## Amazon S3 manager
## Author: Michal Ludvig <michal@logix.cz>
##         http://www.logix.cz/michal
## License: GPL Version 2
## Copyright: TGRMN Software and contributors

import logging
from logging import debug, info, warning, error
import re
import os
import sys
import Progress
from SortedDict import SortedDict
import httplib
    import json
except ImportError, e:

class Config(object):
    _instance = None
    _parsed_files = []
    _doc = {}
    access_key = ""
    secret_key = ""
    access_token = ""
    host_base = "s3.amazonaws.com"
    host_bucket = "%(bucket)s.s3.amazonaws.com"
    simpledb_host = "sdb.amazonaws.com"
    cloudfront_host = "cloudfront.amazonaws.com"
    verbosity = logging.WARNING
    progress_meter = True
    progress_class = Progress.ProgressCR
    send_chunk = 4096
    recv_chunk = 4096
    list_md5 = False
    human_readable_sizes = False
    extra_headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
    force = False
    server_side_encryption = False
    enable = None
    get_continue = False
    put_continue = False
    upload_id = None
    skip_existing = False
    recursive = False
    restore_days = 1
    acl_public = None
    acl_grants = []
    acl_revokes = []
    proxy_host = ""
    proxy_port = 3128
    encrypt = False
    dry_run = False
    add_encoding_exts = ""
    preserve_attrs = True
    preserve_attrs_list = [
        'uname',    # Verbose owner Name (e.g. 'root')
        'uid',      # Numeric user ID (e.g. 0)
        'gname',    # Group name (e.g. 'users')
        'gid',      # Numeric group ID (e.g. 100)
        'atime',    # Last access timestamp
        'mtime',    # Modification timestamp
        'ctime',    # Creation timestamp
        'mode',     # File mode (e.g. rwxr-xr-x = 755)
        'md5',      # File MD5 (if known)
        #'acl',     # Full ACL (not yet supported)
    delete_removed = False
    delete_after = False
    delete_after_fetch = False
    max_delete = -1
    _doc['delete_removed'] = "[sync] Remove remote S3 objects when local file has been deleted"
    delay_updates = False
    gpg_passphrase = ""
    gpg_command = ""
    gpg_encrypt = "%(gpg_command)s -c --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s"
    gpg_decrypt = "%(gpg_command)s -d --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s"
    use_https = False
    bucket_location = "US"
    default_mime_type = "binary/octet-stream"
    guess_mime_type = True
    use_mime_magic = True
    mime_type = ""
    enable_multipart = True
    multipart_chunk_size_mb = 15    # MB
    # List of checks to be performed for 'sync'
    sync_checks = ['size', 'md5']   # 'weak-timestamp'
    # List of compiled REGEXPs
    exclude = []
    include = []
    # Dict mapping compiled REGEXPs back to their textual form
    debug_exclude = {}
    debug_include = {}
    encoding = "utf-8"
    urlencoding_mode = "normal"
    log_target_prefix = ""
    reduced_redundancy = False
    follow_symlinks = False
    socket_timeout = 300
    invalidate_on_cf = False
    # joseprio: new flags for default index invalidation
    invalidate_default_index_on_cf = False
    invalidate_default_index_root_on_cf = True
    website_index = "index.html"
    website_error = ""
    website_endpoint = "http://%(bucket)s.s3-website-%(location)s.amazonaws.com/"
    additional_destinations = []
    files_from = []
    cache_file = ""
    add_headers = ""
    ignore_failed_copy = False
    expiry_days = ""
    expiry_date = ""
    expiry_prefix = ""

    ## Creating a singleton
    def __new__(self, configfile = None, access_key=None, secret_key=None):
        if self._instance is None:
            self._instance = object.__new__(self)
        return self._instance

    def __init__(self, configfile = None, access_key=None, secret_key=None):
        if configfile:
            except IOError, e:
                if 'AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE' in os.environ:

            # override these if passed on the command-line
            if access_key and secret_key:
                self.access_key = access_key
                self.secret_key = secret_key

            if len(self.access_key)==0:
                env_access_key = os.environ.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY", None) or os.environ.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", None)
                env_secret_key = os.environ.get("AWS_SECRET_KEY", None) or os.environ.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", None)
                if env_access_key:
                    self.access_key = env_access_key
                    self.secret_key = env_secret_key

    def role_config(self):
        if sys.version_info[0] * 10 + sys.version_info[1] < 26:
            error("IAM authentication requires Python 2.6 or newer")
        if not 'json' in sys.modules:
            error("IAM authentication not available -- missing module json")
            conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host='', timeout = 2)
            conn.request('GET', "/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/")
            resp = conn.getresponse()
            files = resp.read()
            if resp.status == 200 and len(files)>1:
                conn.request('GET', "/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/%s"%files)
                if resp.status == 200:
                    Config().update_option('access_key', creds['AccessKeyId'].encode('ascii'))
                    Config().update_option('secret_key', creds['SecretAccessKey'].encode('ascii'))
                    Config().update_option('access_token', creds['Token'].encode('ascii'))
                    raise IOError
                raise IOError

    def role_refresh(self):
            warning("Could not refresh role")

