import os.path import platform import traceback import re from CommandUtils import CommandUtils from ChrootUtils import ChrootUtils from Logger import Logger from PackageUtils import PackageUtils from constants import constants from SpecData import SPECS from StringUtils import StringUtils class ToolChainUtils(object): def __init__(self, logName=None, logPath=None): if logName is None: logName = "Toolchain Utils" if logPath is None: logPath = constants.logPath self.logName = logName self.logPath = logPath self.logger = Logger.getLogger(logName, logPath) self.adjustToolChainScript = "" self.localegenScript = "./" self.localegenConfig = "./locale-gen.conf" self.prepareBuildRootCmd = "./" self.rpmbuildCommand = "rpmbuild" if os.geteuid() == 0: self.rpmCommand = "rpm" else: self.rpmCommand = "fakeroot-ng rpm" def prepareBuildRoot(self, chrootID):"Preparing build environment") cmdUtils = CommandUtils() cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/dev") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/etc") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/proc") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/run") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/sys") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + "/tmp") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath) cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/RPMS/" + platform.machine()) cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/RPMS/noarch") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/SOURCES") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/SPECS") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/LOGS") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/BUILD") cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + chrootID + constants.topDirPath + "/BUILDROOT") prepareChrootCmd = self.prepareBuildRootCmd + " " + chrootID logFile = self.logPath + "/prepareBuildRoot.log" returnVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(prepareChrootCmd, logFile) if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Prepare build root script failed.Unable to prepare chroot.") raise Exception("Prepare build root script failed")"Successfully prepared chroot:" + chrootID) def findRPMFileInGivenLocation(self, package, rpmdirPath): cmdUtils = CommandUtils() listFoundRPMFiles = cmdUtils.findFile(package + "-*.rpm", rpmdirPath) listFilterRPMFiles = [] for f in listFoundRPMFiles: rpmFileName = os.path.basename(f) checkRPMName = rpmFileName.replace(package, "") rpmNameSplit = checkRPMName.split("-") if len(rpmNameSplit) == 3: listFilterRPMFiles.append(f) if len(listFilterRPMFiles) == 1: return listFilterRPMFiles[0] if len(listFilterRPMFiles) == 0: return None if len(listFilterRPMFiles) > 1: self.logger.error("Found multiple rpm files for given package in rpm directory." + "Unable to determine the rpm file for package:" + package) return None def buildCoreToolChainPackages(self):"Building core toolchain packages.....") chrootID = None pkgCount = 0 try: pkgUtils = PackageUtils(self.logName, self.logPath) for package in constants.listCoreToolChainPackages: version = SPECS.getData().getHighestVersion(package) rpmPkg = pkgUtils.findRPMFileForGivenPackage(package, version) if rpmPkg is not None: continue"Building core toolchain package: " + package) chrUtils = ChrootUtils(self.logName, self.logPath) chrootName = "build-"+package destLogPath = constants.logPath + "/build-" + package if not os.path.isdir(destLogPath): cmdUtils = CommandUtils() cmdUtils.runCommandInShell("mkdir -p " + destLogPath) returnVal, chrootID = chrUtils.createChroot(chrootName) if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Creating chroot failed") raise Exception("creating chroot failed") self.installToolChainRPMS(package, version, chrootID, destLogPath) pkgUtils.adjustGCCSpecs(package, version, chrootID, destLogPath) pkgUtils.buildRPMSForGivenPackage(package, version, chrootID, destLogPath) pkgCount += 1 chrUtils.destroyChroot(chrootID) chrootID = None"Successfully built toolchain") if chrootID is not None: chrUtils.destroyChroot(chrootID) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Unable to build tool chain.") # print stacktrace traceback.print_exc() raise e return pkgCount def getListDependentPackages(self, package, version): listBuildRequiresPkg=SPECS.getData().getBuildRequiresForPackage(package, version) listBuildRequiresPkg.extend(SPECS.getData().getCheckBuildRequiresForPackage(package, version)) return listBuildRequiresPkg def installToolChainRPMS(self, packageName, packageVersion, chrootID, logPath=None): if logPath is None: logPath = self.logPath cmdUtils = CommandUtils() self.prepareBuildRoot(chrootID)"Installing Tool Chain RPMS.......") rpmFiles = "" packages = "" listBuildRequiresPackages = self.getListDependentPackages(packageName, packageVersion) for package in constants.listToolChainRPMsToInstall: pkgUtils = PackageUtils(self.logName, self.logPath) rpmFile = None version = "*" for depPkg in listBuildRequiresPackages: depPkgName, depPkgVersion = StringUtils.splitPackageNameAndVersion(depPkg) if depPkgName == package: version=depPkgVersion if constants.rpmCheck: rpmFile = pkgUtils.findRPMFileForGivenPackage(package, version) else: if (packageName not in constants.listToolChainRPMsToInstall or constants.listToolChainRPMsToInstall.index(packageName) > constants.listToolChainRPMsToInstall.index(package)): rpmFile = pkgUtils.findRPMFileForGivenPackage(package, version) if rpmFile is None: # sqlite-autoconf package was renamed, but it still published as sqlite-autoconf if (package == "sqlite") and (platform.machine() == "x86_64"): package = "sqlite-autoconf" rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishRPMRepo) if rpmFile is None: if package in constants.listOfRPMsProvidedAfterBuild:"No old version of " + package + " exists, skip until the new version is built") continue self.logger.error("Unable to find rpm " + package + " in current and previous versions") raise Exception("Input Error") rpmFiles += " " + rpmFile packages += " " + package+"-"+version self.logger.debug(packages) cmd = (self.rpmCommand + " -i -v --nodeps --noorder --force --root " + chrootID +" --define \'_dbpath /var/lib/rpm\' "+ rpmFiles) retVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(cmd, logPath + "/install_toolchain_rpms.log") if not retVal: self.logger.debug("Command Executed:" + cmd) self.logger.error("Installing tool chain failed") raise Exception("RPM installation failed")"Successfully installed default Tool Chain RPMS in Chroot:" + chrootID) print("Building Package: ".format(packageName)) print(constants.perPackageToolChain) if packageName in constants.perPackageToolChain: print(constants.perPackageToolChain[packageName]) self.installCustomToolChainRPMS(chrootID, constants.perPackageToolChain[packageName].get(platform.machine(), []), packageName) def installCustomToolChainRPMS(self, chrootID, listOfToolChainPkgs, packageName):"Installing package specific tool chain RPMs for " + packageName + ".......") rpmFiles = "" packages = "" cmdUtils = CommandUtils() for package in listOfToolChainPkgs: pkgUtils = PackageUtils(self.logName, self.logPath) print("DEBUG:" + package) if re.match("openjre*", packageName) is not None or re.match("openjdk*", packageName): # x86_64 has openjdk/jre as a published rpms but aarch64 has openjdk8/jre8 # Remove this condition after publishxrpms for x86_^4 got updated if ((package == "openjdk" or package == "openjre") and platform.machine() == "aarch64"): package = package + "8" rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishXRPMRepo) else: rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishRPMRepo) if rpmFile is None: self.logger.error("Unable to find rpm "+ package + " in current and previous versions") raise Exception("Input Error") rpmFiles += " " + rpmFile packages += " " + package self.logger.debug("Installing custom rpms:" + packages) cmd = (self.rpmCommand + " -i -v --nodeps --noorder --force --root " + chrootID + " --define \'_dbpath /var/lib/rpm\' " + rpmFiles) retVal = cmdUtils.runCommandInShell(cmd, self.logPath + "/install_custom_toolchain_rpms.log") if not retVal: self.logger.debug("Command Executed:" + cmd) self.logger.error("Installing tool chain failed") raise Exception("RPM installation failed")"Successfully installed all Tool Chain X RPMS") def installToolChainRPMSinContainer(self, containerID):"Installing tool-chain RPMS in container: " + containerID.short_id) rpmFiles = "" packages = "" pkgUtils = PackageUtils(self.logName, self.logPath) for package in constants.listToolChainRPMPkgsToInstall: version = SPECS.getData().getHighestVersion(package) rpmFile = pkgUtils.findRPMFileForGivenPackage(package, version) if rpmFile is None: # sqlite-autoconf package was renamed, but it still published as sqlite-autoconf # if (package == "sqlite") and (platform.machine() == "x86_64"): # package = "sqlite-autoconf" rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishRPMRepo) if rpmFile is None: if package in constants.listOfRPMsProvidedAfterBuild:"No old version of " + package + " exists, skip until the new version is built") continue self.logger.error("Unable to find rpm " + package + " in current and previous versions") raise Exception("Input Error") if rpmFile.find("stage/PUBLISHRPMS"): rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.prevPublishRPMRepo, "/publishrpms") if rpmFile.find("stage/PUBLISHXRPMS"): rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.prevPublishXRPMRepo, "/publishxrpms") if rpmFile.find("stage/RPMS"): rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.rpmPath, constants.topDirPath + "/RPMS") rpmFiles += " " + rpmFile packages += " " + package self.logger.debug("Installing tool-chain rpms: " + packages) cmd = "/usr/bin/bash -l -c '/usr/bin/rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps " + rpmFiles + "'""VDBG-TCU-installToolChainRPMSinContainer: Installing rpms cmd: " + cmd) tcInstallLog = containerID.exec_run(cmd) # TODO: Find a way to collect exit status of the command that was run. if not tcInstallLog: self.logger.error("Installing tool chain in container failed") raise Exception("RPM installation in container failed")"Successfully installed default tool-chain RPMS in container: " + containerID.short_id) def installCustomToolChainRPMSinContainer(self, containerID, listOfToolChainPkgs, packageName):"Installing package specific tool chain RPMs for " + packageName) rpmFiles = "" packages = "" for package in listOfToolChainPkgs: if re.match("openjre*", packageName) is not None or re.match("openjdk*", packageName): rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishXRPMRepo) else: rpmFile = self.findRPMFileInGivenLocation(package, constants.prevPublishRPMRepo) if rpmFile is None: self.logger.error("Unable to find rpm " + package + " in current and previous versions") raise Exception("Input Error") if rpmFile.find("stage/PUBLISHRPMS"): rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.prevPublishRPMRepo, "/publishrpms") if rpmFile.find("stage/PUBLISHXRPMS"): rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.prevPublishXRPMRepo, "/publishxrpms") if rpmFile.find("stage/RPMS"): rpmFile = rpmFile.replace(constants.rpmPath, constants.topDirPath + "/RPMS") rpmFiles += " " + rpmFile packages += " " + package self.logger.debug("Installing rpms: " + packages) cmd = "rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force " + rpmFiles self.logger.debug("VDBG-TCU-installCustomToolChainRPMSinContainer: Installing rpms cmd: " + cmd) tcInstallLog = containerID.exec_run(cmd) # TODO: Find a way to collect exit status of the command that was run. if not tcInstallLog: self.logger.error("Installing tool chain in container failed") raise Exception("RPM installation in container failed")"Successfully installed all tool-chain XRPMS in container: " + containerID.short_id)