## Amazon S3 manager
## Author: Michal Ludvig <michal@logix.cz>
##         http://www.logix.cz/michal
## License: GPL Version 2

import os
import time
import re
import string
import random
import rfc822
	from hashlib import md5, sha1
except ImportError:
	from md5 import md5
	import sha as sha1
import hmac
import base64
import errno

from logging import debug, info, warning, error

import Config
import Exceptions

	import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
	import elementtree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError

__all__ = []
def parseNodes(nodes):
	## WARNING: Ignores text nodes from mixed xml/text.
	## For instance <tag1>some text<tag2>other text</tag2></tag1>
	## will be ignore "some text" node
	retval = []
	for node in nodes:
		retval_item = {}
		for child in node.getchildren():
			name = child.tag
			if child.getchildren():
				retval_item[name] = parseNodes([child])
				retval_item[name] = node.findtext(".//%s" % child.tag)
	return retval

def stripNameSpace(xml):
	removeNameSpace(xml) -- remove top-level AWS namespace
	r = re.compile('^(<?[^>]+?>\s?)(<\w+) xmlns=[\'"](http://[^\'"]+)[\'"](.*)', re.MULTILINE)
	if r.match(xml):
		xmlns = r.match(xml).groups()[2]
		xml = r.sub("\\1\\2\\4", xml)
		xmlns = None
	return xml, xmlns

def getTreeFromXml(xml):
	xml, xmlns = stripNameSpace(xml)
		tree = ET.fromstring(xml)
		if xmlns:
			tree.attrib['xmlns'] = xmlns
		return tree
	except ExpatError, e:
		raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket contains invalid filenames. Please run: s3cmd fixbucket s3://your-bucket/")
def getListFromXml(xml, node):
	tree = getTreeFromXml(xml)
	nodes = tree.findall('.//%s' % (node))
	return parseNodes(nodes)

def getDictFromTree(tree):
	ret_dict = {}
	for child in tree.getchildren():
		if child.getchildren():
			## Complex-type child. We're not interested
		if ret_dict.has_key(child.tag):
			if not type(ret_dict[child.tag]) == list:
				ret_dict[child.tag] = [ret_dict[child.tag]]
			ret_dict[child.tag].append(child.text or "")
			ret_dict[child.tag] = child.text or ""
	return ret_dict

def getTextFromXml(xml, xpath):
	tree = getTreeFromXml(xml)
	if tree.tag.endswith(xpath):
		return tree.text
		return tree.findtext(xpath)

def getRootTagName(xml):
	tree = getTreeFromXml(xml)
	return tree.tag

def xmlTextNode(tag_name, text):
	el = ET.Element(tag_name)
	el.text = unicode(text)
	return el

def appendXmlTextNode(tag_name, text, parent):
	Creates a new <tag_name> Node and sets
	its content to 'text'. Then appends the
	created Node to 'parent' element if given.
	Returns the newly created Node.
	parent.append(xmlTextNode(tag_name, text))

def dateS3toPython(date):
	date = re.compile("(\.\d*)?Z").sub(".000Z", date)
	return time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")

def dateS3toUnix(date):
	## FIXME: This should be timezone-aware.
	## Currently the argument to strptime() is GMT but mktime() 
	## treats it as "localtime". Anyway...
	return time.mktime(dateS3toPython(date))

def dateRFC822toPython(date):
	return rfc822.parsedate(date)

def dateRFC822toUnix(date):
	return time.mktime(dateRFC822toPython(date))

def formatSize(size, human_readable = False, floating_point = False):
	size = floating_point and float(size) or int(size)
	if human_readable:
		coeffs = ['k', 'M', 'G', 'T']
		coeff = ""
		while size > 2048:
			size /= 1024
			coeff = coeffs.pop(0)
		return (size, coeff)
		return (size, "")

def formatDateTime(s3timestamp):
	return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", dateS3toPython(s3timestamp))

def convertTupleListToDict(list):
	retval = {}
	for tuple in list:
		retval[tuple[0]] = tuple[1]
	return retval

