from CommandUtils import CommandUtils from Logger import Logger import os import shutil from constants import constants import re from time import sleep import PullSources import json import collections from SpecData import SPECS class PackageUtils(object): def __init__(self,logName=None,logPath=None): if logName is None: self.logName = "PackageUtils" if logPath is None: logPath = constants.logPath self.logName=logName self.logPath=logPath self.logger=Logger.getLogger(logName,logPath) self.runInChrootCommand="./ " + constants.sourcePath + " " + constants.rpmPath; self.rpmBinary = "rpm" self.installRPMPackageOptions = "-Uvh" self.nodepsRPMPackageOptions = "--nodeps" self.rpmbuildBinary = "rpmbuild" self.rpmbuildBuildallOption = "-ba --clean" self.rpmbuildNocheckOption = "--nocheck" self.rpmbuildCheckOption ="-bi --clean" self.queryRpmPackageOptions = "-qa" self.forceRpmPackageOptions = "--force" self.replaceRpmPackageOptions = "--replacepkgs" self.adjustGCCSpecScript="" self.rpmFilesToInstallInAOneShot="" self.packagesToInstallInAOneShot="" self.noDepsRPMFilesToInstallInAOneShot="" self.noDepsPackagesToInstallInAOneShot="" self.rpmFilesToReInstallInAOneShot="" self.noDepsRPMFilesToReInstallInAOneShot="" def getRPMArch(self,rpmName): arch="" if rpmName.find("x86_64") != -1: arch="x86_64" elif rpmName.find("noarch") != -1: arch="noarch" return arch def getRPMDestDir(self,rpmName,rpmDir): arch = self.getRPMArch(rpmName) rpmDestDir=rpmDir+"/"+arch return rpmDestDir def copyRPM(self,rpmFile,destDir): cmdUtils = CommandUtils() rpmName=os.path.basename(rpmFile) rpmDestDir=self.getRPMDestDir(rpmName,destDir) rpmDestPath=rpmDestDir+"/"+rpmName if os.geteuid()==0: if not os.path.isdir(rpmDestDir): cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p "+rpmDestDir) shutil.copyfile(rpmFile, rpmDestPath) return rpmDestPath def installRPM(self,package,chrootID,noDeps=False,destLogPath=None): #"Installing rpm for package:"+package) # self.logger.debug("No deps:"+str(noDeps)) rpmfile=self.findRPMFileForGivenPackage(package) if rpmfile is None: self.logger.error("No rpm file found for package:"+package) raise Exception("Missing rpm file: "+package) rpmDestFile = self.copyRPM(rpmfile, chrootID+constants.topDirPath+"/RPMS") rpmFile=rpmDestFile.replace(chrootID,"") if noDeps: self.noDepsRPMFilesToInstallInAOneShot += " " + rpmFile self.noDepsPackagesToInstallInAOneShot += " " + package else: self.rpmFilesToInstallInAOneShot += " " + rpmFile self.packagesToInstallInAOneShot += " " + package def installRPMSInAOneShot(self,chrootID,destLogPath): chrootCmd=self.runInChrootCommand+" "+chrootID rpmInstallcmd=self.rpmBinary+" "+ self.installRPMPackageOptions if self.noDepsRPMFilesToInstallInAOneShot != "":"Installing nodeps rpms: " + self.noDepsPackagesToInstallInAOneShot) logFile=chrootID+constants.topDirPath+"/LOGS/install_rpms_nodeps.log" cmdUtils = CommandUtils() cmd = rpmInstallcmd+" "+self.nodepsRPMPackageOptions + " " + self.noDepsRPMFilesToInstallInAOneShot returnVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(cmd, logFile, chrootCmd) if destLogPath is not None: shutil.copy2(logFile, destLogPath) if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Unable to install rpms") raise Exception("RPM installation failed") if self.rpmFilesToInstallInAOneShot != "":"Installing rpms: " + self.packagesToInstallInAOneShot) logFile=chrootID+constants.topDirPath+"/LOGS/install_rpms.log" cmdUtils = CommandUtils() cmd=rpmInstallcmd+" "+self.rpmFilesToInstallInAOneShot returnVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(cmd, logFile, chrootCmd) if destLogPath is not None: