## Amazon S3 manager
## Author: Michal Ludvig <michal@logix.cz>
##         http://www.logix.cz/michal
## License: GPL Version 2
## Copyright: TGRMN Software and contributors

import sys
import os, os.path
import time
import errno
import base64
import httplib
import logging
import mimetypes
import re
from xml.sax import saxutils
import base64
from logging import debug, info, warning, error
from stat import ST_SIZE

    from hashlib import md5
except ImportError:
    from md5 import md5

from Utils import *
from SortedDict import SortedDict
from AccessLog import AccessLog
from ACL import ACL, GranteeLogDelivery
from BidirMap import BidirMap
from Config import Config
from Exceptions import *
from MultiPart import MultiPartUpload
from S3Uri import S3Uri
from ConnMan import ConnMan

    import magic
        ## https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic
        magic_ = magic.Magic(mime=True)
        def mime_magic_file(file):
            return magic_.from_file(file)
    except TypeError:
        ## http://pypi.python.org/pypi/filemagic
            magic_ = magic.Magic(flags=magic.MAGIC_MIME)
            def mime_magic_file(file):
                return magic_.id_filename(file)
        except TypeError:
            ## file-5.11 built-in python bindings
            magic_ = magic.open(magic.MAGIC_MIME)
            def mime_magic_file(file):
                return magic_.file(file)
    except AttributeError:
        ## Older python-magic versions
        magic_ = magic.open(magic.MAGIC_MIME)
        def mime_magic_file(file):
            return magic_.file(file)

except ImportError, e:
    if str(e).find("magic") >= 0:
        magic_message = "Module python-magic is not available."
        magic_message = "Module python-magic can't be used (%s)." % e.message
    magic_message += " Guessing MIME types based on file extensions."
    magic_warned = False
    def mime_magic_file(file):
        global magic_warned
        if (not magic_warned):
            magic_warned = True
        return mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0]

def mime_magic(file):
    # we can't tell if a given copy of the magic library will take a
    # filesystem-encoded string or a unicode value, so try first
    # with the encoded string, then unicode.
    def _mime_magic(file):
        magictype = None
            magictype = mime_magic_file(file)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            magictype = mime_magic_file(unicodise(file))
        return magictype

    result = _mime_magic(file)
    if result is not None:
        if isinstance(result, str):
            if ';' in result:
                mimetype, charset = result.split(';')
                charset = charset[len('charset'):]
                result = (mimetype, charset)
                result = (result, None)
    if result is None:
        result = (None, None)
    return result

__all__ = []
class S3Request(object):
    def __init__(self, s3, method_string, resource, headers, params = {}):
        self.s3 = s3
        self.headers = SortedDict(headers or {}, ignore_case = True)
        # Add in any extra headers from s3 config object
        if self.s3.config.extra_headers:
        if len(self.s3.config.access_token)>0:
        self.resource = resource
        self.method_string = method_string
        self.params = params


    def update_timestamp(self):
        if self.headers.has_key("date"):
        self.headers["x-amz-date"] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime())

    def format_param_str(self):
        Format URL parameters from self.params and returns
        ?parm1=val1&parm2=val2 or an empty string if there
        are no parameters.  Output of this function should
        be appended directly to self.resource['uri']
        param_str = ""
        for param in self.params:
            if self.params[param] not in (None, ""):
                param_str += "&%s=%s" % (param, self.params[param])
                param_str += "&%s" % param
        return param_str and "?" + param_str[1:]

    def sign(self):
        h  = self.method_string + "\n"
        h += self.headers.get("content-md5", "")+"\n"
        h += self.headers.get("content-type", "")+"\n"
        h += self.headers.get("date", "")+"\n"
        for header in self.headers.keys():
            if header.startswith("x-amz-"):
                h += header+":"+str(self.headers[header])+"\n"
        if self.resource['bucket']:
            h += "/" + self.resource['bucket']
        h += self.resource['uri']
        debug("SignHeaders: " + repr(h))
        signature = sign_string(h)

        self.headers["Authorization"] = "AWS "+self.s3.config.access_key+":"+signature

    def get_triplet(self):
        resource = dict(self.resource)  ## take a copy
        resource['uri'] += self.format_param_str()
        return (self.method_string, resource, self.headers)

