Name Mode Size
Linux-PAM 040000
ModemManager 040000
PyPAM 040000
PyYAML 040000
WALinuxAgent 040000
XML-Parser 040000
acl 040000
aide 040000
alsa-lib 040000
alsa-utils 040000
ansible 040000
ant-contrib 040000
apache-ant 040000
apache-maven 040000
apache-tomcat-native 040000
apache-tomcat 040000
apparmor 040000
apr-util 040000
apr 040000
asciidoc 040000
atftp 040000
attr 040000
audit 040000
aufs-util 040000
authbind 040000
autoconf-archive 040000
autoconf 040000
autoconf213 040000
autofs 040000
autogen 040000
automake 040000
aws-sdk-cpp 040000
backward-cpp 040000
bash 040000
bc 040000
bcc 040000
bindutils 040000
binutils 040000
bison 040000
blktrace 040000
bluez-tools 040000
bluez 040000
boost 040000
bridge-utils 040000
btrfs-progs 040000
bubblewrap 040000
build-essential 040000
bzip2 040000
bzr 040000
c-ares 040000
c-rest-engine 040000
ca-certificates 040000
cairo 040000
calico-bgp-daemon 040000
calico-bird 040000
calico-cni 040000
calico-confd 040000
calico-felix 040000
calico-k8s-policy 040000
calico-libnetwork 040000
calico 040000
capstone 040000
cassandra 040000
cdrkit 040000
cgroup-utils 040000
check 040000
checkpolicy 040000
chkconfig 040000
chrpath 040000
cifs-utils 040000
clang 040000
cloud-init 040000
cloud-utils 040000
cmake 040000
cmocka 040000
cni 040000
commons-daemon 040000
compat-gdbm 040000
confd 040000
consul 040000
containerd 040000
copenapi 040000
coredns 040000
coreutils 040000
cpio 040000
cppunit 040000
cracklib 040000
crash 040000
createrepo_c 040000
cri-tools 040000
cronie 040000
cscope 040000
ctags 040000
curl 040000
cve-check-tool 040000
cyrus-sasl 040000
cython 040000
cython3 040000
dbus-broker 040000
dbus-glib 040000
dbus-python 040000
dbus 040000
ddclient 040000
dejagnu 040000
device-mapper-multipath 040000
dhcp 040000
dialog 040000
diffutils 040000
distrib-compat 040000
dkms 040000
dmidecode 040000
dnsmasq 040000
docbook-xml 040000
docbook-xsl 040000
docker-py 040000
docker-pycreds 040000
docker 040000
dosfstools 040000
dotnet-runtime 040000
dotnet-sdk 040000
dracut 040000
dstat 040000
dtc 040000
e2fsprogs 040000
ebtables 040000
ecdsa 040000
ed 040000
edgex 040000
efibootmgr 040000
efivar 040000
elasticsearch 040000
elfutils 040000
elixir 040000
erlang-sd_notify 040000
erlang 040000
etcd 040000
ethtool 040000
eventlog 040000
expat 040000
expect 040000
fakeroot-ng 040000
falco 040000
fatrace 040000
fcgi 040000
file 040000
filesystem 040000
findutils 040000
finger 040000
fipsify 040000
flannel 040000
flex 040000
fontconfig 040000
fping 040000
freetype2 040000
fsarchiver 040000
fuse 040000
gawk 040000
gc 040000
gcc 040000
gcovr 040000
gdb 040000
gdbm 040000
geoip-api-c 040000
geos 040000
gettext 040000
git 040000
glib-networking 040000
glib 040000
glibc 040000
glibmm 040000
glide 040000
glog 040000
gmp 040000
gnome-common 040000
gnupg 040000
gnuplot 040000
gnutls 040000
go 040000
gobgp 040000
gobject-introspection 040000
google-compute-engine 040000
gperf 040000
gperftools 040000
gpgme 040000
gptfdisk 040000
grep 040000
groff 040000
grpc 040000
grub2-theme 040000
grub2 040000
gtest 040000
gtk-doc 040000
guile 040000
gzip 040000
haproxy 040000
harfbuzz 040000
haveged 040000
hawkey 040000
hdparm 040000
heapster 040000
http-parser 040000
httpd-mod_jk 040000
httpd 040000
hwloc 040000
hyper-v 040000
i2c-tools 040000
iana-etc 040000
ibmtpm 040000
icu 040000
influxdb 040000
initramfs 040000
initscripts 040000
inotify-tools 040000
intltool 040000
iotop 040000
iperf 040000
ipmitool 040000
iproute2 040000
ipset 040000
iptables 040000
iptraf 040000
iputils 040000
ipvsadm 040000
ipxe 040000
irqbalance 040000
itstool 040000
jansson 040000
jemalloc 040000
jna 040000
jq 040000
