diff -ru WALinuxAgent-2.0.18/waagent WALinuxAgent-2.0.18-new/waagent
--- WALinuxAgent-2.0.18/waagent	2016-04-01 01:29:50.000000000 -0700
+++ WALinuxAgent-2.0.18-new/waagent	2016-04-29 01:03:04.294204270 -0700
@@ -2403,6 +2403,139 @@
         Run('/sbin/usermod ' + user + ' -G ""')
         super(fedoraDistro, self).DeleteAccount(user)
+# photonDistro
+class photonDistro(AbstractDistro):
+    """
+    photon Distro concrete class
+    Put photon specific behavior here...
+    """
+    CORE_UID = 500
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(photonDistro,self).__init__()
+        self.requiredDeps += [ "/bin/systemctl" ]
+        self.agent_service_name = 'waagent'
+        self.init_script_file='/usr/lib/systemd/system/waagent.service'
+        self.dhcp_client_name='systemd-networkd'
+        self.getpidcmd='pidof '
+        self.shadow_file_mode=0640
+        self.dhcp_enabled=True
+    def checkPackageInstalled(self,p):
+        """
+        There is no package manager in Photon.  Return 1 since it must be preinstalled.
+        """
+        return 1
+    def checkDependencies(self):
+        for a in self.requiredDeps:
+            if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1",chk_err=False):
+                Error("Missing required dependency: " + a)
+                return 1
+        return 0
+    def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p):
+        """
+        There is no package manager in Photon.  Return 0 since it can't be updated via package.
+        """
+        return 0
+    def startAgentService(self):
+        return Run('systemctl start ' + self.agent_service_name)
+    def stopAgentService(self):
+        return Run('systemctl stop ' + self.agent_service_name)
+    def restartSshService(self):
+        return Run('systemctl restart sshd')
+    def sshDeployPublicKey(self,fprint,path):
+        """
+        We support PKCS8.
+        """
+        if Run("ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f " + fprint + " >> " + path):
+            return 1
+        else :
+            return 0
+    def RestartInterface(self, iface):
+        Run("systemctl restart systemd-networkd")
+    def CreateAccount(self, user, password, expiration, thumbprint):
+        """
+        Create a user account, with 'user', 'password', 'expiration', ssh keys
+        and sudo permissions.
+        Returns None if successful, error string on failure.
+        """
+        userentry = None
+        try:
+            userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user)
+        except:
+            pass
+        uidmin = None
+        try:
+            uidmin = int(GetLineStartingWith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs").split()[1])
+        except:
+            pass
+        if uidmin == None:
+            uidmin = 100
+        if userentry != None and userentry[2] < uidmin and userentry[2] != self.CORE_UID:
+            Error("CreateAccount: " + user + " is a system user. Will not set password.")
+            return "Failed to set password for system user: " + user + " (0x06)."
+        if userentry == None:
+            command = "useradd --create-home --password '*' " + user
+            if expiration != None:
+                command += " --expiredate " + expiration.split('.')[0]
+            if Run(command):
+                Error("Failed to create user account: " + user)
+                return "Failed to create user account: " + user + " (0x07)."
+        else:
+            Log("CreateAccount: " + user + " already exists. Will update password.")
+        if password != None:
+            RunSendStdin("chpasswd", user + ":" + password + "\n")
+        try:
+            if password == None:
+                SetFileContents("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n")
+            else:
+                SetFileContents("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) ALL\n")
+            os.chmod("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", 0440)
+        except:
+            Error("CreateAccount: Failed to configure sudo access for user.")
+            return "Failed to configure sudo privileges (0x08)."
+        home = MyDistro.GetHome()
+        if thumbprint != None:
+            dir = home + "/" + user + "/.ssh"
+            CreateDir(dir, user, 0700)
+            pub = dir + "/id_rsa.pub"
+            prv = dir + "/id_rsa"
+            Run("ssh-keygen -y -f " + thumbprint + ".prv > " + pub)
+            SetFileContents(prv, GetFileContents(thumbprint + ".prv"))
+            for f in [pub, prv]:
+                os.chmod(f, 0600)
+                ChangeOwner(f, user)
+            SetFileContents(dir + "/authorized_keys", GetFileContents(pub))
+            ChangeOwner(dir + "/authorized_keys", user)
+        Log("Created user account: " + user)
+        return None
+    def startDHCP(self):
+        Run("systemctl start " + self.dhcp_client_name, chk_err=False)
+    def stopDHCP(self):
+        Run("systemctl stop " + self.dhcp_client_name, chk_err=False)
+    def translateCustomData(self, data):
+        return base64.b64decode(data)
+    def getConfigurationPath(self):
+        return "/etc/waagent.conf"
 #	FreeBSD
@@ -6934,6 +7067,7 @@
     Return MyDistro object.
     NOTE: Logging is not initialized at this point.
+    dist_class_name = 'photonDistro'
     if dist_class_name == '':
         if 'Linux' in platform.system():