## Amazon S3 manager
## Author: Michal Ludvig <michal@logix.cz>
##         http://www.logix.cz/michal
## License: GPL Version 2

import os, os.path
import errno
import random
import pickle
import sqlite3
import string

class S3fs(object):
	_sync_attrs = [ "tree" ]

	## These are instance variables - we must
	## catch when they are used uninitialized
	###   _object_name = ...
	###  fsname = ...
	###  tree = ...

	def __init__(self, fsname = None):
		self.n = S3fsObjectName()
		if fsname:

	def mkfs(self, fsname):
		self.fsname = fsname
		self._object_name = self.n.fs(fsname)
		if self.object_exists(self._object_name):
			raise S3fsError("Filesystem '%s' already exists" % fsname, errno.EEXIST)
		tree = S3fsTree(self.object_create(self._object_name))
		root_inode = S3fsInode(self)
		S3fsSync.store(self, root_inode)

	def openfs(self, fsname):
		self.fsname = fsname
		self._object_name = self.n.fs(fsname)
		if not self.object_exists(self._object_name):
			raise S3fsError("Filesystem '%s' does not exist" % fsname, errno.ENOENT)
		self.tree = S3fsTree(self.object_fetch(self._object_name))
		print self.tree

	def get_inode(self, path):
		(inode_num, id) = self.tree.get_inode(path)
		inode = S3fsInode(self, id)
		return inode
	def store(self):

class S3fsTree(object):
	def __init__(self, fsfilename):
		print "S3fsTree(%s) opening database" % fsfilename
		self._cache = {}
		self.conn = sqlite3.connect(fsfilename)
		self.conn.isolation_level = None	## Auto-Commit mode
		self.c = self.conn.cursor()
				CREATE TABLE tree (
					parent INTEGER, 
					name TEXT, 
					id TEXT, 
					UNIQUE (parent, name)
			print "Table 'tree' created"
		except sqlite3.OperationalError, e:
			if e.message != "table tree already exists":
		print "Dumping filesystem:"
		r = self.c.execute("SELECT * FROM tree")
		for row in r.fetchall():
			print row
		print "Done."
	def mkrootdir(self, id):
		r = self.c.execute("""
			INSERT INTO tree (parent, name, id)
			     VALUES (-1, "/", ?)
			""", (id,))
		self._cache["/"] = (r.lastrowid, id)
		print "Stored '/': %s" % str(self._cache["/"])

	def get_inode(self, path):
		print "get_inode(%s)" % path
		print "_cache = %s" % str(self._cache)
		if self._cache.has_key(path):
			return self._cache[path]
		if not path.startswith("/"):
			raise ValueError("get_inode() requires path beginning with '/'")
		path = path[1:]
		pathparts = path.split("/")[1:]
		query_from = "tree as t0"
		query_where = "t0.parent == -1 AND t0.name == '/'"
		join_index = 0
		for p in pathparts:
			join_index += 1
			query_from += " LEFT JOIN tree as t%d" % join_index
			query_where += " AND t%d.parent == t%d.inode AND t%d.name == ?" % \
					(join_index, join_index-1, join_index)

		query = "SELECT t%d.inode, t%d.id FROM %s WHERE %s" % \
			(join_index, join_index, query_from, query_where)

		print query
		retval = self.c.execute(query, pathparts).fetchone()
		print retval
		return retval

#class S3fsDb(object):

class S3fsInode(object):
	_fs = None

	## Interface for S3fsSync
	_sync_attrs = [ "properties" ]
	# _object_name = 

	## Properties
	inode_id = None
	properties = {
		"ctime" : 0,
		"mtime" : 0,
		"uid" : 0,
		"gid" : 0,
		"mode" : 0,

	def __init__(self, fs, inode_id = None):
		if not inode_id:
			inode_id = fs.n.rndstr(10)
		self.inode_id = inode_id
		self._object_name = fs.n.inode(fs.fsname, inode_id)
		self._fs = fs
		S3fsSync.try_load(self._fs, self)

	def setprop(self, property, value):
		self.properties[property] = value
		return value
	def getprop(self, property):
		return self.properties[property]
	def assert_property_name(self, property):
		if not self.properties.has_key(property):
			raise ValueError("Property '%s' not known to S3fsInode")

class S3fsLocalDir(S3fs):
	def __init__(self, directory, fsname = None):
		if not os.path.isdir(directory):
			raise IOError("Directory %s does not exist" % directory, errno.ENOENT)
		self._dir = directory

