=== Rucy === Contributors: gips-nita Tags: post, update content, update post, update page, schedule update, reserve update, reservation update, rucy, Rucy Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.3.1 Stable tag: 0.4.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Enable you can reservation post update it is published. == Description == You can automatically update the DateTime specified posts published by this plugin. Post and Page, specify custom post type is also possible. But in your WordPress, this plugin is a prerequisite is that the reservation can be posted (can use WP_CRON is required). == Installation == You can install this plugin directly from your WordPress dashboard: 1. Go to the *Plugins* menu and click *Add New*. 2. Search for *rucy*. 3. Click *Install Now* next to the *rucy* plugin. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. Configure reservation post type in *rucy* in *Setting* menu. == Screenshots == 1. Added Reservation Content Editor in Editor. 2. Reservation Content Type Setting Page. == Frequently Asked Questions == == Changelog == = 0.4.1 = 2015-11-05 * modified update content include shortcode. = 0.4.0 = 2015-10-21 * add post rollback function. * refactoring * add plugin icon. * change banner image. = 0.3.0 = 2015-04-09 * add "feature image" and "post date" to reservation update. * when reservation post update, fixed iframe tag and more html tag it will be removed. = 0.2.0 = 2014-06-13 * fixed Bugs. * change input type reservation datetime. * add check validation reservation datetime is past. = 0.1.2 = 2014-05-04 * add reservation datetime post updated messages. * add "revision" and "attachment" in invalid custom post type Setting * refactoring = 0.1.1 = 2014-04-25 * if accept checkbox unchecked , clean schedule update content. * modified revision post_type do not add schedule update. * add donation link. = 0.1.0 = 2014-04-18 * First release