 TODO list for s3cmd project
 - Treat objects with "/" in their name as directories
   - Will need local cache for bucket listings
   - More user friendly 'del' operation that would work
     with "directories"
   - Recursion for some commands
 - Implement 'sync' from S3 to local filesystem
   - Will have to restore file attributes
     - Eh, we have to store them first ;-)
 - Implement GPG for sync
   (it's not that easy since it won't be easy to compare
    the encrypted-remote-object size with local file. 
    either we can store the metadata in a dedicated file 
    where we face a risk of inconsistencies, or we'll store
    the metadata encrypted in each object header where we'll
    have to do large number for object/HEAD requests. tough 
 - Compute MD5 checksum when sending file to S3 
   (that's easy and patch exists but it will slow down 
    the operation. instead I'm planning to run the 
    MD5-summor in a separate thread since both MD5-summing
    and sending data to S3 can both be time consuming yet 
    parallel tasks).
 - Keep man page up to date and write some more documentation
   - Yeah, right ;-)