 * Plugin Name: Rucy
 * Plugin URI: https://github.com/gips/rucy
 * Description: Reservation Update (Published) Content.
 * Version: 0.1.2
 * Author: Nita
 * License: GPLv2 or later
 * Text Domain: rucy
 * Domain Path: /lang
define('RC_PLUGIN_URL',  plugin_dir_url(__FILE__));
define('RC_SETTING_OPTION_KEY', 'rucy_post_type');
define('RC_TXT_DOMAIN', 'rucy');
define('RC_CRON_HOOK', 'rucy_update_reserved_content');
load_plugin_textdomain( RC_TXT_DOMAIN, false, 'rucy/lang');

function rc_load_jscss()
    global $hook_suffix;
    if(in_array($hook_suffix, array('post.php','post-new.php',)))
        wp_register_style('rucy.css', RC_PLUGIN_URL . '/css/rucy.css',array(),'0.0.1');
        wp_register_script('rucy.js', RC_PLUGIN_URL . '/js/rucy.js', array('jquery'), '0.0.1');

 * get rucy post_metas or post_meta keys.
 * @param int $post_id
 * @return array 
function getRcMetas($post_id = "")
    $base = array(
        'accept' => 'rc_reserv_accept',
        'content' => 'rc_reserv_content',
        'date' => 'rc_reserv_date'
    if($post_id > 0)
        foreach ($base as $key => $value)
            $res[$key] = get_post_meta($post_id, $value, true);
    } else {
        $res = $base;
    return $res;

// add reserv_metabox
add_action('admin_menu', 'add_rucy_metabox_out');
function add_rucy_metabox_out()
    $acceptPostType = getRcSetting();
    foreach ($acceptPostType as $postType)
    function add_rucy_metabox_inside()
        global $post;
        $rcKeys = getRcMetas();
        $rc_content_name = $rcKeys['content'];
        $rc_accept_name = $rcKeys['accept'];
        $rcMetas = getRcMetas($post->ID);
        $reserv_accept = $rcMetas['accept'];
        $reserv_date = $rcMetas['date'];
        if("" == $reserv_date)
            $reserv_date = $post->post_date;
        $reserv_date_arr = getdate(strtotime($reserv_date));
        $reserv_content = $rcMetas['content'];
        if("" == $reserv_content)
            $reserv_content = $post->post_content;
    <div id="rc-post-wrap" class="curtime">
        <input type="hidden" name="schroeder" id="schroeder" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce(plugin_basename(__FILE__)); ?>"/>
        <label class="rc_accept">
            <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $rc_accept_name; ?>" value="1" <?php echo ($reserv_accept == "1") ? "checked" : ""; ?>> <?php _e('Accept reserve update content.',RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?>
        <div class="rc-datetime" id="timestamp">
            <?php _e('UpdateTime',RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?>:<b><?php echo date("Y/m/d @ H:i", strtotime($reserv_date)); ?></b>
        <a href="#edit-reservdate" class="edit-timestamp rc-datetime-edit"><?php _e('Edit') ?></a>
        <div class="rc-datetime-wrap">
            <input type="text" size="4" maxlength="4" name="rc_year" value="<?php echo date('Y',$reserv_date_arr[0]); ?>"><?php echo '/' ?>
            <select name="rc_month">
                        $m = sprintf("%02d",$i);
                        $selected = ($m == date('m',$reserv_date_arr[0])) ? "selected" : "";
                        echo '<option value="'.$m.'" '.$selected.'>'.$m.'</option>';
                </select><?php echo '/' ?>
                <input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" name="rc_day" value="<?php echo date('d',$reserv_date_arr[0]); ?>">
                @ <input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" name="rc_hour" value="<?php echo date('H',$reserv_date_arr[0]); ?>">:<input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" name="rc_minutes" value="<?php echo date('i',$reserv_date_arr[0]); ?>">
                <a href="#edit-reservdate" class="rc-datetime-update button"><?php _e('OK',RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?></a>
                <a href="#edit-reservdate" class="rc-datetime-cancel"><?php _e('Cancel',RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?></a>
            $dateArr = array(
                'rc_year' => date('Y',$reserv_date_arr[0]),
                'rc_month' => date('m',$reserv_date_arr[0]),
                'rc_day' => date('d',$reserv_date_arr[0]),
                'rc_hour' => date('H',$reserv_date_arr[0]),
                'rc_minutes' => date('i',$reserv_date_arr[0])
            foreach ($dateArr as $k => $v)
                echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$k.'_cr" id="'.$k.'_cr" value="'.$v.'">';
    wp_editor($reserv_content, $rc_content_name);

