 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 ## Amazon CloudFront support
 ## Author: Michal Ludvig <michal@logix.cz>
 ##         http://www.logix.cz/michal
 ## License: GPL Version 2
 ## Copyright: TGRMN Software and contributors
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 import sys
 import time
 import random
 from datetime import datetime
 from logging import debug, info, warning, error
     import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
 except ImportError:
     import elementtree.ElementTree as ET
 from .S3 import S3
 from .Config import Config
 from .Exceptions import *
 from .Utils import getTreeFromXml, appendXmlTextNode, getDictFromTree, dateS3toPython, getBucketFromHostname, getHostnameFromBucket, deunicodise, urlencode_string, convertHeaderTupleListToDict
 from .Crypto import sign_string_v2
 from .S3Uri import S3Uri, S3UriS3
 from .ConnMan import ConnMan
 from .SortedDict import SortedDict
 cloudfront_api_version = "2010-11-01"
 cloudfront_resource = "/%(api_ver)s/distribution" % { 'api_ver' : cloudfront_api_version }
 def output(message):
     sys.stdout.write(message + "\n")
 def pretty_output(label, message):
     #label = ("%s " % label).ljust(20, ".")
     label = ("%s:" % label).ljust(15)
     output("%s %s" % (label, message))
 class DistributionSummary(object):
     ## Example:
     ## <DistributionSummary>
     ##  <Id>1234567890ABC</Id>
     ##  <Status>Deployed</Status>
     ##  <LastModifiedTime>2009-01-16T11:49:02.189Z</LastModifiedTime>
     ##  <DomainName>blahblahblah.cloudfront.net</DomainName>
     ##  <S3Origin>
     ##     <DNSName>example.bucket.s3.amazonaws.com</DNSName>
     ##  </S3Origin>
     ##  <CNAME>cdn.example.com</CNAME>
     ##  <CNAME>img.example.com</CNAME>
     ##  <Comment>What Ever</Comment>
     ##  <Enabled>true</Enabled>
     ## </DistributionSummary>
     def __init__(self, tree):
         if tree.tag != "DistributionSummary":
             raise ValueError("Expected <DistributionSummary /> xml, got: <%s />" % tree.tag)
     def parse(self, tree):
         self.info = getDictFromTree(tree)
         self.info['Enabled'] = (self.info['Enabled'].lower() == "true")
         if "CNAME" in self.info and type(self.info['CNAME']) != list:
             self.info['CNAME'] = [self.info['CNAME']]
     def uri(self):
         return S3Uri(u"cf://%s" % self.info['Id'])
 class DistributionList(object):
     ## Example:
     ## <DistributionList xmlns="http://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/doc/2010-07-15/">
     ##  <Marker />
     ##  <MaxItems>100</MaxItems>
     ##  <IsTruncated>false</IsTruncated>
     ##  <DistributionSummary>
     ##  ... handled by DistributionSummary() class ...
     ##  </DistributionSummary>
     ## </DistributionList>
     def __init__(self, xml):
         tree = getTreeFromXml(xml)
         if tree.tag != "DistributionList":
             raise ValueError("Expected <DistributionList /> xml, got: <%s />" % tree.tag)
     def parse(self, tree):
         self.info = getDictFromTree(tree)
         ## Normalise some items
         self.info['IsTruncated'] = (self.info['IsTruncated'].lower() == "true")
         self.dist_summs = []
         for dist_summ in tree.findall(".//DistributionSummary"):
 class Distribution(object):