		## SubClass must be set to go before calling parent constructor!
		S3fs.__init__(self, fsname)
	def object_exists(self, object_name):
		real_path = os.path.join(self._dir, object_name)
		if os.path.isfile(real_path):	## Is file, all good
			return True
		if os.path.exists(real_path):	## Exists but is not file!
			raise S3fsError("Object %s (%s) is not a regular file" % (object_name, real_path), errno.EINVAL)
		return False

	def object_write(self, object_name, contents):
		real_path = os.path.join(self._dir, object_name)
		f = open(real_path, "wb")

	def object_read(self, object_name):
		real_path = os.path.join(self._dir, object_name)
		f = open(real_path, "rb")
		contents = f.read()
		return contents
	def object_create(self, object_name):
		""" Create object in a temporary directory
		real_path = os.path.join(self._dir, object_name)
		# Load object from S3 to a temporary directory
		return real_path

	def object_fetch(self, object_name):
		""" Load object from S3 to a local directory.

		    Returns: real file name on the local filesystem.
		real_path = os.path.join(self._dir, object_name)
		return real_path

	def object_store(self, object_name):
		""" Store object from a local directory to S3.

		    Returns: real file name on the local filesystem.
		real_path = os.path.join(self._dir, object_name)
		# Store file from temporary directory to S3
		return real_path
	def object_real_path(self, object_name):
		return os.path.join(self._dir, object_name)

class S3fsObjectName(object):
	_rnd_chars = string.ascii_letters+string.digits
	_rnd_chars_len = len(_rnd_chars)

	def __init__(self):

	def rndstr(self, len):
		retval = ""
		while len > 0:
			retval += self._rnd_chars[random.randint(0, self._rnd_chars_len-1)]
			len -= 1
		return retval

	def fs(self, fsname):
		return "fs-%s" % fsname

	def inode(self, fsname, inode_id):
		return "%s-i-%s" % (fsname, inode_id)
class S3fsSync(object):
	def store(fs, instance, object_name = None):
		if not object_name:
			object_name = instance._object_name
		to_sync = {}
		for attr in instance._sync_attrs:
			if hasattr(instance, attr):
				to_sync[attr] = getattr(instance, attr)
		fs.object_write(object_name, pickle.dumps(to_sync))
		print "Stored object: %s" % (object_name)

	def load(fs, instance, object_name = None):
		if not object_name:
			object_name = instance._object_name
		from_sync = pickle.loads(fs.object_read(object_name))
		for attr in instance._sync_attrs:
			if from_sync.has_key(attr):
				setattr(instance, attr, from_sync[attr])
		print "Loaded object: %s" % (object_name)

	def try_load(fs, instance, object_name = None):
		if not object_name:
			object_name = instance._object_name
		if fs.object_exists(object_name):
			S3fsSync.load(fs, instance, object_name)
			print "Nonexist object: %s" % (object_name)

class S3fsError(Exception):
	def __init__(self, message, errno = -1):
		Exception.__init__(self, message)
		self.errno = errno
if __name__ == "__main__":
	local_dir = "/tmp/s3fs"
	fsname = "testFs"
	if not os.path.isdir(local_dir):

		fs = S3fsLocalDir(local_dir, fsname)
		print "Filesystem '%s' opened." % fsname
	except S3fsError, e:
		if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
			print "Filesystem %s does not exist -> mkfs()" % fsname
			fs = S3fsLocalDir(local_dir)
	root_inode = fs.get_inode("/")
	print "root_inode(%s).mode = 0%o" % (root_inode.inode_id, root_inode.getprop("mode"))
	if root_inode.getprop("mode") == 0:
		root_inode.setprop("mode", 0755)
	S3fsSync.store(fs, root_inode)