%{!?python2_sitelib: %define python2_sitelib %(python2 -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib;print(get_python_lib())")} %{!?python3_sitelib: %define python3_sitelib %(python3 -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib;print(get_python_lib())")} Name: PyYAML Version: 3.12 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: YAML parser and emitter for Python Group: Development/Libraries License: MIT URL: http://pyyaml.org/ Source0: http://pyyaml.org/download/pyyaml/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz %define sha1 PyYAML=cb7fd3e58c129494ee86e41baedfec69eb7dafbe BuildRequires: python2 BuildRequires: python2-libs BuildRequires: python2-devel BuildRequires: libyaml-devel Requires: python2 Requires: python2-libs Requires: libyaml %description YAML is a data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages. PyYAML is a YAML parser and emitter for Python. PyYAML features a complete YAML 1.1 parser, Unicode support, pickle support, capable extension API, and sensible error messages. PyYAML supports standard YAML tags and provides Python-specific tags that allow to represent an arbitrary Python object. PyYAML is applicable for a broad range of tasks from complex configuration files to object serialization and persistence. %package -n python3-PyYAML Summary: python3-PyYAML BuildRequires: python3 BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-libs BuildRequires: libyaml-devel Requires: python3 Requires: python3-libs Requires: libyaml %description -n python3-PyYAML Python 3 version. %prep %setup -q -n PyYAML-%{version} rm -rf ../p3dir cp -a . ../p3dir %build python2 setup.py build pushd ../p3dir python3 setup.py build popd %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir} python2 setup.py install --skip-build --prefix=%{_prefix} --root=%{buildroot} chmod a-x examples/yaml-highlight/yaml_hl.py pushd ../p3dir python3 setup.py install --skip-build --prefix=%{_prefix} --root=%{buildroot} chmod a-x examples/yaml-highlight/yaml_hl.py popd %check python2 setup.py test pushd ../p3dir python3 setup.py test popd %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc PKG-INFO README LICENSE examples %{python2_sitelib}/* %files -n python3-PyYAML %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc PKG-INFO README LICENSE examples %{python3_sitelib}/* %changelog * Tue May 16 2017 Kumar Kaushik 3.12-2 - Adding python3 support. * Tue Apr 18 2017 Dheeraj Shetty 3.12-1 - Updated version to 3.12 * Tue May 24 2016 Priyesh Padmavilasom 3.11-2 - GA - Bump release of all rpms * Wed Mar 04 2015 Mahmoud Bassiouny - Initial packaging for Photon