from window import Window from windowstringreader import WindowStringReader from textpane import TextPane from readmultext import ReadMulText from confirmwindow import ConfirmWindow from actionresult import ActionResult from device import Device class PartitionISO(object): def __init__(self, maxy, maxx, install_config): self.maxx = maxx self.maxy = maxy self.win_width = maxx - 4 self.win_height = maxy - 4 self.install_config = install_config self.path_checker = [] self.win_starty = (self.maxy - self.win_height) / 2 self.win_startx = (self.maxx - self.win_width) / 2 self.text_starty = self.win_starty + 4 self.text_height = self.win_height - 6 self.text_width = self.win_width - 6 self.install_config['partitionsnumber'] = 0 self.devices = Device.refresh_devices_bytes() self.has_slash = False self.has_remain = False self.has_empty = False self.disk_size = [] for index, device in enumerate(self.devices): self.disk_size.append((device.path, int(device.size) / 1048576)) self.window = Window(self.win_height, self.win_width, self.maxy, self.maxx, 'Welcome to the Photon installer', False, items=[], can_go_next=False) Device.refresh_devices() def display(self, params): if 'skipPrevs' in self.install_config and self.install_config['skipPrevs'] == True: self.delete() return ActionResult(False, {'goBack':True}) if 'autopartition' in self.install_config and self.install_config['autopartition'] == True: return ActionResult(True, None) if 'delete_partition' in self.install_config and self.install_config['delete_partition'] == True: self.delete() self.install_config['delete_partition']=False self.device_index = self.install_config['diskindex'] self.disk_buttom_items = [] self.disk_buttom_items.append(('', self.disk_buttom_items.append(('', self.create_function)) self.disk_buttom_items.append(('', self.delete_function)) self.disk_buttom_items.append(('', self.go_back)) self.text_items = [] self.text_items.append(('Disk', 20)) self.text_items.append(('Size', 5)) self.text_items.append(('Type', 5)) self.text_items.append(('Mountpoint', 20)) self.table_space = 5 title = 'Current partitions:\n' self.window.addstr(0, (self.win_width - len(title)) / 2, title) info = "Unpartitioned space: "+str(self.disk_size[self.device_index][1])+ " MB, Total size: "+ str(int(self.devices[self.device_index].size)/ 1048576)+" MB" self.text_pane = TextPane(self.text_starty, self.maxx, self.text_width, "EULA.txt", self.text_height, self.disk_buttom_items, partition = True, popupWindow = True, install_config = self.install_config, text_items = self.text_items, table_space=self.table_space, default_start=1, info=info, size_left=str(self.disk_size[self.device_index][1])) self.window.set_action_panel(self.text_pane) return self.window.do_action() def validate_partition(self, pstr): if not pstr: return ActionResult(False, None) sizedata = pstr[0] mtdata = pstr[2] typedata = pstr[1] devicedata = self.devices[self.device_index].path #no empty fields unless swap if typedata == 'swap' and (len(mtdata)!=0 or len(typedata) == 0 or len(devicedata) == 0): return False, "invalid swap data " if typedata != 'swap' and (len(sizedata) == 0 or len(mtdata) == 0 or len(typedata) == 0 or len(devicedata) == 0): if not self.has_empty and len(mtdata) != 0 and len(typedata) != 0 and len(devicedata) != 0: self.has_empty = True else: return False, "Input cannot be empty" if typedata !='swap' and typedata!='ext3' and typedata!='ext4': return False, "Invalid type" if len(mtdata)!=0 and mtdata[0] !='/': return False, "Invalid path" if mtdata in self.path_checker: return False, "Path already existed" #validate disk: must be one of the existing disks i = self.device_index #valid size: must not exceed memory limit curr_size = self.disk_size[i][1] if len(sizedata)!=0: try: int(sizedata) except ValueError: return False, "invalid device size" if int(curr_size) - int(sizedata) < 0: return False, "invalid device size" #if valid, update the size and return true new_size = (self.disk_size[i][0], int(curr_size)- int(sizedata)) self.disk_size[i] =new_size if mtdata=="/": self.has_slash=True self.path_checker.append(mtdata) return True, None def create_function(self): self.window.hide_window() self.install_config['partition_disk'] = self.devices[self.device_index].path self.partition_items = [] self.partition_items.append(('Size in MB: '+str(self.disk_size[self.device_index][1])+' available')) self.partition_items.append(('Type: (ext3, ext4, swap)')) self.partition_items.append(('Mountpoint:')) self.create_window = ReadMulText( self.maxy, self.maxx, 0, self.install_config, str(self.install_config['partitionsnumber']) + 'partition_info', self.partition_items, None, None, None, self.validate_partition, #validation function of the input None, True, ) result = self.create_window.do_action() if result.success: self.install_config['partitionsnumber'] = self.install_config['partitionsnumber'] + 1 #parse the input in install config return self.display(False) def delete_function(self): self.delete() return self.display(False) def go_back(self): self.delete() self.window.hide_window() self.text_pane.hide() return ActionResult(False, {'goBack':True}) def next(self): if self.install_config['partitionsnumber'] == 0: window_height=9 window_width=40 window_starty=(self.maxy-window_height)/2+5 confirm_window=ConfirmWindow(window_height,window_width,self.maxy, self.maxx, window_starty, 'Partition information cannot be empty', info=True) confirm_window.do_action() return self.display(False) #must have / if not self.has_slash: window_height=9 window_width=40 window_starty=(self.maxy-window_height)/2+5 confirm_window=ConfirmWindow(window_height,window_width,self.maxy, self.maxx, window_starty, 'Missing /', info=True) confirm_window.do_action() return self.display(False) self.window.hide_window() self.text_pane.hide() return ActionResult(True, {'goNext':True}) def delete(self): for i in range(int(self.install_config['partitionsnumber'])): self.install_config[str(i)+'partition_info'+str(0)] = '' self.install_config[str(i)+'partition_info'+str(1)] = '' self.install_config[str(i)+'partition_info'+str(2)] = '' self.install_config[str(i)+'partition_info'+str(3)] = '' del self.disk_size[:] for index, device in enumerate(self.devices): self.disk_size.append((device.path, int(device.size) / 1048576)) del self.path_checker[:] self.has_slash = False self.has_remain = False self.has_empty = False self.install_config['partitionsnumber'] = 0