class S3(object):
    http_methods = BidirMap(
        GET = 0x01,
        PUT = 0x02,
        HEAD = 0x04,
        DELETE = 0x08,
        POST = 0x10,
        MASK = 0x1F,

    targets = BidirMap(
        SERVICE = 0x0100,
        BUCKET = 0x0200,
        OBJECT = 0x0400,
        BATCH = 0x0800,
        MASK = 0x0700,

    operations = BidirMap(
        UNDFINED = 0x0000,
        LIST_ALL_BUCKETS = targets["SERVICE"] | http_methods["GET"],
        BUCKET_CREATE = targets["BUCKET"] | http_methods["PUT"],
        BUCKET_LIST = targets["BUCKET"] | http_methods["GET"],
        BUCKET_DELETE = targets["BUCKET"] | http_methods["DELETE"],
        OBJECT_PUT = targets["OBJECT"] | http_methods["PUT"],
        OBJECT_GET = targets["OBJECT"] | http_methods["GET"],
        OBJECT_HEAD = targets["OBJECT"] | http_methods["HEAD"],
        OBJECT_DELETE = targets["OBJECT"] | http_methods["DELETE"],
        OBJECT_POST = targets["OBJECT"] | http_methods["POST"],
        BATCH_DELETE = targets["BATCH"] | http_methods["POST"],

    codes = {
        "NoSuchBucket" : "Bucket '%s' does not exist",
        "AccessDenied" : "Access to bucket '%s' was denied",
        "BucketAlreadyExists" : "Bucket '%s' already exists",

    ## S3 sometimes sends HTTP-307 response
    redir_map = {}

    ## Maximum attempts of re-issuing failed requests
    _max_retries = 5

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config

    def get_hostname(self, bucket):
        if bucket and check_bucket_name_dns_conformity(bucket):
            if self.redir_map.has_key(bucket):
                host = self.redir_map[bucket]
                host = getHostnameFromBucket(bucket)
            host = self.config.host_base
        debug('get_hostname(%s): %s' % (bucket, host))
        return host

    def set_hostname(self, bucket, redir_hostname):
        self.redir_map[bucket] = redir_hostname

    def format_uri(self, resource):
        if resource['bucket'] and not check_bucket_name_dns_conformity(resource['bucket']):
            uri = "/%s%s" % (resource['bucket'], resource['uri'])
            uri = resource['uri']
        if self.config.proxy_host != "":
            uri = "http://%s%s" % (self.get_hostname(resource['bucket']), uri)
        debug('format_uri(): ' + uri)
        return uri

    ## Commands / Actions
    def list_all_buckets(self):
        request = self.create_request("LIST_ALL_BUCKETS")
        response = self.send_request(request)
        response["list"] = getListFromXml(response["data"], "Bucket")
        return response

    def bucket_list(self, bucket, prefix = None, recursive = None, uri_params = {}):
        def _list_truncated(data):
            ## <IsTruncated> can either be "true" or "false" or be missing completely
            is_truncated = getTextFromXml(data, ".//IsTruncated") or "false"
            return is_truncated.lower() != "false"

        def _get_contents(data):
            return getListFromXml(data, "Contents")

        def _get_common_prefixes(data):
            return getListFromXml(data, "CommonPrefixes")

        uri_params = uri_params.copy()
        truncated = True
        list = []
        prefixes = []

        while truncated:
            response = self.bucket_list_noparse(bucket, prefix, recursive, uri_params)
            current_list = _get_contents(response["data"])
            current_prefixes = _get_common_prefixes(response["data"])
            truncated = _list_truncated(response["data"])
            if truncated:
                if current_list:
                    uri_params['marker'] = self.urlencode_string(current_list[-1]["Key"])
                    uri_params['marker'] = self.urlencode_string(current_prefixes[-1]["Prefix"])
                debug("Listing continues after '%s'" % uri_params['marker'])

            list += current_list
            prefixes += current_prefixes

        response['list'] = list
        response['common_prefixes'] = prefixes
        return response

    def bucket_list_noparse(self, bucket, prefix = None, recursive = None, uri_params = {}):
        if prefix:
            uri_params['prefix'] = self.urlencode_string(prefix)
        if not self.config.recursive and not recursive:
            uri_params['delimiter'] = "/"
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_LIST", bucket = bucket, **uri_params)
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response

