import os.path
import platform
import traceback
from CommandUtils import CommandUtils
from ChrootUtils import ChrootUtils
from Logger import Logger
from PackageUtils import PackageUtils
from constants import constants

class ToolChainUtils(object):

    def __init__(self, logName=None, logPath=None):
        if logName is None:
            logName = "Toolchain Utils"
        if logPath is None:
            logPath = constants.logPath
        self.logName = logName
        self.logPath = logPath
        self.logger = Logger.getLogger(logName, logPath)
        self.adjustToolChainScript = ""
        self.localegenScript = "./"
        self.localegenConfig = "./locale-gen.conf"
        self.prepareBuildRootCmd = "./"
        self.rpmbuildCommand = "rpmbuild"
        if os.geteuid() == 0:
            self.rpmCommand = "rpm"
            self.rpmCommand = "fakeroot-ng rpm"

    def prepareBuildRoot(self, chrootID):"Preparing build environment")
        cmdUtils = CommandUtils()
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/dev")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/etc")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/proc")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/run")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/sys")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/tmp")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath)
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath +
                                   "/RPMS/" + platform.machine())
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/RPMS/noarch")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/SOURCES")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/SPECS")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/LOGS")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/BUILD")
        cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/BUILDROOT")

        prepareChrootCmd = self.prepareBuildRootCmd + " " + chrootID
        logFile = self.logPath + "/prepareBuildRoot.log"
        returnVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(prepareChrootCmd, logFile)
        if not returnVal:
            self.logger.error("Prepare build root script failed.Unable to prepare chroot.")
            raise Exception("Prepare build root script failed")"Successfully prepared chroot:" + chrootID)

    def findRPMFileInGivenLocation(self, package, rpmdirPath):
        cmdUtils = CommandUtils()
        listFoundRPMFiles = cmdUtils.findFile(package + "-*.rpm", rpmdirPath)
        listFilterRPMFiles = []
        for f in listFoundRPMFiles:
            rpmFileName = os.path.basename(f)
            checkRPMName = rpmFileName.replace(package, "")
            rpmNameSplit = checkRPMName.split("-")
            if len(rpmNameSplit) == 3:
        if len(listFilterRPMFiles) == 1:
            return listFilterRPMFiles[0]
        if len(listFilterRPMFiles) == 0:
            return None
        if len(listFilterRPMFiles) > 1:
            self.logger.error("Found multiple rpm files for given package in rpm directory." +
                              "Unable to determine the rpm file for package:" + package)
            return None

    def buildCoreToolChainPackages(self):"Building core toolchain packages.....")
        chrootID = None
        pkgCount = 0
            pkgUtils = PackageUtils(self.logName, self.logPath)
            for package in constants.listCoreToolChainPackages:
                rpmPkg = pkgUtils.findRPMFileForGivenPackage(package)
                if rpmPkg is not None:
      "Building core toolchain package: " + package)
                chrUtils = ChrootUtils(self.logName, self.logPath)
                chrootName = "build-"+package
                destLogPath = constants.logPath + "/build-" + package
                if not os.path.isdir(destLogPath):
                    cmdUtils = CommandUtils()
                    cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + destLogPath)
                returnVal, chrootID = chrUtils.createChroot(chrootName)
                if not returnVal:
                    self.logger.error("Creating chroot failed")
                    raise Exception("creating chroot failed")
                self.installToolChainRPMS(chrootID, package, destLogPath)
                pkgUtils.adjustGCCSpecs(package, chrootID, destLogPath)
                pkgUtils.buildRPMSForGivenPackage(package, chrootID, destLogPath)
                pkgCount += 1
                chrootID = None
  "Successfully built toolchain")
            if chrootID is not None:
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error("Unable to build tool chain.")
            # print stacktrace
            raise e
        return pkgCount

    def installToolChainRPMS(self, chrootID, packageName, logPath=None):
        if logPath is None:
            logPath = self.logPath
        cmdUtils = CommandUtils()
        self.prepareBuildRoot(chrootID)"Installing Tool Chain RPMS.......")
        rpmFiles = ""
        packages = ""
        for package in constants.listToolChainRPMsToInstall:
            pkgUtils = PackageUtils(self.logName, self.logPath)
            rpmFile = None
            if constants.rpmCheck:
                rpmFile = pkgUtils.findRPMFileForGivenPackage(package)
                if (packageName not in constants.listToolChainRPMsToInstall or
                        constants.listToolChainRPMsToInstall.index(packageName) >
                    rpmFile = pkgUtils.findRPMFileForGivenPackage(package)
            if rpmFile is None:
                # sqlite-autoconf package was renamed, but it still published as sqlite-autoconf
                if (package == "sqlite") and (platform.machine() == "x86_64"):
                    package = "sqlite-autoconf"
                rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishRPMRepo)
                if rpmFile is None:
                    if package in constants.listOfRPMsProvidedAfterBuild:
              "No old version of " + package +
                                         " exists, skip until the new version is built")
                    self.logger.error("Unable to find rpm " + package +
                                      " in current and previous versions")
                    raise Exception("Input Error")
            rpmFiles += " " + rpmFile
            packages += " " + package