// save post meta
function savePostmeta($post_id)
    if(isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['post_type']))
        if(isset($_POST['schroeder']) && !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['schroeder'], plugin_basename(__FILE__))){
        if(defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE){
        $rcKeys = getRcMetas();
        $acceptPostType = getRcSetting();
        if(in_array($_POST['post_type'], $acceptPostType))
            $date = mktime($_POST['rc_hour'], $_POST['rc_minutes'], 00, $_POST['rc_month'], $_POST['rc_day'], $_POST['rc_year']);
                $_POST[$rcKeys['date']] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$date);
            } else {
                $_POST[$rcKeys['date']] = "";
                $_POST[$rcKeys['accept']]  = "0";
            } else if($_POST[$rcKeys['accept']] != "1"){
                $_POST[$rcKeys['accept']] = "0";
        if($_POST[$rcKeys['accept']] == "1")
            foreach ($rcKeys as $key => $val)
                savePostMetaBase($post_id, $val);
            $reservDate = strtotime(get_gmt_from_date($_POST[$rcKeys['date']]) . " GMT");
            if(in_array($_POST['post_type'], $acceptPostType) || $_POST['post_type'] != 'revision')
                wp_schedule_single_event($reservDate, RC_CRON_HOOK, array($post_id));
        } else if($_POST[$rcKeys['accept']] == "0") {
            // delete schedule
            wp_clear_scheduled_hook(RC_CRON_HOOK, array($post_id));

 * save, update, delete post_meta
 * @param int $post_id
 * @param string $post_metakey
function savePostMetaBase($post_id, $post_metakey)
        $post_data = "";
            $post_data = $_POST[$post_metakey];
        $meta = get_post_meta($post_id, $post_metakey,true);
       if ($post_data != $meta) {
            update_post_meta($post_id, $post_metakey, $post_data, $meta);
        } elseif("" == $post_data) {
            delete_post_meta($post_id, $post_metakey);

// update post for wp-cron
add_action('wp_reserv_content_update', 'updateReservedContent','10',1);
function updateReservedContent($post_id)
    $rcMetas = getRcMetas($post_id);
    if("1" == $rcMetas['accept'])
        $updates = array(
            'ID' => $post_id,
            'post_content' => $rcMetas['content'],
    wp_clear_scheduled_hook(RC_CRON_HOOK, array($post_id));
    $dels = getRcMetas();
    foreach ($dels as $key => $del)
        delete_post_meta($post_id, $del);

// add update message
function addRcMessage($messages)
    global  $post, $post_ID;
    $arrPostTypes = getRcSetting(true);
    $postType = get_post_type($post);
    if(in_array($postType, $arrPostTypes))
        $rcMetas = getRcMetas($post_ID);
        if("1" == $rcMetas['accept'])
            $addMessageDate = date('Y/m/d @ H:i',  strtotime($rcMetas['date']));
            $str = __('registered reservation update content _RC_DATETIME_',RC_TXT_DOMAIN);
            $addMessage = '<br>' . strtr($str, array('_RC_DATETIME_' => $addMessageDate));
            // published
            $messages[$postType][1] .= $addMessage;
            $messages[$postType][4] .= $addMessage;
            $messages[$postType][6] .= $addMessage;
            // saved
            $messages[$postType][7] .= $addMessage;
            // submited
            $messages[$postType][8] .= $addMessage;
            // scheduled
            $messages[$postType][9] .= $addMessage;
    return $messages;

// add reservation info at postlist
function manageRucyCols($columns) {
    $columns['subtitle'] = __("Reservation Update DateTime", RC_TXT_DOMAIN);
    return $columns;
function addRucyCol($column_name, $post_id) {
    $rcMetas = getRcMetas($post_id);
    $s = "";
    if($column_name == 'subtitle')
        $s = $rcMetas['accept'];
    if($s == "1")
        echo $rcMetas['date'];
    } else {
        echo __('None');

foreach (array('pages','posts') as $p){
    add_filter('manage_'.$p.'_columns', 'manageRucyCols');
    add_action('manage_'.$p.'_custom_column', 'addRucyCol', 10, 2);    