    def bucket_create(self, bucket, bucket_location = None):
        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        body = ""
        if bucket_location and bucket_location.strip().upper() != "US":
            bucket_location = bucket_location.strip()
            if bucket_location.upper() == "EU":
                bucket_location = bucket_location.upper()
                bucket_location = bucket_location.lower()
            body  = "<CreateBucketConfiguration><LocationConstraint>"
            body += bucket_location
            body += "</LocationConstraint></CreateBucketConfiguration>"
            debug("bucket_location: " + body)
            check_bucket_name(bucket, dns_strict = True)
            check_bucket_name(bucket, dns_strict = False)
        if self.config.acl_public:
            headers["x-amz-acl"] = "public-read"
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_CREATE", bucket = bucket, headers = headers)
        response = self.send_request(request, body)
        return response

    def bucket_delete(self, bucket):
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_DELETE", bucket = bucket)
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response

    def get_bucket_location(self, uri):
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_LIST", bucket = uri.bucket(), extra = "?location")
        response = self.send_request(request)
        location = getTextFromXml(response['data'], "LocationConstraint")
        if not location or location in [ "", "US" ]:
            location = "us-east-1"
        elif location == "EU":
            location = "eu-west-1"
        return location

    def bucket_info(self, uri):
        # For now reports only "Location". One day perhaps more.
        response = {}
        response['bucket-location'] = self.get_bucket_location(uri)
        return response

    def website_info(self, uri, bucket_location = None):
        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        bucket = uri.bucket()
        body = ""

        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_LIST", bucket = bucket, extra="?website")
            response = self.send_request(request, body)
            response['index_document'] = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//IndexDocument//Suffix")
            response['error_document'] = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//ErrorDocument//Key")
            response['website_endpoint'] = self.config.website_endpoint % {
                "bucket" : uri.bucket(),
                "location" : self.get_bucket_location(uri)}
            return response
        except S3Error, e:
            if e.status == 404:
                debug("Could not get /?website - website probably not configured for this bucket")
                return None

    def website_create(self, uri, bucket_location = None):
        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        bucket = uri.bucket()
        body = '<WebsiteConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">'
        body += '  <IndexDocument>'
        body += ('    <Suffix>%s</Suffix>' % self.config.website_index)
        body += '  </IndexDocument>'
        if self.config.website_error:
            body += '  <ErrorDocument>'
            body += ('    <Key>%s</Key>' % self.config.website_error)
            body += '  </ErrorDocument>'
        body += '</WebsiteConfiguration>'

        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_CREATE", bucket = bucket, extra="?website")
        debug("About to send request '%s' with body '%s'" % (request, body))
        response = self.send_request(request, body)
        debug("Received response '%s'" % (response))

        return response

    def website_delete(self, uri, bucket_location = None):
        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        bucket = uri.bucket()
        body = ""

        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_DELETE", bucket = bucket, extra="?website")
        debug("About to send request '%s' with body '%s'" % (request, body))
        response = self.send_request(request, body)
        debug("Received response '%s'" % (response))

        if response['status'] != 204:
            raise S3ResponseError("Expected status 204: %s" % response)

        return response

    def expiration_info(self, uri, bucket_location = None):
        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        bucket = uri.bucket()
        body = ""

        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_LIST", bucket = bucket, extra="?lifecycle")
            response = self.send_request(request, body)
            response['prefix'] = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//Rule//Prefix")
            response['date'] = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//Rule//Expiration//Date")
            response['days'] = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//Rule//Expiration//Days")
            return response
        except S3Error, e:
            if e.status == 404:
                debug("Could not get /?lifecycle - lifecycle probably not configured for this bucket")
                return None

    def expiration_set(self, uri, bucket_location = None):
        if self.config.expiry_date and self.config.expiry_days:
             raise ParameterError("Expect either --expiry-day or --expiry-date")
        if not (self.config.expiry_date or self.config.expiry_days):
             if self.config.expiry_prefix:
                 raise ParameterError("Expect either --expiry-day or --expiry-date")
             debug("del bucket lifecycle")
             bucket = uri.bucket()
             body = ""
             request = self.create_request("BUCKET_DELETE", bucket = bucket, extra="?lifecycle")
             request, body = self._expiration_set(uri)
        debug("About to send request '%s' with body '%s'" % (request, body))
        response = self.send_request(request, body)
        debug("Received response '%s'" % (response))
        return response

    def _expiration_set(self, uri):
        debug("put bucket lifecycle")
        body = '<LifecycleConfiguration>'
        body += '  <Rule>'
        body += ('    <Prefix>%s</Prefix>' % self.config.expiry_prefix)
        body += ('    <Status>Enabled</Status>')
        body += ('    <Expiration>')
        if self.config.expiry_date:
            body += ('    <Date>%s</Date>' % self.config.expiry_date)
        elif self.config.expiry_days:
            body += ('    <Days>%s</Days>' % self.config.expiry_days)
        body += ('    </Expiration>')
        body += '  </Rule>'
        body += '</LifecycleConfiguration>'