     ## Example:
     ## <Distribution xmlns="http://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/doc/2010-07-15/">
     ##  <Id>1234567890ABC</Id>
     ##  <Status>InProgress</Status>
     ##  <LastModifiedTime>2009-01-16T13:07:11.319Z</LastModifiedTime>
     ##  <DomainName>blahblahblah.cloudfront.net</DomainName>
     ##  <DistributionConfig>
     ##  ... handled by DistributionConfig() class ...
     ##  </DistributionConfig>
     ## </Distribution>
     def __init__(self, xml):
         tree = getTreeFromXml(xml)
         if tree.tag != "Distribution":
             raise ValueError("Expected <Distribution /> xml, got: <%s />" % tree.tag)
     def parse(self, tree):
         self.info = getDictFromTree(tree)
         ## Normalise some items
         self.info['LastModifiedTime'] = dateS3toPython(self.info['LastModifiedTime'])
         self.info['DistributionConfig'] = DistributionConfig(tree = tree.find(".//DistributionConfig"))
     def uri(self):
         return S3Uri(u"cf://%s" % self.info['Id'])
 class DistributionConfig(object):
     ## Example:
     ## <DistributionConfig>
     ##  <Origin>somebucket.s3.amazonaws.com</Origin>
     ##  <CallerReference>s3://somebucket/</CallerReference>
     ##  <Comment>http://somebucket.s3.amazonaws.com/</Comment>
     ##  <Enabled>true</Enabled>
     ##  <Logging>
     ##    <Bucket>bu.ck.et</Bucket>
     ##    <Prefix>/cf-somebucket/</Prefix>
     ##  </Logging>
     ## </DistributionConfig>
     EMPTY_CONFIG = "<DistributionConfig><S3Origin><DNSName/></S3Origin><CallerReference/><Enabled>true</Enabled></DistributionConfig>"
     xmlns = "http://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/doc/%(api_ver)s/" % { 'api_ver' : cloudfront_api_version }
     def __init__(self, xml = None, tree = None):
         if xml is None:
             xml = DistributionConfig.EMPTY_CONFIG
         if tree is None:
             tree = getTreeFromXml(xml)
         if tree.tag != "DistributionConfig":
             raise ValueError("Expected <DistributionConfig /> xml, got: <%s />" % tree.tag)
     def parse(self, tree):
         self.info = getDictFromTree(tree)
         self.info['Enabled'] = (self.info['Enabled'].lower() == "true")
         if "CNAME" not in self.info:
             self.info['CNAME'] = []
         if type(self.info['CNAME']) != list:
             self.info['CNAME'] = [self.info['CNAME']]
         self.info['CNAME'] = [cname.lower() for cname in self.info['CNAME']]
         if "Comment" not in self.info:
             self.info['Comment'] = ""
         if "DefaultRootObject" not in self.info:
             self.info['DefaultRootObject'] = ""
         ## Figure out logging - complex node not parsed by getDictFromTree()
         logging_nodes = tree.findall(".//Logging")
         if logging_nodes:
             logging_dict = getDictFromTree(logging_nodes[0])
             logging_dict['Bucket'], success = getBucketFromHostname(logging_dict['Bucket'])
             if not success:
                 warning("Logging to unparsable bucket name: %s" % logging_dict['Bucket'])
             self.info['Logging'] = S3UriS3(u"s3://%(Bucket)s/%(Prefix)s" % logging_dict)
             self.info['Logging'] = None
     def __str__(self):
         tree = ET.Element("DistributionConfig")
         tree.attrib['xmlns'] = DistributionConfig.xmlns
         ## Retain the order of the following calls!
         s3org = appendXmlTextNode("S3Origin", '', tree)
         appendXmlTextNode("DNSName", self.info['S3Origin']['DNSName'], s3org)
         appendXmlTextNode("CallerReference", self.info['CallerReference'], tree)
         for cname in self.info['CNAME']:
             appendXmlTextNode("CNAME", cname.lower(), tree)
         if self.info['Comment']:
             appendXmlTextNode("Comment", self.info['Comment'], tree)
         appendXmlTextNode("Enabled", str(self.info['Enabled']).lower(), tree)
         # don't create a empty DefaultRootObject element as it would result in a MalformedXML error
         if str(self.info['DefaultRootObject']):
             appendXmlTextNode("DefaultRootObject", str(self.info['DefaultRootObject']), tree)
         if self.info['Logging']:
             logging_el = ET.Element("Logging")
             appendXmlTextNode("Bucket", getHostnameFromBucket(self.info['Logging'].bucket()), logging_el)
             appendXmlTextNode("Prefix", self.info['Logging'].object(), logging_el)