    def env_config(self):
        cred_content = ""
            cred_file = open(os.environ['AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE'],'r')
            cred_content = cred_file.read()
        except IOError, e:
            debug("Error %d accessing credentials file %s" % (e.errno,os.environ['AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE']))
        r_data = re.compile("^\s*(?P<orig_key>\w+)\s*=\s*(?P<value>.*)")
        r_quotes = re.compile("^\"(.*)\"\s*$")
        if len(cred_content)>0:
            for line in cred_content.splitlines():
                is_data = r_data.match(line)
                is_data = r_data.match(line)
                if is_data:
                    data = is_data.groupdict()
                    if r_quotes.match(data["value"]):
                        data["value"] = data["value"][1:-1]
                    if data["orig_key"]=="AWSAccessKeyId":
                        data["key"] = "access_key"
                    elif data["orig_key"]=="AWSSecretKey":
                        data["key"] = "secret_key"
                        del data["key"]
                    if "key" in data:
                        Config().update_option(data["key"], data["value"])
                        if data["key"] in ("access_key", "secret_key", "gpg_passphrase"):
                            print_value = ("%s...%d_chars...%s") % (data["value"][:2], len(data["value"]) - 3, data["value"][-1:])
                            print_value = data["value"]
                        debug("env_Config: %s->%s" % (data["key"], print_value))

    def option_list(self):
        retval = []
        for option in dir(self):
            ## Skip attributes that start with underscore or are not string, int or bool
            option_type = type(getattr(Config, option))
            if option.startswith("_") or \
               not (option_type in (
                    type("string"), # str
                        type(42),   # int
                    type(True))):   # bool
        return retval

    def read_config_file(self, configfile):
        cp = ConfigParser(configfile)
        for option in self.option_list():
            self.update_option(option, cp.get(option))

        if cp.get('add_headers'):
            for option in cp.get('add_headers').split(","):
                (key, value) = option.split(':')
                self.extra_headers[key.replace('_', '-').strip()] = value.strip()


    def dump_config(self, stream):
        ConfigDumper(stream).dump("default", self)

    def update_option(self, option, value):
        if value is None:

        #### Handle environment reference
        if str(value).startswith("$"):
            return self.update_option(option, os.getenv(str(value)[1:]))

        #### Special treatment of some options
        ## verbosity must be known to "logging" module
        if option == "verbosity":
            # support integer verboisities
                value = int(value)
            except ValueError, e:
                    # otherwise it must be a key known to the logging module
                    value = logging._levelNames[value]
                except KeyError:
                    error("Config: verbosity level '%s' is not valid" % value)

        ## allow yes/no, true/false, on/off and 1/0 for boolean options
        elif type(getattr(Config, option)) is type(True):   # bool
            if str(value).lower() in ("true", "yes", "on", "1"):
                value = True
            elif str(value).lower() in ("false", "no", "off", "0"):
                value = False
                error("Config: value of option '%s' must be Yes or No, not '%s'" % (option, value))

        elif type(getattr(Config, option)) is type(42):     # int
                value = int(value)
            except ValueError, e:
                error("Config: value of option '%s' must be an integer, not '%s'" % (option, value))

        setattr(Config, option, value)

class ConfigParser(object):
    def __init__(self, file, sections = []):
        self.cfg = {}
        self.parse_file(file, sections)

    def parse_file(self, file, sections = []):
        debug("ConfigParser: Reading file '%s'" % file)
        if type(sections) != type([]):
            sections = [sections]
        in_our_section = True
        f = open(file, "r")
        r_comment = re.compile("^\s*#.*")
        r_empty = re.compile("^\s*$")
        r_section = re.compile("^\[([^\]]+)\]")
        r_data = re.compile("^\s*(?P<key>\w+)\s*=\s*(?P<value>.*)")
        r_quotes = re.compile("^\"(.*)\"\s*$")
        for line in f:
            if r_comment.match(line) or r_empty.match(line):
            is_section = r_section.match(line)
            if is_section:
                section = is_section.groups()[0]
                in_our_section = (section in sections) or (len(sections) == 0)
            is_data = r_data.match(line)
            if is_data and in_our_section:
                data = is_data.groupdict()
                if r_quotes.match(data["value"]):
                    data["value"] = data["value"][1:-1]
                self.__setitem__(data["key"], data["value"])
                if data["key"] in ("access_key", "secret_key", "gpg_passphrase"):
                    print_value = ("%s...%d_chars...%s") % (data["value"][:2], len(data["value"]) - 3, data["value"][-1:])
                    print_value = data["value"]
                debug("ConfigParser: %s->%s" % (data["key"], print_value))
            warning("Ignoring invalid line in '%s': %s" % (file, line))

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return self.cfg[name]

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        self.cfg[name] = value

    def get(self, name, default = None):
        if self.cfg.has_key(name):
            return self.cfg[name]
        return default

class ConfigDumper(object):
    def __init__(self, stream):
        self.stream = stream

    def dump(self, section, config):
        self.stream.write("[%s]\n" % section)
        for option in config.option_list():
            value = getattr(config, option)
            if option == "verbosity":
                # we turn level numbers back into strings if possible
                if isinstance(value,int) and value in logging._levelNames:
                    value = logging._levelNames[value]

            self.stream.write("%s = %s\n" % (option, value))

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