        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        headers['content-md5'] = compute_content_md5(body)
        bucket = uri.bucket()
        request =  self.create_request("BUCKET_CREATE", bucket = bucket, headers = headers, extra="?lifecycle")
        return (request, body)

    def add_encoding(self, filename, content_type):
        if content_type.find("charset=") != -1:
           return False
        exts = self.config.add_encoding_exts.split(',')
        if exts[0]=='':
            return False
        parts = filename.rsplit('.',2)
        if len(parts) < 2:
            return False
        ext = parts[1]
        if ext in exts:
            return True
            return False

    def object_put(self, filename, uri, extra_headers = None, extra_label = ""):
        # TODO TODO
        # Make it consistent with stream-oriented object_get()
        if uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % uri.type)

        if filename != "-" and not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise InvalidFileError(u"%s is not a regular file" % unicodise(filename))
            if filename == "-":
                file = sys.stdin
                size = 0
                file = open(filename, "rb")
                size = os.stat(filename)[ST_SIZE]
        except (IOError, OSError), e:
            raise InvalidFileError(u"%s: %s" % (unicodise(filename), e.strerror))

        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        if extra_headers:

        ## Set server side encryption
        if self.config.server_side_encryption:
            headers["x-amz-server-side-encryption"] = "AES256"

        ## MIME-type handling
        content_type = self.config.mime_type
        content_charset = None
        if filename != "-" and not content_type and self.config.guess_mime_type:
            if self.config.use_mime_magic:
                (content_type, content_charset) = mime_magic(filename)
                (content_type, content_charset) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
        if not content_type:
            content_type = self.config.default_mime_type
        if not content_charset:
            content_charset = self.config.encoding.upper()

        ## add charset to content type
        if self.add_encoding(filename, content_type) and content_charset is not None:
            content_type = content_type + "; charset=" + content_charset

        headers["content-type"] = content_type

        ## Other Amazon S3 attributes
        if self.config.acl_public:
            headers["x-amz-acl"] = "public-read"
        if self.config.reduced_redundancy:
            headers["x-amz-storage-class"] = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"

        ## Multipart decision
        multipart = False
        if not self.config.enable_multipart and filename == "-":
            raise ParameterError("Multi-part upload is required to upload from stdin")
        if self.config.enable_multipart:
            if size > self.config.multipart_chunk_size_mb * 1024 * 1024 or filename == "-":
                multipart = True
        if multipart:
            # Multipart requests are quite different... drop here
            return self.send_file_multipart(file, headers, uri, size)

        ## Not multipart...
        if self.config.put_continue:
            # Note, if input was stdin, we would be performing multipart upload.
            # So this will always work as long as the file already uploaded was
            # not uploaded via MultiUpload, in which case its ETag will not be
            # an md5.
                info = self.object_info(uri)
                info = None

            if info is not None:
                remote_size = int(info['headers']['content-length'])
                remote_checksum = info['headers']['etag'].strip('"\'')
                if size == remote_size:
                    checksum = calculateChecksum('', file, 0, size, self.config.send_chunk)
                    if remote_checksum == checksum:
                        warning("Put: size and md5sum match for %s, skipping." % uri)
                        warning("MultiPart: checksum (%s vs %s) does not match for %s, reuploading."
                                % (remote_checksum, checksum, uri))
                    warning("MultiPart: size (%d vs %d) does not match for %s, reuploading."
                            % (remote_size, size, uri))

        headers["content-length"] = size
        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_PUT", uri = uri, headers = headers)
        labels = { 'source' : unicodise(filename), 'destination' : unicodise(uri.uri()), 'extra' : extra_label }
        response = self.send_file(request, file, labels)
        return response