         return ET.tostring(tree)
 class Invalidation(object):
     ## Example:
     ## <Invalidation xmlns="http://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/doc/2010-11-01/">
     ##   <Id>id</Id>
     ##   <Status>status</Status>
     ##   <CreateTime>date</CreateTime>
     ##   <InvalidationBatch>
     ##       <Path>/image1.jpg</Path>
     ##       <Path>/image2.jpg</Path>
     ##       <Path>/videos/movie.flv</Path>
     ##       <CallerReference>my-batch</CallerReference>
     ##   </InvalidationBatch>
     ## </Invalidation>
     def __init__(self, xml):
         tree = getTreeFromXml(xml)
         if tree.tag != "Invalidation":
             raise ValueError("Expected <Invalidation /> xml, got: <%s />" % tree.tag)
     def parse(self, tree):
         self.info = getDictFromTree(tree)
     def __str__(self):
         return str(self.info)
 class InvalidationList(object):
     ## Example:
     ## <InvalidationList>
     ##   <Marker/>
     ##   <NextMarker>Invalidation ID</NextMarker>
     ##   <MaxItems>2</MaxItems>
     ##   <IsTruncated>true</IsTruncated>
     ##   <InvalidationSummary>
     ##     <Id>[Second Invalidation ID]</Id>
     ##     <Status>Completed</Status>
     ##   </InvalidationSummary>
     ##   <InvalidationSummary>
     ##     <Id>[First Invalidation ID]</Id>
     ##     <Status>Completed</Status>
     ##   </InvalidationSummary>
     ## </InvalidationList>
     def __init__(self, xml):
         tree = getTreeFromXml(xml)
         if tree.tag != "InvalidationList":
             raise ValueError("Expected <InvalidationList /> xml, got: <%s />" % tree.tag)
     def parse(self, tree):
         self.info = getDictFromTree(tree)
     def __str__(self):
         return str(self.info)
 class InvalidationBatch(object):
     ## Example:
     ## <InvalidationBatch>
     ##   <Path>/image1.jpg</Path>
     ##   <Path>/image2.jpg</Path>
     ##   <Path>/videos/movie.flv</Path>
     ##   <Path>/sound%20track.mp3</Path>
     ##   <CallerReference>my-batch</CallerReference>
     ## </InvalidationBatch>
     def __init__(self, reference = None, distribution = None, paths = []):
         if reference:
             self.reference = reference
             if not distribution:
             self.reference = "%s.%s.%s" % (distribution,
         self.paths = []
     def add_objects(self, paths):
     def get_reference(self):
         return self.reference
     def __str__(self):
         tree = ET.Element("InvalidationBatch")
         for path in self.paths:
             if len(path) < 1 or path[0] != "/":
                 path = "/" + path
             appendXmlTextNode("Path", urlencode_string(path), tree)
         appendXmlTextNode("CallerReference", self.reference, tree)
         return ET.tostring(tree)
 class CloudFront(object):
     operations = {
         "CreateDist" : { 'method' : "POST", 'resource' : "" },
         "DeleteDist" : { 'method' : "DELETE", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s" },
         "GetList" : { 'method' : "GET", 'resource' : "" },
         "GetDistInfo" : { 'method' : "GET", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s" },
         "GetDistConfig" : { 'method' : "GET", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s/config" },
         "SetDistConfig" : { 'method' : "PUT", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s/config" },
         "Invalidate" : { 'method' : "POST", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s/invalidation" },
         "GetInvalList" : { 'method' : "GET", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s/invalidation" },
         "GetInvalInfo" : { 'method' : "GET", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s/invalidation/%(request_id)s" },
     ## Maximum attempts of re-issuing failed requests
     _max_retries = 5
     dist_list = None
     def __init__(self, config):
         self.config = config
     ## --------------------------------------------------
     ## Methods implementing CloudFront API
     ## --------------------------------------------------
     def GetList(self):
         response = self.send_request("GetList")
         response['dist_list'] = DistributionList(response['data'])
         if response['dist_list'].info['IsTruncated']:
             raise NotImplementedError("List is truncated. Ask s3cmd author to add support.")