js 040000
json-c 040000
json-glib 040000
json_spirit 040000
jsoncpp 040000
kaigen-gothic-cjk 040000
kapacitor 040000
kbd 040000
keepalived 040000
kexec-tools 040000
keyutils 040000
kibana 040000
kmod 040000
krb5 040000
ktap 040000
kube-bench 040000
kubernetes-dashboard 040000
kubernetes-dns 040000
kubernetes-metrics-server 040000
kubernetes 040000
lapack 040000
less 040000
leveldb 040000
libaio 040000
libarchive 040000
libassuan 040000
libatomic_ops 040000
libcalico 040000
libcap-ng 040000
libcap 040000
libconfig 040000
libdb 040000
libdnet 040000
libedit 040000
libestr 040000
libev 040000
libevent 040000
libfastjson 040000
libffi 040000
libgcrypt 040000
libgd 040000
libgpg-error 040000
libgssglue 040000
libgsystem 040000
libgudev 040000
libhugetlbfs 040000
libical 040000
libjpeg-turbo 040000
libksba 040000
liblogging 040000
libmbim 040000
libmetalink 040000
libmnl 040000
libmodulemd 040000
libmspack 040000
libndp 040000
libnetfilter_conntrack 040000
libnetfilter_cthelper 040000
libnetfilter_cttimeout 040000
libnetfilter_queue 040000
libnfnetlink 040000
libnfsidmap 040000
libnftnl 040000
libnl 040000
libnsl 040000
libnss-ato 040000
libpcap 040000
libpipeline 040000
libpng 040000
libpsl 040000
libqmi 040000
librdkafka 040000
librelp 040000
librepo 040000
librsync 040000
libseccomp 040000
libselinux 040000
libsemanage 040000
libsepol 040000
libsigc++ 040000
libsolv 040000
libsoup 040000
libssh2 040000
libtalloc 040000
libtar 040000
libtasn1 040000
libtiff 040000
libtirpc 040000
libtool 040000
libunistring 040000
libunwind 040000
libusb 040000
libuv 040000
libvirt 040000
libwebp 040000
libxml2 040000
libxslt 040000
libyaml 040000
lightstep-tracer-cpp 040000
lightwave 040000
likewise-open 040000
linux-api-headers 040000
linux-firmware 040000
linux 040000
liota 040000
lksctp-tools 040000
lldb 040000
lldpad 040000
llvm 040000
lm-sensors 040000
lmdb 040000
log4cpp 040000
logrotate 040000
logstash 040000
lshw 040000
lsof 040000
lsscsi 040000
ltrace 040000
lttng-tools 040000
lttng-ust 040000
lua 040000
lvm2 040000
lxcfs 040000
lz4 040000
lzo 040000
m4 040000
make 040000
man-db 040000
man-pages 040000
mariadb 040000
mc 040000
mercurial 040000
meson 040000
mingetty 040000
minimal 040000
mkinitcpio 040000
mlocate 040000
motd 040000
mozjs60 040000
mpc 040000
mpfr 040000
msr-tools 040000
mysql 040000
nano 040000
nasm 040000
ncurses 040000
ndctl 040000
ndsend 040000
net-snmp 040000
net-tools 040000
netcat 040000
netkit-telnet 040000
netmgmt 040000
nettle 040000
newt 040000
nfs-utils 040000
nghttp2 040000
nginx-ingress 040000
nginx 040000
nicstat 040000
ninja-build 040000
nodejs 040000
npth 040000
nspr 040000
nss-altfiles 040000
nss 040000
ntp 040000
numactl 040000
nvme-cli 040000
oniguruma 040000
open-vm-tools 040000
openipmi 040000
openjdk10 040000
openjdk11 040000
openjdk8 040000
openldap 040000
openscap 040000
openssh 040000
openssl 040000
openvswitch 040000
ostree 040000
pam_tacplus 040000
pango 040000
paramiko 040000
parted 040000
passwdqc 040000
password-store 040000
patch 040000
pciutils 040000
pcre 040000
pcstat 040000
perl-CGI 040000
perl-Canary-Stability 040000
perl-Config-IniFiles 040000
perl-Crypt-SSLeay 040000
perl-DBD-SQLite 040000
perl-DBI 040000
perl-DBIx-Simple 040000
perl-Data-Validate-IP 040000
perl-Exporter-Tiny 040000
perl-File-HomeDir 040000
perl-File-Which 040000
perl-IO-Socket-SSL 040000
perl-JSON-Any 040000
perl-JSON-XS 040000
perl-List-MoreUtils 040000
perl-Module-Build 040000
perl-Module-Install 040000
perl-Module-ScanDeps 040000
perl-Net-SSLeay 040000
perl-NetAddr-IP 040000
perl-Object-Accessor 040000
perl-Path-Class 040000
perl-Perl4-CoreLibs 040000
perl-Try-Tiny 040000
