msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: rucy\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-19 03:33+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-10-19 03:37+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: nita <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: ja_JP\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ../inc\n"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:56
msgid "Accept reserve update content."
msgstr "äºç´æ´æ°ãè¡ã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:58
msgid "UpdateTime"
msgstr "æ´æ°æ¥æ"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:60 ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:173
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "ç·¨é"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:100 ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:213
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:101 ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:214
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "ã­ã£ã³ã»ã«"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:108
msgid "Accept reserve update post date."
msgstr "æ´æ°æ¥æãæ´æ°ãã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:112
msgid "Attention - reservation update UpdateTime"
msgstr "注æ - æ´æ°æ¥æã®æ´æ°ã«ã¤ãã¦"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:113
msgid ""
"If update UpdateTime, this post\\'s permalink is changed by permalink "
msgstr ""
"å ´åãããã¾ãã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:121
msgid "Do not show future"
msgstr "ä»å¾è¡¨ç¤ºããªã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:146
msgid "Featured Image for Reservation Update"
msgstr "äºç´æ´æ°ç¨ã¢ã¤ã­ã£ããç»å"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:148
msgid "Accept reserve update feature image."
msgstr "ã¢ã¤ã­ã£ããç»åã®äºç´æ´æ°ãè¡ã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:151
msgid "Set featured image for Reservation"
msgstr "äºç´æ´æ°ç¨ã¢ã¤ã­ã£ããç»åãç»é²ãã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:161
msgid "Remove Featured image for Reservation"
msgstr "äºç´æ´æ°ç¨ã¢ã¤ã­ã£ããç»åãåé¤ãã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:166
msgid "Setting Rollback post content."
msgstr "ã­ã¼ã«ããã¯è¨­å®"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:168
msgid "Accept rollback content."
msgstr "è¨äºã®ã­ã¼ã«ããã¯ãè¡ã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:171
msgid "Rollback DateTime"
msgstr "ã­ã¼ã«ããã¯æ¥æ"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:221
msgid "Accept Rollback post date."
msgstr "æ´æ°æ¥æã®ã­ã¼ã«ããã¯ãè¡ã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:227
msgid "Accept Rollback feature image."
msgstr "ã¢ã¤ã­ã£ããç»åã®ã­ã¼ã«ããã¯ãè¡ã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:311
msgid "registered reservation update content _RC_DATETIME_"
msgstr "_RC_DATETIME_ ã«æ´æ°ããããäºç´ãã¾ããã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-editor.php:316
msgid "registered rollback content _RC_ROLLBACK_DATETIME_ "
msgstr "_RC_ROLLBACK_DATETIME_ ã«ã­ã¼ã«ããã¯ãã¾ãã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-setting.php:31 ../inc/class-rucy-setting.php:33
msgid "Success to setting update."
msgstr "設å®ã®æ´æ°ãå®äºãã¾ããã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-setting.php:37
msgid "Failed to setting update."
msgstr "設å®ã®æ´æ°ã«å¤±æã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-setting.php:45
msgid "Rucy Settings"
msgstr "äºç´æ´æ°è¨­å®"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-setting.php:46
msgid "Configure content types reservation update."
msgstr "äºç´æ´æ°ããæ稿ã¿ã¤ãã設å®ãã¦ãã ããã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-setting.php:48
msgid "Your contribution will continue to better this plugin."
msgstr "ããªãã®è²¢ç®ãããã°ããã®ãã©ã°ã¤ã³ããã£ã¨è¯ããããã¨ãã§ãã¾ãã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-setting.php:48
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "å¯ä»ãã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-setting.php:54
msgid "post type"
msgstr "æ稿ã¿ã¤ã"

#: ../inc/class-rucy-setting.php:69
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "å¤æ´ãä¿å­"

#~ msgid "Set featured image Reservation"
#~ msgstr "äºç´æ´æ°ç¨ã¢ã¤ã­ã£ããç»åã設å®"

#~ msgid "Reservation Update DateTime"
#~ msgstr "äºç´æ´æ°æ¥æ"

#~ msgid "None"
#~ msgstr "ãªã"

#~ msgid "post or page is not allow."
#~ msgstr "ã«ã¹ã¿ã æ稿ã¿ã¤ãã«postãããã¯pageã¯å¥åã§ãã¾ããã"

#~ msgid "Do not input \"post\" or \"page\". "
#~ msgstr "postãããã¯pageã¯å¥åã§ãã¾ããã"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please input alphabet or numeric. And do not input sequencial commas."
#~ msgstr "è±æ°ã®ã¿å¥åãã¦ãã ãããã¾ããé£ç¶ã§ã«ã³ãã®å¥åã¯ã§ãã¾ããã"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Do not input \"attachment\" or \"revision\". "
#~ msgstr "postãããã¯pageã¯å¥åã§ãã¾ããã"

#~ msgid "Require"
#~ msgstr "å¿é "

#~ msgid "post"
#~ msgstr "æ稿"

#~ msgid "page"
#~ msgstr "åºå®ãã¼ã¸"

#~ msgid "custom post type"
#~ msgstr "ã«ã¹ã¿ã æ稿ã¿ã¤ã"

#~ msgid "Separated by commas"
#~ msgstr "ã«ã³ãåºåãã§å¥å"

#~ msgid "Settings"
#~ msgstr "設å®"