         ## TODO: handle Truncated
         return response
     def CreateDistribution(self, uri, cnames_add = [], comment = None, logging = None, default_root_object = None):
         dist_config = DistributionConfig()
         dist_config.info['Enabled'] = True
         dist_config.info['S3Origin']['DNSName'] = uri.host_name()
         dist_config.info['CallerReference'] = str(uri)
         dist_config.info['DefaultRootObject'] = default_root_object
         if comment == None:
             dist_config.info['Comment'] = uri.public_url()
             dist_config.info['Comment'] = comment
         for cname in cnames_add:
             if dist_config.info['CNAME'].count(cname) == 0:
         if logging:
             dist_config.info['Logging'] = S3UriS3(logging)
         request_body = str(dist_config)
         debug("CreateDistribution(): request_body: %s" % request_body)
         response = self.send_request("CreateDist", body = request_body)
         response['distribution'] = Distribution(response['data'])
         return response
     def ModifyDistribution(self, cfuri, cnames_add = [], cnames_remove = [],
                            comment = None, enabled = None, logging = None,
                            default_root_object = None):
         if cfuri.type != "cf":
             raise ValueError("Expected CFUri instead of: %s" % cfuri)
         # Get current dist status (enabled/disabled) and Etag
         info("Checking current status of %s" % cfuri)
         response = self.GetDistConfig(cfuri)
         dc = response['dist_config']
         if enabled != None:
             dc.info['Enabled'] = enabled
         if comment != None:
             dc.info['Comment'] = comment
         if default_root_object != None:
             dc.info['DefaultRootObject'] = default_root_object
         for cname in cnames_add:
             if dc.info['CNAME'].count(cname) == 0:
         for cname in cnames_remove:
             while dc.info['CNAME'].count(cname) > 0:
         if logging != None:
             if logging == False:
                 dc.info['Logging'] = False
                 dc.info['Logging'] = S3UriS3(logging)
         response = self.SetDistConfig(cfuri, dc, response['headers']['etag'])
         return response
     def DeleteDistribution(self, cfuri):
         if cfuri.type != "cf":
             raise ValueError("Expected CFUri instead of: %s" % cfuri)
         # Get current dist status (enabled/disabled) and Etag
         info("Checking current status of %s" % cfuri)
         response = self.GetDistConfig(cfuri)
         if response['dist_config'].info['Enabled']:
             info("Distribution is ENABLED. Disabling first.")
             response['dist_config'].info['Enabled'] = False
             response = self.SetDistConfig(cfuri, response['dist_config'],
             warning("Waiting for Distribution to become disabled.")
             warning("This may take several minutes, please wait.")
             while True:
                 response = self.GetDistInfo(cfuri)
                 d = response['distribution']
                 if d.info['Status'] == "Deployed" and d.info['Enabled'] == False:
                     info("Distribution is now disabled")
                 warning("Still waiting...")
         headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
         headers['if-match'] = response['headers']['etag']
         response = self.send_request("DeleteDist", dist_id = cfuri.dist_id(),
                                      headers = headers)
         return response
     def GetDistInfo(self, cfuri):
         if cfuri.type != "cf":
             raise ValueError("Expected CFUri instead of: %s" % cfuri)
         response = self.send_request("GetDistInfo", dist_id = cfuri.dist_id())
         response['distribution'] = Distribution(response['data'])
         return response
     def GetDistConfig(self, cfuri):
         if cfuri.type != "cf":
             raise ValueError("Expected CFUri instead of: %s" % cfuri)
         response = self.send_request("GetDistConfig", dist_id = cfuri.dist_id())
         response['dist_config'] = DistributionConfig(response['data'])
         return response
     def SetDistConfig(self, cfuri, dist_config, etag = None):
         if etag == None:
             debug("SetDistConfig(): Etag not set. Fetching it first.")