perl-Types-Serialiser 040000
perl-WWW-Curl 040000
perl-YAML-Tiny 040000
perl-YAML 040000
perl-common-sense 040000
perl-libintl 040000
perl 040000
pgbouncer 040000
photon-checksum-generator 040000
photon-release 040000
photon-repos 040000
pinentry 040000
pixman 040000
pkg-config 040000
pmd 040000
policycoreutils 040000
polkit 040000
popt 040000
postgresql 040000
powershell 040000
procmail 040000
procps-ng 040000
protobuf-c 040000
protobuf 040000
psmisc 040000
pth 040000
pycrypto 040000
pycurl 040000
pygobject 040000
python-CacheControl 040000
python-ConcurrentLogHandler 040000
python-Js2Py 040000
python-M2Crypto 040000
python-PyHamcrest 040000
python-PyNaCl 040000
python-Pygments 040000
python-Twisted 040000
python-alabaster 040000
python-antlrpythonruntime 040000
python-appdirs 040000
python-asn1crypto 040000
python-atomicwrites 040000
python-attrs 040000
python-automat 040000
python-autopep8 040000
python-babel 040000
python-backports.ssl_match_hostname 040000
python-backports_abc 040000
python-bcrypt 040000
python-boto 040000
python-boto3 040000
python-botocore 040000
python-cassandra-driver 040000
python-certifi 040000
python-cffi 040000
python-chardet 040000
python-configobj 040000
python-configparser 040000
python-constantly 040000
python-coverage 040000
python-cqlsh 040000
python-cryptography 040000
python-daemon 040000
python-dateutil 040000
python-decorator 040000
python-deepmerge 040000
python-defusedxml 040000
python-distro 040000
python-dnspython 040000
python-docopt 040000
python-docutils 040000
python-enum 040000
python-enum34 040000
python-etcd 040000
python-ethtool 040000
python-fuse 040000
python-futures 040000
python-gevent 040000
python-graphviz 040000
python-greenlet 040000
python-hyperlink 040000
python-hypothesis 040000
python-idna 040000
python-imagesize 040000
python-incremental 040000
python-iniparse 040000
python-ipaddr 040000
python-ipaddress 040000
python-jinja2 040000
python-jmespath 040000
python-jsonpatch 040000
python-jsonpointer 040000
python-jsonschema 040000
python-linux-procfs 040000
python-lockfile 040000
python-lxml 040000
python-m2r 040000
python-mako 040000
python-markupsafe 040000
python-mistune 040000
python-msgpack 040000
python-ndg-httpsclient 040000
python-netaddr 040000
python-netifaces 040000
python-ntplib 040000
python-numpy 040000
python-oauthlib 040000
python-packaging 040000
python-pam 040000
python-pbr 040000
python-pexpect 040000
python-pip 040000
python-ply 040000
python-prettytable 040000
python-prometheus_client 040000
python-prompt_toolkit 040000
python-psutil 040000
python-psycopg2 040000
python-ptyprocess 040000
python-py 040000
python-pyOpenSSL 040000
python-pyasn1-modules 040000
python-pyasn1 040000
python-pycodestyle 040000
python-pycparser 040000
python-pyinstaller 040000
python-pyjsparser 040000
python-pyparsing 040000
python-pytest 040000
python-pytz 040000
python-pyudev 040000
python-pyvim 040000
python-pyvmomi 040000
python-pywbem 040000
python-requests 040000
python-schedutils 040000
python-service_identity 040000
python-setuptools 040000
python-setuptools_scm 040000
python-simplejson 040000
python-six 040000
python-snowballstemmer 040000
python-sphinx 040000
python-sqlalchemy 040000
python-subprocess32 040000
python-typing 040000
python-tzlocal 040000
python-urllib3 040000
python-vcversioner 040000
python-virtualenv 040000
python-wcwidth 040000
python-webob 040000
python-websocket-client 040000
python-werkzeug 040000
python-zmq 040000
python-zope.interface 040000
python2 040000
python3-distro 040000
python3 040000
qemu-img 040000
rabbitmq 040000
rapidjson 040000
rdma-core 040000
readline 040000
redis 040000
repmgr 040000