shutil.copy2(logFile, destLogPath) if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Unable to install rpms") raise Exception("RPM installation failed") def verifyShaAndGetSourcePath(self, source, package): cmdUtils = CommandUtils() # Fetch/verify sources if sha1 not None. sha1 = SPECS.getData().getSHA1(package, source) if sha1 is not None: PullSources.get(source, sha1, constants.sourcePath, constants.pullsourcesConfig, self.logger) sourcePath = cmdUtils.findFile(source,constants.sourcePath) if sourcePath is None or len(sourcePath) == 0: sourcePath = cmdUtils.findFile(source,constants.specPath) if sourcePath is None or len(sourcePath) == 0: if sha1 is None: self.logger.error("No sha1 found or missing source for "+source) raise Exception("No sha1 found or missing source for "+source) else: self.logger.error("Missing source: "+source+". Cannot find sources for package: "+package) raise Exception("Missing source") else: if sha1 is None: self.logger.error("No sha1 found for "+source) raise Exception("No sha1 found") if len(sourcePath) > 1: self.logger.error("Multiple sources found for source:"+source+"\n"+ ",".join(sourcePath) +"\nUnable to determine one.") raise Exception("Multiple sources found") return sourcePath def copySourcesTobuildroot(self,listSourceFiles,package,destDir): for source in listSourceFiles: sourcePath = self.verifyShaAndGetSourcePath(source, package)"Copying... Source path :" + source + " Source filename: " + sourcePath[0]) shutil.copy2(sourcePath[0], destDir) def copyAdditionalBuildFiles(self,listAdditionalFiles,chrootID): cmdUtils = CommandUtils() for additionalFile in listAdditionalFiles: source = additionalFile["src"].encode('utf-8') destDir = chrootID + additionalFile["dst"].encode('utf-8') if os.path.exists(source): if os.path.isfile(source): shutil.copy(source, destDir) else: shutil.copytree(source, destDir) def getAdditionalBuildFiles(self, package, pkgBuildOptionFile): listAdditionalFiles = [] macros = [] jsonData = open(pkgBuildOptionFile) pkg_build_option_json = json.load(jsonData, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) jsonData.close() pkgs_sorted = pkg_build_option_json.items() for pkg in pkgs_sorted: p = str(pkg[0].encode('utf-8')) if p == package: filelist = pkg[1]["files"] for f in filelist: listAdditionalFiles.append(f) macrolist = pkg[1]["macros"] for macro in macrolist: macros.append(str(macro.encode('utf-8'))) return listAdditionalFiles, macros def buildRPMSForGivenPackage(self,package,chrootID,listBuildOptionPackages,pkgBuildOptionFile,destLogPath=None):"Building rpm's for package:"+package) listSourcesFiles = SPECS.getData().getSources(package) listPatchFiles = SPECS.getData().getPatches(package) specFile = SPECS.getData().getSpecFile(package) specName = SPECS.getData().getSpecName(package) + ".spec" chrootSourcePath=chrootID+constants.topDirPath+"/SOURCES/" chrootSpecPath=constants.topDirPath+"/SPECS/" chrootLogsFilePath=chrootID+constants.topDirPath+"/LOGS/"+package+".log" chrootCmd=self.runInChrootCommand+" "+chrootID shutil.copyfile(specFile, chrootID+chrootSpecPath+specName ) # FIXME: some sources are located in SPECS/.. how to mount? # if os.geteuid()==0: self.copySourcesTobuildroot(listSourcesFiles,package,chrootSourcePath) self.copySourcesTobuildroot(listPatchFiles,package,chrootSourcePath) macros = [] if package in listBuildOptionPackages: listAdditionalFiles, macros = self.getAdditionalBuildFiles(package, pkgBuildOptionFile) self.copyAdditionalBuildFiles(listAdditionalFiles,chrootID) #Adding rpm macros listRPMMacros = SPECS.getData().getRPMMacros() for macroName in listRPMMacros.keys(): macros.append(macroName+" "+listRPMMacros[macroName]) listRPMFiles=[] listSRPMFiles=[] try: listRPMFiles,listSRPMFiles = self.buildRPM(chrootSpecPath +specName,chrootLogsFilePath,chrootCmd,package,macros)"Successfully built rpm:"+package) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Failed while building rpm:"+package) raise e finally: if destLogPath is not None: if constants.rpmCheck and package in constants.testForceRPMS and SPECS.getData().isCheckAvailable(package): cmd="sed -i '/^Executing(%check):/,/^Processing files:/{//!b};d' "+ chrootLogsFilePath logFile = destLogPath+"/adjustTestFile.log" returnVal = CommandUtils().runCommandInShell(cmd, logFile) testLogFile = destLogPath+"/"+package+"-test.log" shutil.copyfile(chrootLogsFilePath, testLogFile) else: shutil.copy2(chrootLogsFilePath, destLogPath)"RPM build is successful") for rpmFile in listRPMFiles: self.copyRPM(chrootID+"/"+rpmFile, constants.rpmPath) for srpmFile in listSRPMFiles: srpmDestFile = self.copyRPM(chrootID+"/"+srpmFile, constants.sourceRpmPath) def buildRPM(self,specFile,logFile,chrootCmd,package,macros): rpmbuildDistOption = '--define \\\"dist %s\\\"' % constants.dist rpmBuildcmd=self.rpmbuildBinary+" "+self.rpmbuildBuildallOption+" "+rpmbuildDistOption if constants.rpmCheck and package in constants.testForceRPMS:"#"*(68+2*len(package))) if not SPECS.getData().isCheckAvailable(package):"####### "+package+" MakeCheck is not available. Skipping MakeCheck TEST for "+package+ " #######") rpmBuildcmd=self.rpmbuildBinary+" --clean" else:"####### "+package+" MakeCheck is available. Running MakeCheck TEST for "+package+ " #######") rpmBuildcmd=self.rpmbuildBinary+" "+self.rpmbuildCheckOption"#"*(68+2*len(package))) else: rpmBuildcmd+=" "+self.rpmbuildNocheckOption for macro in macros: rpmBuildcmd+=' --define \\\"%s\\\"' % macro rpmBuildcmd+=" "+specFile cmdUtils = CommandUtils()"Building rpm....") returnVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(rpmBuildcmd, logFile, chrootCmd) if constants.rpmCheck and package in constants.testForceRPMS: if not SPECS.getData().isCheckAvailable(package):" : N/A") elif returnVal:" : PASS") else: constants.testLogger.error(package+" : FAIL" ) if constants.rpmCheck: if not returnVal and constants.rpmCheckStopOnError: self.logger.error("Checking rpm is failed "+specFile) raise Exception("RPM check failed") else: if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Building rpm is failed "+specFile) raise Exception("RPM build failed") #Extracting rpms created from log file logfile=open(logFile,'r') fileContents=logfile.readlines() logfile.close() listRPMFiles=[] listSRPMFiles=[] for i in range(0,len(fileContents)): if"^Wrote:",fileContents[i]): listcontents=fileContents[i].split() if (len(listcontents) == 2) and listcontents[1].strip()[-4:] == ".rpm" and listcontents[1].find("/RPMS/") != -1: listRPMFiles.append(listcontents[1]) if (len(listcontents) == 2) and listcontents[1].strip()[-8:] == ".src.rpm" and listcontents[1].find("/SRPMS/") != -1: listSRPMFiles.append(listcontents[1]) return listRPMFiles,listSRPMFiles def findRPMFileForGivenPackage(self,package): cmdUtils = CommandUtils() version = SPECS.getData().getVersion(package) release = SPECS.getData().getRelease(package) listFoundRPMFiles = sum([cmdUtils.findFile(package+"-"+version+"-"+release+".x86_64.rpm",constants.rpmPath), cmdUtils.findFile(package+"-"+version+"-"+release+".noarch.rpm",constants.rpmPath)], []) if constants.inputRPMSPath is not None: listFoundRPMFiles = sum([cmdUtils.findFile(package+"-"+version+"-"+release+".x86_64.rpm",constants.inputRPMSPath), cmdUtils.findFile(package+"-"+version+"-"+release+".noarch.rpm",constants.inputRPMSPath)], listFoundRPMFiles) if