             etag = self.GetDistConfig(cfuri)['headers']['etag']
         debug("SetDistConfig(): Etag = %s" % etag)
         request_body = str(dist_config)
         debug("SetDistConfig(): request_body: %s" % request_body)
         headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
         headers['if-match'] = etag
         response = self.send_request("SetDistConfig", dist_id = cfuri.dist_id(),
                                      body = request_body, headers = headers)
         return response
     def InvalidateObjects(self, uri, paths, default_index_file, invalidate_default_index_on_cf, invalidate_default_index_root_on_cf):
         # joseprio: if the user doesn't want to invalidate the default index
         # path, or if the user wants to invalidate the root of the default
         # index, we need to process those paths
         if default_index_file is not None and (not invalidate_default_index_on_cf or invalidate_default_index_root_on_cf):
             new_paths = []
             default_index_suffix = '/' + default_index_file
             for path in paths:
                 if path.endswith(default_index_suffix) or path == default_index_file:
                     if invalidate_default_index_on_cf:
                     if invalidate_default_index_root_on_cf:
             paths = new_paths
         # uri could be either cf:// or s3:// uri
         cfuris = self.get_dist_name_for_bucket(uri)
         if len(paths) > 999:
                 tmp_filename = Utils.mktmpfile()
                 with open(deunicodise(tmp_filename), "w") as fp:
                 warning("Request to invalidate %d paths (max 999 supported)" % len(paths))
                 warning("All the paths are now saved in: %s" % tmp_filename)
             raise ParameterError("Too many paths to invalidate")
         responses = []
         for cfuri in cfuris:
             invalbatch = InvalidationBatch(distribution = cfuri.dist_id(), paths = paths)
             debug("InvalidateObjects(): request_body: %s" % invalbatch)
             response = self.send_request("Invalidate", dist_id = cfuri.dist_id(),
                                          body = str(invalbatch))
             response['dist_id'] = cfuri.dist_id()
             if response['status'] == 201:
                 inval_info = Invalidation(response['data']).info
                 response['request_id'] = inval_info['Id']
             debug("InvalidateObjects(): response: %s" % response)
         return responses
     def GetInvalList(self, cfuri):
         if cfuri.type != "cf":
             raise ValueError("Expected CFUri instead of: %s" % cfuri)
         response = self.send_request("GetInvalList", dist_id = cfuri.dist_id())
         response['inval_list'] = InvalidationList(response['data'])
         return response
     def GetInvalInfo(self, cfuri):
         if cfuri.type != "cf":
             raise ValueError("Expected CFUri instead of: %s" % cfuri)
         if cfuri.request_id() is None:
             raise ValueError("Expected CFUri with Request ID")
         response = self.send_request("GetInvalInfo", dist_id = cfuri.dist_id(), request_id = cfuri.request_id())
         response['inval_status'] = Invalidation(response['data'])
         return response
     ## --------------------------------------------------
     ## Low-level methods for handling CloudFront requests
     ## --------------------------------------------------
     def send_request(self, op_name, dist_id = None, request_id = None, body = None, headers = None, retries = _max_retries):
         if headers is None:
             headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
         operation = self.operations[op_name]
         if body:
             headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
         request = self.create_request(operation, dist_id, request_id, headers)
         conn = self.get_connection()
         debug("send_request(): %s %s" % (request['method'], request['resource']))
         conn.c.request(request['method'], request['resource'], body, request['headers'])
         http_response = conn.c.getresponse()
         response = {}
         response["status"] = http_response.status
         response["reason"] = http_response.reason
         response["headers"] = convertHeaderTupleListToDict(http_response.getheaders())
         response["data"] =  http_response.read()
         debug("CloudFront: response: %r" % response)
         if response["status"] >= 500:
             e = CloudFrontError(response)
             if retries:
                 warning(u"Retrying failed request: %s" % op_name)
                 warning("Waiting %d sec..." % self._fail_wait(retries))
                 return self.send_request(op_name, dist_id, body, retries = retries - 1)
                 raise e
         if response["status"] < 200 or response["status"] > 299:
             raise CloudFrontError(response)
         return response
     def create_request(self, operation, dist_id = None, request_id = None, headers = None):
         resource = cloudfront_resource + (
                    operation['resource'] % { 'dist_id' : dist_id, 'request_id' : request_id })
         if not headers:
             headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
         if "date" in headers:
             if "x-amz-date" not in headers:
                 headers["x-amz-date"] = headers["date"]
         if "x-amz-date" not in headers:
             headers["x-amz-date"] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime())
         if len(self.config.access_token)>0:
         signature = self.sign_request(headers)
         headers["Authorization"] = "AWS "+self.config.access_key+":"+signature
         request = {}
         request['resource'] = resource
         request['headers'] = headers
         request['method'] = operation['method']
         return request
     def sign_request(self, headers):
         string_to_sign = headers['x-amz-date']
         signature = sign_string_v2(string_to_sign)
         debug(u"CloudFront.sign_request('%s') = %s" % (string_to_sign, signature))
         return signature
     def get_connection(self):
         conn = ConnMan.get(self.config.cloudfront_host, ssl = True)
         return conn
     def _fail_wait(self, retries):