rng-tools 040000
rpcbind 040000
rpcsvc-proto 040000
rpm-ostree 040000
rpm 040000
rrdtool 040000
rsync 040000
rsyslog 040000
ruby 040000
rubygem-activesupport 040000
rubygem-addressable 040000
rubygem-async-http 040000
rubygem-async-io 040000
rubygem-async 040000
rubygem-aws-eventstream 040000
rubygem-aws-partitions 040000
rubygem-aws-sdk-core 040000
rubygem-aws-sdk-kms 040000
rubygem-aws-sdk-s3 040000
rubygem-aws-sdk-sqs 040000
rubygem-aws-sigv4 040000
rubygem-backports 040000
rubygem-builder 040000
rubygem-bundler 040000
rubygem-concurrent-ruby 040000
rubygem-console 040000
rubygem-cool-io 040000
rubygem-dig_rb 040000
rubygem-domain_name 040000
rubygem-ffi 040000
rubygem-fluent-plugin-concat 040000
rubygem-fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter 040000
rubygem-fluent-plugin-remote_syslog 040000
rubygem-fluent-plugin-s3 040000
rubygem-fluent-plugin-systemd 040000
rubygem-fluent-plugin-vmware-loginsight 040000
rubygem-fluentd 040000
rubygem-highline 040000
rubygem-http-accept 040000
rubygem-http-cookie 040000
rubygem-http-form_data 040000
rubygem-http 040000
rubygem-http_parser.rb 040000
rubygem-i18n 040000
rubygem-jmespath 040000
rubygem-kubeclient 040000
rubygem-libxml-ruby 040000
rubygem-lru_redux 040000
rubygem-mime-types-data 040000
rubygem-mime-types 040000
rubygem-mini_portile 040000
rubygem-mini_portile2 040000
rubygem-msgpack 040000
rubygem-netrc 040000
rubygem-nio4r 040000
rubygem-nokogiri 040000
rubygem-oj 040000
rubygem-protocol-hpack 040000
rubygem-protocol-http 040000
rubygem-protocol-http1 040000
rubygem-protocol-http2 040000
rubygem-public_suffix 040000
rubygem-rbvmomi 040000
rubygem-recursive-open-struct 040000
rubygem-remote_syslog_sender 040000
rubygem-rest-client 040000
rubygem-serverengine 040000
rubygem-sigdump 040000
rubygem-strptime 040000
rubygem-syslog_protocol 040000
rubygem-systemd-journal 040000
rubygem-terminal-table 040000
rubygem-thread_safe 040000
rubygem-timers 040000
rubygem-trollop 040000
rubygem-tzinfo-data 040000
rubygem-tzinfo 040000
rubygem-unf 040000
rubygem-unf_ext 040000
rubygem-unicode-display_width 040000
rubygem-yajl-ruby 040000
rubygem-zip 040000
runc 040000
runit 040000
rust 040000
salt3 040000
scons 040000
sed 040000
selinux-policy 040000
semodule-utils 040000
sendmail 040000
serf 040000
setools 040000
sg3_utils 040000
shadow 040000
shim-signed 040000
slang 040000
snappy 040000
snoopy 040000
socat 040000
spdlog 040000
sqlite 040000
sqlite2 040000
sshfs 040000
sshpass 040000
strace 040000
strongswan 040000
subversion 040000
sudo 040000
swig 040000
sysdig 040000
syslinux 040000
syslog-ng 040000
sysstat 040000
systemd 040000
systemtap 040000
tar 040000
tboot 040000
tcl 040000
tclap 040000
tcp_wrappers 040000
tcpdump 040000
tcsh 040000
tdnf 040000
telegraf 040000
texinfo 040000
thin-provisioning-tools 040000
tiptop 040000
tmux 040000
tornado 040000
toybox 040000
tpm2-abrmd 040000
tpm2-tools 040000
tpm2-tss 040000
traceroute 040000
tree 040000
trousers 040000
tuna 040000
tuned 040000
tzdata 040000
u-boot 040000
unbound 040000
unixODBC 040000
unzip 040000
usbutils 040000
userspace-rcu 040000
utf8proc 040000
util-linux 040000
valgrind 040000
vim 040000
vsftpd 040000
wavefront-proxy 040000
wget 040000
which 040000
wpa_supplicant 040000
xerces-c 040000
xfsprogs 040000
xinetd 040000
xml-security-c 040000
xmlsec1 040000
xmlto 040000
xorriso 040000
xz 040000
yarn 040000
zchunk 040000
zeromq 040000
zip 040000
zlib 040000
zookeeper 040000
zsh 040000
LICENSE.EXCEPTIONS 100644 1 kb 100644 23 kb