len(listFoundRPMFiles) == 1 : return listFoundRPMFiles[0] if len(listFoundRPMFiles) == 0 : return None if len(listFoundRPMFiles) > 1 : self.logger.error("Found multiple rpm files for given package in rpm directory.Unable to determine the rpm file for package:"+package) raise Exception("Multiple rpm files found") def findPackageNameFromRPMFile(self,rpmfile): rpmfile=os.path.basename(rpmfile) releaseindex=rpmfile.rfind("-") if releaseindex == -1: self.logger.error("Invalid rpm file:"+rpmfile) raise Exception("Invalid RPM") versionindex=rpmfile[0:releaseindex].rfind("-") if versionindex == -1: self.logger.error("Invalid rpm file:"+rpmfile) raise Exception("Invalid RPM") packageName=rpmfile[0:versionindex] return packageName def findPackageInfoFromRPMFile(self,rpmfile): rpmfile=os.path.basename(rpmfile) rpmfile=rpmfile.replace(".x86_64.rpm","") rpmfile=rpmfile.replace(".noarch.rpm","") releaseindex=rpmfile.rfind("-") if releaseindex == -1: self.logger.error("Invalid rpm file:"+rpmfile) raise Exception("Invalid RPM") versionindex=rpmfile[0:releaseindex].rfind("-") if versionindex == -1: self.logger.error("Invalid rpm file:"+rpmfile) raise Exception("Invalid RPM") packageName=rpmfile[0:versionindex] version=rpmfile[versionindex+1:releaseindex] release=rpmfile[releaseindex+1:] return packageName,version,release def findInstalledRPMPackages(self, chrootID): cmd = self.rpmBinary+" "+self.queryRpmPackageOptions chrootCmd=self.runInChrootCommand+" "+chrootID cmdUtils=CommandUtils() result=cmdUtils.runCommandInShell2(cmd, chrootCmd) if result is not None: return result.split() return result def adjustGCCSpecs(self, package, chrootID, logPath): opt = " " + SPECS.getData().getSecurityHardeningOption(package) cmdUtils=CommandUtils() cpcmd="cp "+ self.adjustGCCSpecScript+" "+chrootID+"/tmp/"+self.adjustGCCSpecScript cmd = "/tmp/"+self.adjustGCCSpecScript+opt logFile = logPath+"/adjustGCCSpecScript.log" chrootCmd=self.runInChrootCommand+" "+chrootID returnVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(cpcmd, logFile) if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Error during copying the file adjust gcc spec") raise Exception("Failed while copying adjust gcc spec file") returnVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(cmd, logFile, chrootCmd) if returnVal: return self.logger.debug(cmdUtils.runCommandInShell2("ls -la " + chrootID + "/tmp/" + self.adjustGCCSpecScript)) self.logger.debug(cmdUtils.runCommandInShell2("lsof " + chrootID + "/tmp/" + self.adjustGCCSpecScript)) self.logger.debug(cmdUtils.runCommandInShell2("ps ax")) self.logger.error("Failed while adjusting gcc specs") raise Exception("Failed while adjusting gcc specs") def copySourcesToContainer(self, listSourceFiles, package, containerID, destDir): cmdUtils = CommandUtils() for source in listSourceFiles: sourcePath = self.verifyShaAndGetSourcePath(source, package)"Copying source file: " + sourcePath[0]) copyCmd = "docker cp " + sourcePath[0] + " " + containerID.short_id + ":" + destDir cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(copyCmd) def copyAdditionalBuildFilesToContainer(self, listAdditionalFiles, containerID): cmdUtils = CommandUtils() #self.logger.debug("VDBG-PU-copyAdditionalBuildFilesToContainer id: " +containerID.short_id) #self.logger.debug(listAdditionalFiles) for additionalFile in listAdditionalFiles: source = additionalFile["src"].encode('utf-8') destDir = additionalFile["dst"].encode('utf-8') destPath = containerID.short_id + ":" + destDir #TODO: exit status of exec_run containerID.exec_run("mkdir -p " + destDir) if os.path.exists(source): copyCmd = "docker cp " + source if