         # Wait a few seconds. The more it fails the more we wait.
         return (self._max_retries - retries + 1) * 3
     def get_dist_name_for_bucket(self, uri):
         if uri.type == "cf":
             return [uri]
         if uri.type != "s3":
             raise ParameterError("CloudFront or S3 URI required instead of: %s" % uri)
         debug("_get_dist_name_for_bucket(%r)" % uri)
         if CloudFront.dist_list is None:
             response = self.GetList()
             CloudFront.dist_list = {}
             for d in response['dist_list'].dist_summs:
                 distListIndex = ""
                 if "S3Origin" in d.info:
                     distListIndex = getBucketFromHostname(d.info['S3Origin']['DNSName'])[0]
                 elif "CustomOrigin" in d.info:
                     # Aral: This used to skip over distributions with CustomOrigin, however, we mustn't
                     #       do this since S3 buckets that are set up as websites use custom origins.
                     #       Thankfully, the custom origin URLs they use start with the URL of the
                     #       S3 bucket. Here, we make use this naming convention to support this use case.
                     distListIndex = getBucketFromHostname(d.info['CustomOrigin']['DNSName'])[0];
                     distListIndex = distListIndex[:len(uri.bucket())]
                     # Aral: I'm not sure when this condition will be reached, but keeping it in there.
                 if CloudFront.dist_list.get(distListIndex, None) is None:
                     CloudFront.dist_list[distListIndex] = set() 
             debug("dist_list: %s" % CloudFront.dist_list)
             return CloudFront.dist_list[uri.bucket()]
         except Exception as e:
             raise ParameterError("Unable to translate S3 URI to CloudFront distribution name: %s" % uri)
 class Cmd(object):
     Class that implements CloudFront commands
     class Options(object):
         cf_cnames_add = []
         cf_cnames_remove = []
         cf_comment = None
         cf_enable = None
         cf_logging = None
         cf_default_root_object = None
         def option_list(self):
             return [opt for opt in dir(self) if opt.startswith("cf_")]
         def update_option(self, option, value):
             setattr(Cmd.options, option, value)
     options = Options()
     def _parse_args(args):
         cf = CloudFront(Config())
         cfuris = []
         for arg in args:
             uris = cf.get_dist_name_for_bucket(S3Uri(arg))
         return cfuris
     def info(args):
         cf = CloudFront(Config())
         if not args:
             response = cf.GetList()
             for d in response['dist_list'].dist_summs:
                 if "S3Origin" in d.info:
                     origin = S3UriS3.httpurl_to_s3uri(d.info['S3Origin']['DNSName'])
                 elif "CustomOrigin" in d.info:
                     origin = "http://%s/" % d.info['CustomOrigin']['DNSName']
                     origin = "<unknown>"
                 pretty_output("Origin", origin)
                 pretty_output("DistId", d.uri())
                 pretty_output("DomainName", d.info['DomainName'])
                 if "CNAME" in d.info:
                     pretty_output("CNAMEs", ", ".join(d.info['CNAME']))
                 pretty_output("Status", d.info['Status'])
                 pretty_output("Enabled", d.info['Enabled'])
             cfuris = Cmd._parse_args(args)
             for cfuri in cfuris:
                 response = cf.GetDistInfo(cfuri)
                 d = response['distribution']
                 dc = d.info['DistributionConfig']
                 if "S3Origin" in dc.info:
                     origin = S3UriS3.httpurl_to_s3uri(dc.info['S3Origin']['DNSName'])
                 elif "CustomOrigin" in dc.info:
                     origin = "http://%s/" % dc.info['CustomOrigin']['DNSName']
                     origin = "<unknown>"
                 pretty_output("Origin", origin)
                 pretty_output("DistId", d.uri())
                 pretty_output("DomainName", d.info['DomainName'])
                 if "CNAME" in dc.info:
                     pretty_output("CNAMEs", ", ".join(dc.info['CNAME']))
                 pretty_output("Status", d.info['Status'])
                 pretty_output("Comment", dc.info['Comment'])
                 pretty_output("Enabled", dc.info['Enabled'])
                 pretty_output("DfltRootObject", dc.info['DefaultRootObject'])
                 pretty_output("Logging", dc.info['Logging'] or "Disabled")
                 pretty_output("Etag", response['headers']['etag'])
     def create(args):
         cf = CloudFront(Config())
         buckets = []
         for arg in args:
             uri = S3Uri(arg)
             if uri.type != "s3":
                 raise ParameterError("Distribution can only be created from a s3:// URI instead of: %s" % arg)
             if uri.object():
                 raise ParameterError("Use s3:// URI with a bucket name only instead of: %s" % arg)
             if not uri.is_dns_compatible():
                 raise ParameterError("CloudFront can only handle lowercase-named buckets.")