![Photon]( "VMware Photon") # Photon OS: Linux Container Host ### Contents - [What is Photon OS](#what-is-photon-os) - [Getting Photon OS](#getting-photon-os) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) - [Photon OS Resources](#photon-os-resources) ## What is Photon OS? Photon OS™ is an open source Linux container host optimized for cloud-native applications, cloud platforms, and VMware infrastructure. Photon OS provides a secure run-time environment for efficiently running containers. Some of the key highlights of Photon OS are: - **Optimized for VMware hypervisor:** The Linux kernel is tuned for performance when Photon OS runs on VMware ESXi. - **Support for containers:** Photon OS includes the Docker daemon and works with container orchestration frameworks, such as Mesos and Kubernetes. - **Efficient lifecycle management:** Photon OS is easy to manage, patch, and update, using the [tdnf package manager]( and the [Photon Management Daemon (pmd)]( - **Security hardened:** Photon OS provides secure and up-to-date kernel and other packages, and its policies are designed to govern the system securely. For an overview of Photon OS, see []( ## Getting Photon OS Photon OS binaries are available in a number of formats, including ISO, OVA and cloud images such as Amazon AMI, Google Cloud GCE image and Azure VHD. For download instructions and links to Photon OS binaries, go to the [Download Guide]( *Photon OS 3.0 GA is here!* -------------------------- Photon OS 3.0 GA introduces new devices support including ARM64 (Raspberry Pi 3), installer improvements and up-to-date OSS packages including linux kernel, systemd and glibc. For an overview of changes, see [What's New in Photon OS 3.0]( Photon OS 2.0 -------------------------- Photon OS 2.0 introduces new security and OS management capabilities, along with new and updated packages for Cloud native applications and VMware appliances. For an overview of changes, see [What's New in Photon OS 2.0]( ## Getting Started Begin your Photon OS journey by browsing our extensive guides on getting started in the [Photon OS Wiki]( ## Contributing The Photon OS project team welcomes contributions from the community. If you wish to contribute code and you have not signed our Contributor License Agreement (CLA), our CLA-bot will take you through the process and update the issue when you open a [Pull Request]( If you have questions about the CLA process, see our CLA [FAQ]( or contact us through the GitHub issue tracker. To help you get started making contributions to Photon OS, we have collected some helpful best practices in the [Contributing guidelines]( Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub issue or discuss it first with the official project [maintainers]( via the [#photon Slack Channel](, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing. ## License The Photon OS ISO and OVA images are distributed under the [Photon OS EULA]( With the exception of the 'libtdnf' source code, Photon OS source code is distributed under GNU GPL v2. The 'libtdnf' source code is distributed under GNU LGPL v2.1. For more details, please refer to the [Photon OS Open Source License file]( ## Photon OS Resources - **Documentation**: The Photon OS Documentation provides information about how to install, configure, and use VMware Photon OS™. You can view the published HTML files on and the source files on the [Docs](docs/) folder. - **Security Updates**: Visit [Security-Advisories]( - **Vagrant box**: An official Vagrant box is available on Hashicorp Atlas, to get started: `vagrant init vmware/photon`. A plugin to support Photon OS guests in Vagrant is available at [](# Some users have found that our Vagrant box requires VirtualBox 4.3 or later. If you have issues, please check your version.