os.path.isfile(source):"Copying addl source file: " + source) copyCmd += " " + destPath else:"Copying addl source file tree: " + source) copyCmd += "/. " + destPath #TODO: cmd error code cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(copyCmd) def getRPMPathInContainer(self, rpmFile, containerID): rpmName = os.path.basename(rpmFile) #TODO: Container path from constants if "PUBLISHRPMS" in rpmFile: rpmPath = "/publishrpms/" elif "PUBLISHXRPMS" in rpmFile: rpmPath = "/publishxrpms/" else: rpmPath = constants.topDirPath + "/RPMS/" if "noarch" in rpmFile: rpmPath += "noarch/" else: rpmPath += "x86_64/" rpmPath += rpmName return rpmPath def prepRPMforInstallInContainer(self, package, containerID, noDeps=False, destLogPath=None): rpmfile = self.findRPMFileForGivenPackage(package) if rpmfile is None: self.logger.error("No rpm file found for package: " + package) raise Exception("Missing rpm file") rpmDestFile = self.getRPMPathInContainer(rpmfile, containerID) if noDeps: self.noDepsRPMFilesToInstallInAOneShot += " " + rpmDestFile self.noDepsPackagesToInstallInAOneShot += " " + package if package in constants.listReInstallPackages: self.noDepsRPMFilesToReInstallInAOneShot += " " + rpmDestFile else: self.rpmFilesToInstallInAOneShot += " " + rpmDestFile self.packagesToInstallInAOneShot += " " + package if package in constants.listReInstallPackages: self.rmpFilesToReInstallInAOneShot += " " + rpmDestFile def installRPMSInAOneShotInContainer(self, containerID, destLogPath): rpmInstallcmd = self.rpmBinary + " " + self.installRPMPackageOptions + " " + self.forceRpmPackageOptions if self.noDepsRPMFilesToInstallInAOneShot != "":"PackageUtils-installRPMSInAOneShotInContainer: Installing nodeps rpms: " + \ self.noDepsPackagesToInstallInAOneShot) logFile = destLogPath + "/install_rpms_nodeps.log" cmd = rpmInstallcmd + " " + self.nodepsRPMPackageOptions + " " + self.noDepsRPMFilesToInstallInAOneShot cmd = "/bin/bash -l -c '" + cmd + "'" #self.logger.debug("VDBG-PU-installRPMSInAOneShotInContainer: Install nodeps cmd: " + cmd) #TODO: Error code from exec_run installLog = containerID.exec_run(cmd) if not installLog: self.logger.error("Unable to install nodeps rpms") raise Exception("nodeps RPM installation failed") logfile = open(logFile, 'w') logfile.write(installLog) logfile.close() if self.noDepsRPMFilesToReInstallInAOneShot != "": cmd = rpmInstallcmd + " " + self.nodepsRPMPackageOptions + " " + self.forceRpmPackageOptions + " " + self.noDepsRPMFilesToReInstallInAOneShot cmd = "/bin/bash -l -c '" + cmd + "'" #self.logger.debug("VDBG-PU-installRPMSInAOneShotInContainer: ReInstall nodeps cmd: " + cmd) #TODO: Error code from exec_run installLog = containerID.exec_run(cmd) if not installLog: self.logger.error("Unable to re-install nodeps rpms") raise Exception("nodeps RPM re-installation failed") logfile = open(logFile, 'a') logfile.write(installLog) logfile.close() if self.rpmFilesToInstallInAOneShot != "":"PackageUtils-installRPMSInAOneShotInContainer: Installing rpms: " + \ self.packagesToInstallInAOneShot) logFile = destLogPath + "/install_rpms.log" cmd = rpmInstallcmd + " " + self.rpmFilesToInstallInAOneShot cmd = "/bin/bash -l -c '" + cmd + "'" #self.logger.debug("VDBG-PU-installRPMSInAOneShotInContainer: Install cmd: " + cmd) #TODO: Error code from exec_run installLog = containerID.exec_run(cmd) if not installLog: self.logger.error("Unable to install rpms") raise Exception("RPM installation failed") logfile = open(logFile, 'w') logfile.write(installLog) logfile.close() if self.rpmFilesToReInstallInAOneShot != "": cmd = rpmInstallcmd + " " + self.forceRpmPackageOptions + " " + self.rpmFilesToReInstallInAOneShot