// setting page
function admin_menu_rucy()
    add_options_page('Rucy', 'Rucy', 'manage_options',  'rucy', 'addRcSetting');
function addRcSetting()
    $post = $_POST;
    $isCheckedPost = "";
    $isCheckedPage = "";
    $customPostTypes = "";
    $errorClass = "form-invalid";
    $basicPostTypes = array('page','post');
    $invalidPostTypes = array('attachment','revision');
    $message = array();
    $error = 0;
        $res = "";
        if(isset($post['rc_post']) && $post['rc_post'] == 'post')
            $res .= $post['rc_post'];
            $isCheckedPost = "checked";
        } else {
            $error += 1;
        if(isset($post['rc_page']) && $post['rc_page'] == 'page') {
            $res .= "," . $post['rc_page'];
            $isCheckedPage = "checked";
        } else {
            $error += 1;
        if($error == 2){
            $message['post_page'] = __("post or page is not allow.", RC_TXT_DOMAIN);
        if(isset($post['rc_custom_post']) && $post['rc_custom_post'] != "") {
            $customCheck = explode(',', $post['rc_custom_post']);
            foreach ($customCheck as $check)
                if(in_array($check, $basicPostTypes))
                    $message['custom_post'] = __('Do not input "post" or "page". ', RC_TXT_DOMAIN);
                } else if(!preg_match('/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', $check)) {
                    $message['custom_post'] = __("Please input alphabet or numeric. And do not input sequencial commas.", RC_TXT_DOMAIN);
                } else if(in_array($check, $invalidPostTypes)){
                    $message['custom_post'] = __('Do not input "attachment" or "revision". ',RC_TXT_DOMAIN);
            $res .= "," . $post['rc_custom_post'];
            $customPostTypes = $post['rc_custom_post'];
        if($res != "" && count($message) == 0)
            update_option(RC_SETTING_OPTION_KEY, $res);
    } else {
        $message = array();
        $arrSetting = getRcSetting();
        $isCheckedPost = (in_array('post', $arrSetting) == TRUE) ? 'checked' : "";
        $isCheckedPage = (in_array('page', $arrSetting) == TRUE) ? 'checked' : "";
        $arrCustomPostTypes = array();
        foreach ($arrSetting as $v)
            if(!in_array($v, $basicPostTypes))
                array_push($arrCustomPostTypes, $v);
        $customPostTypes = implode(',', $arrCustomPostTypes);
<div class="wrap">
    <h2>Rucy Settings</h2>
    <p><?php _e('Configure content types reservation update.',RC_TXT_DOMAIN); ?></p>
    <form method="post" action="#">
        <?php wp_nonce_field('update-options'); ?>
        <table class="form-table">
            <tr class="<?php echo (isset($message['post_page']) == true) ? $errorClass : ""; ?>">
                <th><?php _e('post type',RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?><br><small>*<?php _e('Require',RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?></small></th>
                        <li><label for="rc_post"><input type="checkbox" id="rc_post" name="rc_post" value="post" <?php echo $isCheckedPost ?>><?php _e('post',RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?></label></li>
                        <li><label for="rc_page"><input type="checkbox" id="rc_page" name="rc_page" value="page" <?php echo $isCheckedPage ?>><?php _e('page',RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?></label></li>
                            echo '<p>'.$message['post_page'].'</p>';
            <tr class="<?php echo (isset($message['custom_post']) == true) ? $errorClass : ""; ?>">
                <th><?php _e('custom post type',RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?></th>
                    <input type="text" value="<?php echo $customPostTypes ?>" name="rc_custom_post" placeholder="<?php _e('Separated by commas',RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?>">
                            echo '<p>'.$message['custom_post'].'</p>';
        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
        <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="<?php echo RC_SETTING_OPTION_KEY ?>"/>
        <p class="submit">
            <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes') ?>" />
    <h3><?php _e("Contact",RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?></h3>
    <?php _e('Rucy is maintained by <a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/gips-nita/">nita</a>.<br>', RC_TXT_DOMAIN) ?>
    <?php _e('If you have found a bug or would like to make a suggestion or contribution why not join the <a href="https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/rucy">Support Form @ wordpress.org</a><br />',RC_TXT_DOMAIN);?>
    <?php _e("Please consider donating if you like this plugin. I've put a lot of my free time into this plugin and donations help to justify it.<br />",RC_TXT_DOMAIN); ?>
    <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations">
        <input type="hidden" name="business" value="J2GV73KGN5MKN">
        <input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif"border="0" name="submit"alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
 * get post type allowed rucy
 * @param boolean $isArray
 * @return string
function getRcSetting($isArray = true)
    $rc_setting = get_option(RC_SETTING_OPTION_KEY);
    $res = "";
        $rc_setting = RC_POSTTYPE_DEFAULT;
        $res = explode(',', $rc_setting);
    } else {
        $res = $rc_setting;
    return $res;

// uninstall
    register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, 'goodbyeRucy');

function goodbyeRucy()
    $allposts = get_posts('numberposts=-1&post_status=');
    $meta_keys = getRcMetas();
    foreach ($allposts as $postinfo)
        foreach ($meta_keys as $k => $val)
            delete_post_meta($postinfo->ID, $val);

// link to setting
add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'helloRucy');
function helloRucy($links){
    $links[] = '<a href="' . get_admin_url(null, 'options-general.php?page=rucy') . '">' . __('Settings') . '</a>';
    return $links;