_rnd_chars = string.ascii_letters+string.digits
_rnd_chars_len = len(_rnd_chars)
def rndstr(len):
	retval = ""
	while len > 0:
		retval += _rnd_chars[random.randint(0, _rnd_chars_len-1)]
		len -= 1
	return retval

def mktmpsomething(prefix, randchars, createfunc):
	old_umask = os.umask(0077)
	tries = 5
	while tries > 0:
		dirname = prefix + rndstr(randchars)
		except OSError, e:
			if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
		tries -= 1

	return dirname

def mktmpdir(prefix = "/tmp/tmpdir-", randchars = 10):
	return mktmpsomething(prefix, randchars, os.mkdir)

def mktmpfile(prefix = "/tmp/tmpfile-", randchars = 20):
	createfunc = lambda filename : os.close(os.open(filename, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL))
	return mktmpsomething(prefix, randchars, createfunc)

def hash_file_md5(filename):
	h = md5()
	f = open(filename, "rb")
	while True:
		# Hash 32kB chunks
		data = f.read(32*1024)
		if not data:
	return h.hexdigest()

def mkdir_with_parents(dir_name):
	Create directory 'dir_name' with all parent directories

	Returns True on success, False otherwise.
	pathmembers = dir_name.split(os.sep)
	tmp_stack = []
	while pathmembers and not os.path.isdir(os.sep.join(pathmembers)):
	while tmp_stack:
		cur_dir = os.sep.join(pathmembers)
			debug("mkdir(%s)" % cur_dir)
		except (OSError, IOError), e:
			warning("%s: can not make directory: %s" % (cur_dir, e.strerror))
			return False
		except Exception, e:
			warning("%s: %s" % (cur_dir, e))
			return False
	return True

def unicodise(string, encoding = None, errors = "replace"):
	Convert 'string' to Unicode or raise an exception.

	if not encoding:
		encoding = Config.Config().encoding

	if type(string) == unicode:
		return string
	debug("Unicodising %r using %s" % (string, encoding))
		return string.decode(encoding, errors)
	except UnicodeDecodeError:
		raise UnicodeDecodeError("Conversion to unicode failed: %r" % string)

def deunicodise(string, encoding = None, errors = "replace"):
	Convert unicode 'string' to <type str>, by default replacing
	all invalid characters with '?' or raise an exception.

	if not encoding:
		encoding = Config.Config().encoding

	if type(string) != unicode:
		return str(string)
	debug("DeUnicodising %r using %s" % (string, encoding))
		return string.encode(encoding, errors)
	except UnicodeEncodeError:
		raise UnicodeEncodeError("Conversion from unicode failed: %r" % string)

def unicodise_safe(string, encoding = None):
	Convert 'string' to Unicode according to current encoding 
	and replace all invalid characters with '?'

	return unicodise(deunicodise(string, encoding), encoding).replace(u'\ufffd', '?')

def replace_nonprintables(string):

	Replaces all non-printable characters 'ch' in 'string'
	where ord(ch) <= 26 with ^@, ^A, ... ^Z
	new_string = ""
	modified = 0
	for c in string:
		o = ord(c)
		if (o <= 31):
			new_string += "^" + chr(ord('@') + o)
			modified += 1
		elif (o == 127):
			new_string += "^?"
			modified += 1
			new_string += c
	if modified and Config.Config().urlencoding_mode != "fixbucket":
		warning("%d non-printable characters replaced in: %s" % (modified, new_string))
	return new_string

def sign_string(string_to_sign):
	#debug("string_to_sign: %s" % string_to_sign)
	signature = base64.encodestring(hmac.new(Config.Config().secret_key, string_to_sign, sha1).digest()).strip()
	#debug("signature: %s" % signature)
	return signature