         if not buckets:
             raise ParameterError("No valid bucket names found")
         for uri in buckets:
             info("Creating distribution from: %s" % uri)
             response = cf.CreateDistribution(uri, cnames_add = Cmd.options.cf_cnames_add,
                                              comment = Cmd.options.cf_comment,
                                              logging = Cmd.options.cf_logging,
                                              default_root_object = Cmd.options.cf_default_root_object)
             d = response['distribution']
             dc = d.info['DistributionConfig']
             output("Distribution created:")
             pretty_output("Origin", S3UriS3.httpurl_to_s3uri(dc.info['S3Origin']['DNSName']))
             pretty_output("DistId", d.uri())
             pretty_output("DomainName", d.info['DomainName'])
             pretty_output("CNAMEs", ", ".join(dc.info['CNAME']))
             pretty_output("Comment", dc.info['Comment'])
             pretty_output("Status", d.info['Status'])
             pretty_output("Enabled", dc.info['Enabled'])
             pretty_output("DefaultRootObject", dc.info['DefaultRootObject'])
             pretty_output("Etag", response['headers']['etag'])
     def delete(args):
         cf = CloudFront(Config())
         cfuris = Cmd._parse_args(args)
         for cfuri in cfuris:
             response = cf.DeleteDistribution(cfuri)
             if response['status'] >= 400:
                 error("Distribution %s could not be deleted: %s" % (cfuri, response['reason']))
             output("Distribution %s deleted" % cfuri)
     def modify(args):
         cf = CloudFront(Config())
         if len(args) > 1:
             raise ParameterError("Too many parameters. Modify one Distribution at a time.")
             cfuri = Cmd._parse_args(args)[0]
         except IndexError:
             raise ParameterError("No valid Distribution URI found.")
         response = cf.ModifyDistribution(cfuri,
                                          cnames_add = Cmd.options.cf_cnames_add,
                                          cnames_remove = Cmd.options.cf_cnames_remove,
                                          comment = Cmd.options.cf_comment,
                                          enabled = Cmd.options.cf_enable,
                                          logging = Cmd.options.cf_logging,
                                          default_root_object = Cmd.options.cf_default_root_object)
         if response['status'] >= 400:
             error("Distribution %s could not be modified: %s" % (cfuri, response['reason']))
         output("Distribution modified: %s" % cfuri)
         response = cf.GetDistInfo(cfuri)
         d = response['distribution']
         dc = d.info['DistributionConfig']
         pretty_output("Origin", S3UriS3.httpurl_to_s3uri(dc.info['S3Origin']['DNSName']))
         pretty_output("DistId", d.uri())
         pretty_output("DomainName", d.info['DomainName'])
         pretty_output("Status", d.info['Status'])
         pretty_output("CNAMEs", ", ".join(dc.info['CNAME']))
         pretty_output("Comment", dc.info['Comment'])
         pretty_output("Enabled", dc.info['Enabled'])
         pretty_output("DefaultRootObject", dc.info['DefaultRootObject'])
         pretty_output("Etag", response['headers']['etag'])
     def invalinfo(args):
         cf = CloudFront(Config())
         cfuris = Cmd._parse_args(args)
         requests = []
         for cfuri in cfuris:
             if cfuri.request_id():
                 inval_list = cf.GetInvalList(cfuri)
                     for i in inval_list['inval_list'].info['InvalidationSummary']:
                         requests.append("/".join(["cf:/", cfuri.dist_id(), i["Id"]]))
         for req in requests:
             cfuri = S3Uri(req)
             inval_info = cf.GetInvalInfo(cfuri)
             st = inval_info['inval_status'].info
             pretty_output("URI", str(cfuri))
             pretty_output("Status", st['Status'])
             pretty_output("Created", st['CreateTime'])
             pretty_output("Nr of paths", len(st['InvalidationBatch']['Path']))
             pretty_output("Reference", st['InvalidationBatch']['CallerReference'])
 # vim:et:ts=4:sts=4:ai