diff -rupN cloud-init-0.7.9/cloudinit/distros/photon.py cloud-init-0.7.9-new/cloudinit/distros/photon.py
--- cloud-init-0.7.9/cloudinit/distros/photon.py	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ cloud-init-0.7.9-new/cloudinit/distros/photon.py	2017-05-15 05:13:49.156848344 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# vi: ts=4 expandtab
+# Copyright (C) 2017 VMware Inc.
+#    Author: Mahmoud Bassiouny <mbassiouny@vmware.com>
+import os
+from cloudinit import distros
+from cloudinit import helpers
+from cloudinit import log as logging
+from cloudinit import util
+from cloudinit.distros import net_util
+from cloudinit.distros.parsers.hostname import HostnameConf
+from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Distro(distros.Distro):
+    hostname_conf_fn = "/etc/hostname"
+    locale_conf_fn = "/etc/default/locale"
+    network_conf_dir = "/etc/systemd/network/"
+    resolve_conf_fn = "/etc/systemd/resolved.conf"
+    init_cmd = ['systemctl']  # init scripts
+    def __init__(self, name, cfg, paths):
+        distros.Distro.__init__(self, name, cfg, paths)
+        # This will be used to restrict certain
+        # calls from repeatly happening (when they
+        # should only happen say once per instance...)
+        self._runner = helpers.Runners(paths)
+        self.osfamily = 'photon'
+    def apply_locale(self, locale, out_fn=None):
+        if not out_fn:
+            out_fn = self.locale_conf_fn
+        util.subp(['locale-gen', locale], capture=False)
+        util.subp(['update-locale', locale], capture=False)
+        # "" provides trailing newline during join
+        lines = [
+            util.make_header(),
+            'LANG="%s"' % (locale),
+            "",
+        ]
+        util.write_file(out_fn, "\n".join(lines))
+    def install_packages(self, pkglist):
+        #self.update_package_sources()
+        self.package_command('install', pkgs=pkglist)
+    def _write_network(self, settings):
+        entries = net_util.translate_network(settings)
+        LOG.debug("Translated ubuntu style network settings %s into %s",
+                  settings, entries)
+        route_entries = []
+        route_entries = translate_routes(settings)
+        dev_names = entries.keys()
+        dev_index = 10;
+        nameservers = []
+        searchdomains = []
+        # Format for systemd
+        for (dev, info) in entries.items():
+            if dev == 'lo':
+                continue
+            net_fn = self.network_conf_dir + str(dev_index) + '-' + dev + '.network'
+            dhcp_enabled = 'no'
+            if info.get('bootproto') == 'dhcp':
+                dhcp_enabled = 'yes'        
+            net_cfg = {
+                'Name': dev,
+                'DHCP': dhcp_enabled,
+            }
+            if info.get('hwaddress'):
+                net_cfg['MACAddress'] = info.get('hwaddress')
+            if info.get('address'):
+                net_cfg['Address'] = "%s" % (info.get('address'))
+                if info.get('netmask'):
+                    net_cfg['Address'] += "/%s" % (info.get('netmask'))
+            if info.get('gateway'):
+                net_cfg['Gateway'] = info.get('gateway')
+            if info.get('dns-nameservers'):
+                net_cfg['DNS'] = str(tuple(info.get('dns-nameservers'))).replace(',', '')
+            if info.get('dns-search'):
+                net_cfg['Domains'] = str(tuple(info.get('dns-search'))).replace(',', '')
+            route_entry = []
+            if dev in route_entries:
+                route_entry = route_entries[dev]
+                route_index = 0
+                found = True
+                while found:
+                    route_name = 'routes.' + str(route_index)
+                    if route_name in route_entries[dev]:
+                        val = str(tuple(route_entries[dev][route_name])).replace(',', '')
+                        if val:
+                            net_cfg[route_name] = val
+                    else:
+                        found = False
+                    route_index += 1
+            if info.get('auto'):
+                self._write_interface_file(net_fn, net_cfg, route_entry)
+            if 'dns-nameservers' in info:
+                nameservers.extend(info['dns-nameservers'])
+            if 'dns-search' in info:
+                searchdomains.extend(info['dns-search'])
+            dev_index = dev_index + 1;
+        resolve_data = []
+        new_resolve_data = []
+        with open(self.resolve_conf_fn, "r") as rf:
+            resolve_data = rf.readlines()
+        LOG.debug("Old Resolve Data\n")
+        LOG.debug("%s",resolve_data)
+        for item in resolve_data:
+            if (nameservers and ('DNS=' in item)) or (searchdomains and ('Domains=' in item)):
+                continue
+            else:
+                new_resolve_data.append(item)
+        new_resolve_data = new_resolve_data +  convert_resolv_conf(nameservers, searchdomains)
+        LOG.debug("New resolve data\n")
+        LOG.debug("%s",new_resolve_data)
+        if nameservers or searchdomains:
+            util.write_file(self.resolve_conf_fn, ''.join(new_resolve_data))
+        return dev_names
+    def _write_interface_file(self, net_fn, net_cfg, route_entry):
+        if not net_cfg['Name']:
+            return
+        content = "[Match]\n"
+        content += "Name=%s\n" % (net_cfg['Name'])
+        if 'MACAddress' in net_cfg:
+            content += "MACAddress=%s\n" % (net_cfg['MACAddress'])
+        content += "[Network]\n"
+        if 'DHCP' in net_cfg and net_cfg['DHCP'] == 'yes':
+            content += "DHCP=%s\n" % (net_cfg['DHCP'])
+        else:
+            if 'Address' in net_cfg:
+                content += "Address=%s\n" % (net_cfg['Address'])
+            if 'Gateway' in net_cfg:
+                content += "Gateway=%s\n" % (net_cfg['Gateway'])
+            route_index = 0
+            found = True
+            if route_entry:
+                while found:
+                    route_name = 'routes.' + str(route_index)
+                    if route_name in route_entry:
+                        content += "[Route]\n"
+                        if len(route_entry[route_name]) != 2:
+                            continue
+                        content += "Gateway=%s\n" % (route_entry[route_name][0])
+                        content += "Destination=%s\n" % (route_entry[route_name][1])
+                    else:
+                        found = False
+                    route_index += 1
+        util.write_file(net_fn, content)
+    def _bring_up_interfaces(self, device_names):
+        cmd = ['systemctl', 'restart', 'systemd-networkd', 'systemd-resolved']
+        LOG.debug("Attempting to run bring up interfaces using command %s",
+                  cmd)
+        try:
+            (_out, err) = util.subp(cmd)
+            if len(err):
+                LOG.warn("Running %s resulted in stderr output: %s", cmd, err)
+            return True
+        except util.ProcessExecutionError:
+            util.logexc(LOG, "Running network bringup command %s failed", cmd)
+            return False
+    def _select_hostname(self, hostname, fqdn):
+        # Prefer the short hostname over the long
+        # fully qualified domain name
+        if not hostname:
+            return fqdn
+        return hostname
+    def _write_hostname(self, your_hostname, out_fn):
+        conf = None
+        try:
+            # Try to update the previous one
+            # so lets see if we can read it first.