cmd = "/bin/bash -l -c '" + cmd + "'" #self.logger.debug("VDBG-PU-installRPMSInAOneShotInContainer: ReInstall cmd: " + cmd) #TODO: Error code from exec_run installLog = containerID.exec_run(cmd) if not installLog: self.logger.error("Unable to re-install rpms") raise Exception("RPM re-installation failed") logfile = open(logFile, 'a') logfile.write(installLog) logfile.close() def findInstalledRPMPackagesInContainer(self, containerID): cmd = self.rpmBinary + " " + self.queryRpmPackageOptions cmd = "/bin/bash -l -c '" + cmd + "'" #TODO: Error code from exec_run result = containerID.exec_run(cmd) if result is not None: return result.split() return result def adjustGCCSpecsInContainer(self, package, containerID, logPath): opt = " " + SPECS.getData().getSecurityHardeningOption(package) adjustCmd = "/" + self.adjustGCCSpecScript + opt adjustCmd = "/bin/bash -l -c '" + adjustCmd + "'" logFile = logPath + "/adjustGCCSpecScript.log" #TODO: Error code from exec_run scriptLog = containerID.exec_run(adjustCmd) if scriptLog: logfile = open(logFile, 'w') logfile.write(scriptLog) logfile.close() return self.logger.debug(containerID.exec_run("ls -la /tmp/" + self.adjustGCCSpecScript)) self.logger.debug(containerID.exec_run("lsof /tmp/" + self.adjustGCCSpecScript)) self.logger.debug(containerID.exec_run("ps ax")) self.logger.error("Failed while adjusting gcc specs") raise Exception("Failed while adjusting gcc specs") def buildRPMSForGivenPackageInContainer(self, package, containerID, listBuildOptionPackages, pkgBuildOptionFile, destLogPath=None):"Building rpm's for package " + package + " in container " + containerID.short_id) listSourcesFiles = SPECS.getData().getSources(package) listPatchFiles = SPECS.getData().getPatches(package) specFile = SPECS.getData().getSpecFile(package) specName = SPECS.getData().getSpecName(package) + ".spec" sourcePath = constants.topDirPath + "/SOURCES/" specPath = constants.topDirPath + "/SPECS/" rpmLogFile = constants.topDirPath + "/LOGS/" + package + ".log" destLogFile = destLogPath + "/" + package + ".log" cmdUtils = CommandUtils() #TODO: mount it in, don't copy cpSpecCmd = "docker cp " + specFile + " " + containerID.short_id \ + ":" + specPath + specName returnVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(cpSpecCmd) if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Error copying source SPEC file to container") raise Exception("Failed copying source SPEC to container") # FIXME: some sources are located in SPECS/.. how to mount? # if os.geteuid()==0: #TODO: mount it in, don't copy macros = [] self.copySourcesToContainer(listSourcesFiles, package, containerID, sourcePath) #TODO: mount it in, don't copy self.copySourcesToContainer(listPatchFiles, package, containerID, sourcePath) if package in listBuildOptionPackages: listAdditionalFiles, macros = self.getAdditionalBuildFiles(package, pkgBuildOptionFile) self.copyAdditionalBuildFilesToContainer(listAdditionalFiles, containerID) # Add rpm macros listRPMMacros = SPECS.getData().getRPMMacros() for macroName in listRPMMacros.keys(): macros.append(macroName + " " + listRPMMacros[macroName]) # Build RPMs listRPMFiles=[] listSRPMFiles=[] try: listRPMFiles, listSRPMFiles = self.buildRPMinContainer( specPath + specName, rpmLogFile, destLogFile, containerID, package, macros)"Successfully built rpm:"+package) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Failed while building rpm: " + package) raise e finally: if destLogPath is not None: rpmLog = destLogPath + "/" + package + ".log" if constants.rpmCheck and package in constants.testForceRPMS and SPECS.getData().isCheckAvailable(package): cmd="sed -i '/^Executing(%check):/,/^Processing files:/{//!b};d' "+ rpmLog logFile = destLogPath+"/adjustTestFile.log" returnVal = CommandUtils().runCommandInShell(cmd, logFile) testLogFile = destLogPath+"/"+package+"-test.log" shutil.copyfile(rpmLog, testLogFile)"RPM build is successful") # Verify RPM and SRPM files exist as success criteria for rpmFile in listRPMFiles: rpmName = os.path.basename(rpmFile) rpmDestDir = self.getRPMDestDir(rpmName, constants.rpmPath) rpmDestFile = rpmDestDir + "/" + rpmName if not os.path.isfile(rpmDestFile): self.logger.error("Could not find RPM file: " + rpmDestFile) raise Exception("Built RPM file not found.") for srpmFile in listSRPMFiles: srpmName = os.path.basename(srpmFile) srpmDestDir = self.getRPMDestDir(os.path.basename(srpmFile), constants.sourceRpmPath) srpmDestFile = srpmDestDir + "/" + srpmName if not os.path.isfile(srpmDestFile): self.logger.error("Could not find RPM file: " + srpmDestFile) raise Exception("Built SRPM file not found.") def buildRPMinContainer(self, specFile, rpmLogFile, destLogFile, containerID, package, macros): rpmbuildDistOption = '--define \"dist %s\"' % constants.dist rpmBuildCmd = self.rpmbuildBinary + " " + self.rpmbuildBuildallOption \ + " " + rpmbuildDistOption if constants.rpmCheck and package in constants.testForceRPMS:"#"*(68+2*len(package))) if not SPECS.getData().isCheckAvailable(package):"####### "+package+" MakeCheck is not available. Skipping MakeCheck TEST for "+package+ " #######") rpmBuildCmd=self.rpmbuildBinary+" --clean" else:"####### "+package+" MakeCheck is available. Running MakeCheck TEST for "+package+ " #######") rpmBuildCmd=self.rpmbuildBinary+" "+self.rpmbuildCheckOption"#"*(68+2*len(package))) else: rpmBuildCmd+=" "+self.rpmbuildNocheckOption for macro in macros: rpmBuildCmd += ' --define \"%s\"' % macro rpmBuildCmd += " " + specFile rpmBuildCmd = "/bin/bash -l -c '" + rpmBuildCmd + " > " + rpmLogFile + " 2>&1'" rpmBuildCmd = "docker exec -t " + str(containerID.short_id) + " " + rpmBuildCmd cmdUtils = CommandUtils()"Building rpm for package: " + package) #TODO: Show running log of rpmbuildcmd #TODO: Get exit status of rpmBuildCmd #containerID.exec_run(rpmBuildCmd) returnVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(rpmBuildCmd) if not os.path.isfile(destLogFile): self.logger.error("RPM build not file not found. Building rpm failed for: " + specFile) raise Exception("RPM Build failed") if constants.rpmCheck and package in constants.testForceRPMS: if not SPECS.getData().isCheckAvailable(package):" : N/A") elif returnVal:" : PASS") else: constants.testLogger.error(package+" : FAIL" ) if constants.rpmCheck: if not returnVal and constants.rpmCheckStopOnError: self.logger.error("Checking rpm is failed "+specFile) raise Exception("RPM check failed") else: if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Building rpm is failed "+specFile) raise Exception("RPM build failed") #Extracting rpms created from log file listRPMFiles=[] listSRPMFiles=[] logfile = open(destLogFile, 'r') rpmBuildLogLines = logfile.readlines() logfile.close() for i in range(0, len(rpmBuildLogLines)): if"^Wrote:", rpmBuildLogLines[i]): listcontents = rpmBuildLogLines[i].split() if (len(listcontents) == 2) and listcontents[1].strip()[-4:] == ".rpm" and listcontents[1].find("/RPMS/") != -1: listRPMFiles.append(listcontents[1]) if (len(listcontents) == 2) and listcontents[1].strip()[-8:] == ".src.rpm" and listcontents[1].find("/SRPMS/") != -1: listSRPMFiles.append(listcontents[1]) #if not listRPMFiles: # self.logger.error("Building rpm failed for " + specFile) # raise Exception("RPM Build failed") return listRPMFiles, listSRPMFiles