        self.logger.debug("Installing toolchain rpms:" + packages)
        cmd = (self.rpmCommand + " -i -v --nodeps --noorder --force --root " +
               chrootID +" --define \'_dbpath /var/lib/rpm\' "+ rpmFiles)
        retVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(cmd, logPath + "/install_toolchain_rpms.log")
        if not retVal:
            self.logger.debug("Command Executed:" + cmd)
            self.logger.error("Installing tool chain  failed")
            raise Exception("RPM installation failed")"Successfully installed default Tool Chain RPMS in Chroot:" + chrootID)
        print("Building Package: ".format(packageName))
        if packageName in constants.perPackageToolChain:
            self.installCustomToolChainRPMS(chrootID, constants.perPackageToolChain[packageName],
        #convert rpm db to lmdb (if required)
        convertLogFile = self.logPath+"/rpmdbconvert.log"
        pkgUtilsConvert.ensureLMDBForRPMDB(chrootID, convertLogFile)

    def installCustomToolChainRPMS(self, chrootID, listOfToolChainPkgs, packageName):"Installing package specific tool chain RPMs for " + packageName +
        rpmFiles = ""
        packages = ""
        cmdUtils = CommandUtils()
        for package in listOfToolChainPkgs:
            pkgUtils = PackageUtils(self.logName, self.logPath)
            print("DEBUG:" + package)
            if "openjre8" in packageName or "openjdk8" in packageName:
                # x86_64 has openjdk/jre as a published rpms but aarch64 has openjdk8/jre8
                # Remove this condition after publishxrpms for x86_^4 got updated
                if ((package == "openjdk" or package == "openjre") and
                        platform.machine() == "aarch64"):
                    package = package + "8"
                rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishXRPMRepo)
                rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishRPMRepo)
            if rpmFile is None:
                self.logger.error("Unable to find rpm "+ package +
                                  " in current and previous versions")
                raise Exception("Input Error")
            rpmFiles += " " + rpmFile
            packages += " " + package

        self.logger.debug("Installing custom rpms:" + packages)
        cmd = (self.rpmCommand + " -i -v --nodeps --noorder --force --root " +
               chrootID + " --define \'_dbpath /var/lib/rpm\' " + rpmFiles)
        retVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(cmd, self.logPath +
        if not retVal:
            self.logger.debug("Command Executed:" + cmd)
            self.logger.error("Installing tool chain  failed")
            raise Exception("RPM installation failed")"Successfully installed all Tool Chain X RPMS")

    def installToolChainRPMSinContainer(self, containerID):"Installing tool-chain RPMS in container: " + containerID.short_id)
        rpmFiles = ""
        packages = ""
        pkgUtils = PackageUtils(self.logName, self.logPath)
        for package in constants.listToolChainRPMPkgsToInstall:
            rpmFile = pkgUtils.findRPMFileForGivenPackage(package)
            if rpmFile is None:
                # sqlite-autoconf package was renamed, but it still published as sqlite-autoconf
#                if (package == "sqlite") and (platform.machine() == "x86_64"):
#                    package = "sqlite-autoconf"
                rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishRPMRepo)
                if rpmFile is None:
                    if package in constants.listOfRPMsProvidedAfterBuild:
              "No old version of " + package +
                                         " exists, skip until the new version is built")
                    self.logger.error("Unable to find rpm " + package +
                                      " in current and previous versions")
                    raise Exception("Input Error")
            if rpmFile.find("stage/PUBLISHRPMS"):
                rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.prevPublishRPMRepo, "/publishrpms")
            if rpmFile.find("stage/PUBLISHXRPMS"):
                rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.prevPublishXRPMRepo, "/publishxrpms")
            if rpmFile.find("stage/RPMS"):
                rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.rpmPath, constants.topDirPath + "/RPMS")
            rpmFiles += " " + rpmFile
            packages += " " + package

        self.logger.debug("Installing tool-chain rpms: " + packages)

        cmd = "/usr/bin/bash -l -c '/usr/bin/rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps " + rpmFiles + "'""VDBG-TCU-installToolChainRPMSinContainer: Installing rpms cmd: " + cmd)
        tcInstallLog = containerID.exec_run(cmd)
        # TODO: Find a way to collect exit status of the command that was run.
        if not tcInstallLog:
            self.logger.error("Installing tool chain in container failed")
            raise Exception("RPM installation in container failed")"Successfully installed default tool-chain RPMS in container: " +

    def installCustomToolChainRPMSinContainer(self, containerID, listOfToolChainPkgs, packageName):"Installing package specific tool chain RPMs for " + packageName)
        rpmFiles = ""
        packages = ""
        for package in listOfToolChainPkgs:
            if "openjre8" in packageName or "openjdk8" in packageName:
                rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishXRPMRepo)
                rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishRPMRepo)
            if rpmFile is None:
                self.logger.error("Unable to find rpm " + package +
                                  " in current and previous versions")
                raise Exception("Input Error")
            if rpmFile.find("stage/PUBLISHRPMS"):
                rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.prevPublishRPMRepo, "/publishrpms")
            if rpmFile.find("stage/PUBLISHXRPMS"):
                rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.prevPublishXRPMRepo, "/publishxrpms")
            if rpmFile.find("stage/RPMS"):
                rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.rpmPath, constants.topDirPath + "/RPMS")
            rpmFiles += " " + rpmFile
            packages += " " + package

        self.logger.debug("Installing rpms: " + packages)
        cmd = "rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force " + rpmFiles
        self.logger.debug("VDBG-TCU-installCustomToolChainRPMSinContainer: Installing rpms cmd: " +
        tcInstallLog = containerID.exec_run(cmd)
        # TODO: Find a way to collect exit status of the command that was run.
        if not tcInstallLog:
            self.logger.error("Installing tool chain in container failed")
            raise Exception("RPM installation in container failed")"Successfully installed all tool-chain XRPMS in container: " +