Summary:	Low-level libraries useful for providing data structure handling for C.
Name:		glib
Version:	2.42.0
Release:	1%{?dist}
License:	LGPLv2+
Group:		Applications/System
Vendor:		VMware, Inc.
Distribution:	Photon
BuildRequires:	pcre-devel
BuildRequires:	libffi
BuildRequires:	pkg-config
BuildRequires:	cmake
Requires:	pcre
Requires:	libffi
The GLib package contains a low-level libraries useful for providing data structure handling for C, portability wrappers and interfaces for such runtime functionality as an event loop, threads, dynamic loading and an object system. Development libs and headers are in glib-devel.

%package devel
Summary:	Header files for the glib library
Group:		Development/Libraries
Requires:	glib
Provides:	glib-devel
Provides:	glib-devel(x86-64)
BuildRequires:	python2 >= 2.7
BuildRequires:	python2-libs >= 2.7
Provides:	pkgconfig(glib-2.0)
Provides:	pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)
Provides:	pkgconfig(gmodule-no-export-2.0)
Provides:	pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)
Provides:	pkgconfig(gio-2.0)
Requires:	pcre-devel
Requires:	python2

%description devel
Static libraries and header files for the support library for the glib library

%setup -q
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-pcre=system 
make %{?_smp_mflags}
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
%post	-p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun	-p /sbin/ldconfig


%files devel
%defattr(-, root, root)
*	Thu Nov 06 2014 Sharath George <> 2.42.0-1
	Initial version