcd endpoints
# etcd_cafile=/path/to/CAfile
# etcd_keyfile=/path/to/keyfile
# etcd_certfile=/path/to/certfile

# IP address that should be published with any socket information. By default,
# no IP address is published.
# public_ip=""

# Comma-delimited key/value pairs that are published to the fleet registry.
# This data can be referenced in unit files to affect scheduling descisions.
# An example could look like: metadata="region=us-west,az=us-west-1"
# metadata=""

# An Agent will be considered dead if it exceeds this amount of time to
# communicate with the Registry. The agent will attempt a heartbeat at half
# of this value.
# agent_ttl="30s"

# Interval at which the engine should reconcile the cluster schedule in etcd.
# engine_reconcile_interval=2