+            conf = self._read_hostname_conf(out_fn)
+        except IOError:
+            pass
+        if not conf:
+            conf = HostnameConf('')
+        conf.set_hostname(your_hostname)
+        util.write_file(out_fn, str(conf), mode=0o644)
+    def _read_system_hostname(self):
+        sys_hostname = self._read_hostname(self.hostname_conf_fn)
+        return (self.hostname_conf_fn, sys_hostname)
+    def _read_hostname_conf(self, filename):
+        conf = HostnameConf(util.load_file(filename))
+        conf.parse()
+        return conf
+    def _read_hostname(self, filename, default=None):
+        hostname = None
+        try:
+            conf = self._read_hostname_conf(filename)
+            hostname = conf.hostname
+        except IOError:
+            pass
+        if not hostname:
+            return default
+        return hostname
+    def _get_localhost_ip(self):
+        return ""
+    def set_timezone(self, tz):
+        distros.set_etc_timezone(tz=tz, tz_file=self._find_tz_file(tz))
+    def package_command(self, command, args=None, pkgs=None):
+        if pkgs is None:
+            pkgs = []
+        cmd = ['tdnf']
+        # Determines whether or not tdnf prompts for confirmation
+        # of critical actions. We don't want to prompt...
+        cmd.append("-y")
+        if args and isinstance(args, str):
+            cmd.append(args)
+        elif args and isinstance(args, list):
+            cmd.extend(args)
+        cmd.append(command)
+        pkglist = util.expand_package_list('%s-%s', pkgs)
+        cmd.extend(pkglist)
+        # Allow the output of this to flow outwards (ie not be captured)
+        util.subp(cmd, capture=False)
+    def update_package_sources(self):
+        self._runner.run("update-sources", self.package_command,
+                         ["makecache"], freq=PER_INSTANCE)
+def convert_resolv_conf(nameservers, searchdomains):
+    """Returns a string formatted for resolv.conf."""
+    result = []
+    if nameservers:
+        nslist = "DNS="
+        for ns in nameservers:
+            nslist = nslist + '%s ' % ns
+        nslist = nslist + '\n'
+        result.append(str(nslist))
+    if searchdomains:
+        sdlist = "Domains="
+        for sd in searchdomains:
+            sdlist = sdlist + '%s ' % sd
+        sdlist = sdlist + '\n'
+        result.append(str(sdlist))
+    return result
+def translate_routes(settings):
+    entries = []
+    for line in settings.splitlines():
+        line = line.strip()
+        if not line or line.startswith("#"):
+            continue
+        split_up = line.split(None, 1)
+        if len(split_up) <= 1:
+            continue
+        entries.append(split_up)
+    consume = {}
+    ifaces = []
+    for (cmd, args) in entries:
+        if cmd == 'iface':
+            if consume:
+                ifaces.append(consume)
+                consume = {}
+            consume[cmd] = args
+        else:
+            consume[cmd] = args
+    absorb = False
+    for (cmd, args) in consume.items():
+        if cmd == 'iface':
+            absorb = True
+    if absorb:
+        ifaces.append(consume)
+    out_ifaces = {}
+    for info in ifaces:
+        if 'iface' not in info:
+            continue
+        iface_details = info['iface'].split(None)
+        dev_name = None
+        if len(iface_details) >= 1:
+            dev = iface_details[0].strip().lower()
+            if dev:
+                dev_name = dev
+        if not dev_name:
+            continue
+        route_info = {}
+        route_index = 0
+        found = True
+        while found:
+            route_name = 'routes.' + str(route_index)
+            if route_name in info:
+                val = info[route_name].split()
+                if val:
+                    route_info[route_name] = val
+            else:
+                found = False
+            route_index += 1
+        if dev_name in out_ifaces:
+            out_ifaces[dev_name].update(route_info)
+        else:
+            out_ifaces[dev_name] = route_info
+    return out_ifaces