 #!/usr/bin/env python
 ## Amazon S3cmd - testsuite
 ## Author: Michal Ludvig <>
 ## License: GPL Version 2
 import sys
 import re
 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
 count_pass = 0
 count_fail = 0
 def test(label, cmd_args = [], retcode = 0, must_find = [], must_not_find = [], must_find_re = [], must_not_find_re = []):
 	def failure(message = ""):
 		global count_fail
 		if message:
 			message = "  (%s)" % message
 		print "FAIL%s" % (message)
 		count_fail += 1
 		print "----"
 		print " ".join([arg.find(" ")>=0 and "'%s'" % arg or arg for arg in cmd_args])
 		print "----"
 		print stdout
 		print "----"
 		return 1
 	def success(message = ""):
 		global count_pass
 		if message:
 			message = "  (%s)" % message
 		print "OK%s" % (message)
 		count_pass += 1
 		return 0
 	def compile_list(_list, regexps = False):
 		if type(_list) not in [ list, tuple ]:
 			_list = [_list]
 		if regexps == False:
 			_list = [re.escape(item) for item in _list]
 		return [re.compile(item) for item in _list]
 	print (label + " ").ljust(30, "."),
 	p = Popen(cmd_args, stdout = PIPE, stderr = STDOUT, universal_newlines = True)
 	stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
 	if retcode != p.returncode:
 		return failure("retcode: %d, expected: %d" % (p.returncode, retcode))
 	find_list = []
 	find_list.extend(compile_list(must_find_re, regexps = True))
 	not_find_list = []
 	not_find_list.extend(compile_list(must_not_find_re, regexps = True))
 	for pattern in find_list:
 		match =
 		if not match:
 			return failure("pattern not found: %s" %
 	for pattern in not_find_list:
 		match =
 		if match:
 			return failure("pattern found: %s" %
 	return success()
 def test_s3cmd(label, cmd_args = [], **kwargs):
 	if not cmd_args[0].endswith("s3cmd"):
 		cmd_args.insert(0, "./s3cmd")
 	return test(label, cmd_args, **kwargs)
 test_s3cmd("Remove test buckets", ['rb', '-r', 's3://s3cmd-autotest-1', 's3://s3cmd-autotest-2', 's3://s3cmd-autotest-3'],
 	must_find = [ "Bucket 's3://s3cmd-autotest-1/' removed",
 		      "Bucket 's3://s3cmd-autotest-2/' removed",
 		      "Bucket 's3://s3cmd-autotest-3/' removed" ])
 test_s3cmd("Create one bucket", ['mb', 's3://s3cmd-autotest-1'], 
 	must_find = "Bucket 's3://s3cmd-autotest-1/' created")
 test_s3cmd("Create multiple buckets", ['mb', 's3://s3cmd-autotest-2', 's3://s3cmd-autotest-3'], 
 	must_find = [ "Bucket 's3://s3cmd-autotest-2/' created", "Bucket 's3://s3cmd-autotest-3/' created" ])
 test_s3cmd("Invalid bucket name", ["mb", "s3://s3cmd-Autotest-.-"], 
 	retcode = 1,
 	must_find = "ERROR: Parameter problem: Bucket name", 
 	must_not_find_re = "Bucket.*created")
 test_s3cmd("Buckets list", ["ls"], 
 	must_find = [ "autotest-1", "autotest-2", "autotest-3" ], must_not_find_re = "Autotest")
 test_s3cmd("Sync with exclude", ['sync', 'testsuite', 's3://s3cmd-autotest-1/xyz/', '--exclude', '*/thousands/*', '--no-encrypt'])