# # Copyright (C) 2015 vmware inc. # # Author: Mahmoud Bassiouny import curses import threading import math from curses import panel class ProgressBar(object): def __init__(self, starty, startx, width, new_win=False): self.timer = None self.loadding_timer = None self.timer_lock = threading.Lock() self.loadding_timer_lock = threading.Lock() self.loading_interval = 0.4 self.loading_chars = [' ', '. ', '.. ', '... ', '....'] self.loading_count = 0 self.width = width - 1 self.window = curses.newwin(5, width) self.window.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(2)) #defaultbackground color self.progress = 0 self.new_win = new_win self.x=startx self.y=starty if new_win: self.contentwin = curses.newwin(7, width+2) self.contentwin.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(2)) #Default Window color self.contentwin.erase() self.contentwin.box() self.contentpanel = curses.panel.new_panel(self.contentwin) self.contentpanel.move(starty-1, startx-1) self.contentpanel.hide() self.panel = panel.new_panel(self.window) self.panel.move(starty, startx) self.panel.hide() panel.update_panels() def initialize(self, init_message): self.num_items = 0 self.message = init_message self.time_elapsed = 0 self.time_remaining = 60 self.timer = threading.Timer(1, self.update_time) self.timer.start() def update_num_items(self, num_items): self.num_items = num_items def update_message(self, message): self.message = message self.render_message() def increment(self, step = 1): self.progress += step self.render_progress() def update_time(self): with self.timer_lock: if self.timer != None: self.timer = threading.Timer(1, self.update_time) self.timer.start() self.time_elapsed += 1 if self.progress == 0: self.time_remaining = 60 else: self.time_remaining = int(math.ceil(self.time_elapsed * self.num_items / float(self.progress))) - self.time_elapsed self.render_time() def render_message(self): text = self.message + (' ' * (self.width - len(self.message))) self.window.addstr(2, 0, text) self.window.refresh() def render_progress(self): if self.num_items == 0: return completed = self.progress * 100 // self.num_items completed_width = completed * self.width // 100 completed_str, remaining_str = self.get_spaces(completed_width, self.width, completed) self.window.addstr(0, 0, completed_str, curses.color_pair(3)) self.window.addstr(0, completed_width, remaining_str, curses.color_pair(1)) self.window.refresh() def render_time(self): timemessage = 'Elapsed time: {0} secs'.format(self.time_elapsed) #timemessage += ', remaining time: {0} secs'.format(self.time_remaining) text = timemessage + (' ' * (self.width - len(timemessage))) self.window.addstr(4, 0, text) self.window.refresh() def refresh(self): self.window.clear() self.render_message() self.render_time() self.render_progress() def show(self): if self.new_win: self.contentpanel.top() self.contentpanel.move(self.y-1, self.x-1) self.contentpanel.show() self.refresh() self.panel.top() self.panel.show() panel.update_panels() curses.doupdate() def update_loading_symbol(self): with self.loadding_timer_lock: if self.loadding_timer != None: self.loadding_timer = threading.Timer(self.loading_interval, self.update_loading_symbol) self.loadding_timer.start() self.loading_count += 1 self.render_loading() def render_loading(self): self.window.addstr(0, self.message_len + 1, self.loading_chars[self.loading_count % len(self.loading_chars)]) self.window.refresh() def show_loading(self, message): self.loadding_timer = threading.Timer(self.loading_interval, self.update_loading_symbol) self.loadding_timer.start() self.update_loading_message(message) def update_loading_message(self, message): self.message_len = len(message) spaces = ' ' * self.width self.update_message(' ') self.window.addstr(0, 0, spaces) self.window.addstr(0, 0, message) self.render_loading() def hide(self): with self.timer_lock: if self.timer != None: self.timer.cancel() self.timer = None with self.loadding_timer_lock: if self.loadding_timer != None: self.loadding_timer.cancel() self.loadding_timer = None if self.new_win: self.contentpanel.hide() self.panel.hide() panel.update_panels() def get_spaces(self, completed_width, total_width, per): per = str(per) + '%' start = (total_width + 2 - len(per)) // 2 end = start + len(per) index = 0 completed_spaces = '' remaining_spaces = '' for i in range(completed_width): if (i in range(start, end)): completed_spaces += per[index] index += 1 else: completed_spaces += ' ' for i in range(completed_width, total_width): if (i in range(start, end)): remaining_spaces += per[index] index += 1 else: remaining_spaces += ' ' return completed_spaces, remaining_spaces