from Logger import Logger

class constants(object):
    specPath = ""
    sourcePath = ""
    rpmPath = ""
    logPath = ""
    logLevel = "info"
    topDirPath = ""
    buildRootPath = "/mnt"
    prevPublishRPMRepo = ""
    prevPublishXRPMRepo = ""
    pullsourcesURL = ""
    extrasourcesURLs = {}
    buildPatch = False
    inputRPMSPath = ""
    rpmCheck = False
    sourceRpmPath = ""
    publishBuildDependencies = False
    packageWeightsPath = None
    dockerUnixSocket = "/var/run/docker.sock"
    buildContainerImage = "photon_build_container:latest"
    userDefinedMacros = {}
    dist = None
    buildNumber = None
    releaseVersion = None
    katBuild = None
    testForceRPMS = []
    tmpDirPath = "/dev/shm"
    buildOptions = {}
    # will be extended later from listMakeCheckRPMPkgtoInstall
    listMakeCheckRPMPkgWithVersionstoInstall = None

    noDepsPackageList = [

    # These packages will be built in first order as build-core-toolchain stage
    listCoreToolChainPackages = [

    # These packages will be built in a second stage to replace publish RPMS
    listToolChainPackages = [

    # List or RPMS that will be installed in a chroot prior to build each
    # package. This list should be ordered by install order. On a stage1
    # and stage2 published rpms will/might be used after stage2 only local
    # RPMS will be used
    listToolChainRPMsToInstall = [

    # List of RPMs which are not published. They will be created during the
    # build process
    listOfRPMsProvidedAfterBuild = [

    # List of packages that will be installed in addition for each
    # package to make check
    listMakeCheckRPMPkgtoInstall = [

    # List of packages that requires privileged docker
    # to run make check.
    listReqPrivilegedDockerForTest = [
        "elfutils", # SYS_PTRACE

    # List of Packages which causes "Makecheck" job
    # to stuck indefinately or getting failed.
    # Until these pkgs %check is fixed, these pkgs will be
    # skip to run makecheck.
    listMakeCheckPkgToSkip = [

    # .spec file might contain lines such as
    # Requires(post):/sbin/useradd
    # Build system should interpret it as
    # Requires: shadow
    providedBy = {

    def setSpecPath(specPath):
        constants.specPath = specPath

    def setSourcePath(sourcePath):
        constants.sourcePath = sourcePath

    def setRpmPath(rpmPath):
        constants.rpmPath = rpmPath

    def setSourceRpmPath(sourceRpmPath):
        constants.sourceRpmPath = sourceRpmPath

    def setTopDirPath(topDirPath):
        constants.topDirPath = topDirPath

    def setLogLevel(logLevel):
        constants.logLevel = logLevel

    def setLogPath(logPath):
        constants.logPath = logPath

    def setPrevPublishRPMRepo(prevPublishRPMRepo):
        constants.prevPublishRPMRepo = prevPublishRPMRepo

    def setPrevPublishXRPMRepo(prevPublishXRPMRepo):
        constants.prevPublishXRPMRepo = prevPublishXRPMRepo

    def setBuildRootPath(buildRootPath):
        constants.buildRootPath = buildRootPath

    def setPullSourcesURL(url):
        constants.pullsourcesURL = url

    def setExtraSourcesURLs(packageName, urls):
        constants.extrasourcesURLs[packageName] = urls

    def getPullSourcesURLs(packageName):
        if packageName in constants.extrasourcesURLs:
        return urls

    def setInputRPMSPath(inputRPMSPath):
        constants.inputRPMSPath = inputRPMSPath

    def setRPMCheck(rpmCheck):
        constants.rpmCheck = rpmCheck

    def setRpmCheckStopOnError(rpmCheckStopOnError):
        constants.rpmCheckStopOnError = rpmCheckStopOnError

    def setPublishBuildDependencies(publishBuildDependencies):
        constants.publishBuildDependencies = publishBuildDependencies

    def setPackageWeightsPath(packageWeightsPath):
        constants.packageWeightsPath = packageWeightsPath

    def setDist(dist):
        constants.dist = dist

    def setBuildNumber(buildNumber):
        constants.buildNumber = buildNumber

    def setReleaseVersion(releaseVersion):
        constants.releaseVersion = releaseVersion

    def setKatBuild(katBuild):
        constants.katBuild = katBuild

    def initialize():
        if constants.rpmCheck:
            constants.testLogger = Logger.getLogger("MakeCheckTest",
                                                    constants.logPath, constants.logLevel)
            constants.addMacro("with_check", "1")
            constants.addMacro("with_check", "0")

        # adding distribution rpm macro
        if constants.dist is not None:
            constants.addMacro("dist", constants.dist)

        # adding buildnumber rpm macro
        if constants.buildNumber is not None:
            constants.addMacro("photon_build_number", constants.buildNumber)

        # adding releasenumber rpm macro
        if constants.releaseVersion is not None:
            constants.addMacro("photon_release_version", constants.releaseVersion)

        if constants.katBuild is not None:
            constants.addMacro("kat_build", constants.katBuild)

    def setTestForceRPMS(listsPackages):
        constants.testForceRPMS = listsPackages

    def addMacro(macroName, macroValue):
        constants.userDefinedMacros[macroName] = macroValue

    def setBuildOptions(options):
        constants.buildOptions = options

    def getAdditionalMacros(package):
        macros = {}
        if package in constants.buildOptions.keys():
            pkg = constants.buildOptions[package]
            for m in pkg["macros"]:
                k, v = m.split(' ', 1)
                macros[k] = v
        return macros