    def object_get(self, uri, stream, start_position = 0, extra_label = ""):
        if uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % uri.type)
        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_GET", uri = uri)
        labels = { 'source' : unicodise(uri.uri()), 'destination' : unicodise(stream.name), 'extra' : extra_label }
        response = self.recv_file(request, stream, labels, start_position)
        return response

    def object_batch_delete(self, remote_list):
        def compose_batch_del_xml(bucket, key_list):
            body = u"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><Delete>"
            for key in key_list:
                uri = S3Uri(key)
                if uri.type != "s3":
                    raise ValueError("Excpected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % uri.type)
                if not uri.has_object():
                    raise ValueError("URI '%s' has no object" % key)
                if uri.bucket() != bucket:
                    raise ValueError("The batch should contain keys from the same bucket")
                object = saxutils.escape(uri.object())
                body += u"<Object><Key>%s</Key></Object>" % object
            body += u"</Delete>"
            body = body.encode('utf-8')
            return body

        batch = [remote_list[item]['object_uri_str'] for item in remote_list]
        if len(batch) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Key list is empty")
        bucket = S3Uri(batch[0]).bucket()
        request_body = compose_batch_del_xml(bucket, batch)
        md5_hash = md5()
        headers = {'content-md5': base64.b64encode(md5_hash.digest()),
                   'content-type': 'application/xml'}
        request = self.create_request("BATCH_DELETE", bucket = bucket, extra = '?delete', headers = headers)
        response = self.send_request(request, request_body)
        return response

    def object_delete(self, uri):
        if uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % uri.type)
        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_DELETE", uri = uri)
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response

    def object_restore(self, uri):
        if uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % uri.type)
        body = '<RestoreRequest xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-3-01">'
        body += ('  <Days>%s</Days>' % self.config.restore_days)
        body += '</RestoreRequest>'
        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_POST", uri = uri, extra = "?restore")
        debug("About to send request '%s' with body '%s'" % (request, body))
        response = self.send_request(request, body)
        debug("Received response '%s'" % (response))
        return response

    def object_copy(self, src_uri, dst_uri, extra_headers = None):
        if src_uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % src_uri.type)
        if dst_uri.type != "s3":
            raise ValueError("Expected URI type 's3', got '%s'" % dst_uri.type)
        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        headers['x-amz-copy-source'] = "/%s/%s" % (src_uri.bucket(), self.urlencode_string(src_uri.object()))
        ## TODO: For now COPY, later maybe add a switch?
        headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] = "COPY"
        if self.config.acl_public:
            headers["x-amz-acl"] = "public-read"
        if self.config.reduced_redundancy:
            headers["x-amz-storage-class"] = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"

        ## Set server side encryption
        if self.config.server_side_encryption:
            headers["x-amz-server-side-encryption"] = "AES256"

        if extra_headers:
            headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] = "REPLACE"
        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_PUT", uri = dst_uri, headers = headers)
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response

    def object_move(self, src_uri, dst_uri, extra_headers = None):
        response_copy = self.object_copy(src_uri, dst_uri, extra_headers)
        debug("Object %s copied to %s" % (src_uri, dst_uri))
        if getRootTagName(response_copy["data"]) == "CopyObjectResult":
            response_delete = self.object_delete(src_uri)
            debug("Object %s deleted" % src_uri)
        return response_copy

    def object_info(self, uri):
        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_HEAD", uri = uri)
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response

    def get_acl(self, uri):
        if uri.has_object():
            request = self.create_request("OBJECT_GET", uri = uri, extra = "?acl")
            request = self.create_request("BUCKET_LIST", bucket = uri.bucket(), extra = "?acl")

        response = self.send_request(request)
        acl = ACL(response['data'])
        return acl

    def set_acl(self, uri, acl):
        headers = {'content-type': 'application/xml'}
        if uri.has_object():
            request = self.create_request("OBJECT_PUT", uri = uri, extra = "?acl",
                                          headers = headers)
            request = self.create_request("BUCKET_CREATE", bucket = uri.bucket(), extra = "?acl",
                                          headers = headers)

        body = str(acl)
        debug(u"set_acl(%s): acl-xml: %s" % (uri, body))
        response = self.send_request(request, body)
        return response

    def get_policy(self, uri):
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_LIST", bucket = uri.bucket(), extra = "?policy")
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response['data']

    def set_policy(self, uri, policy):
        headers = {}
        # TODO check policy is proper json string
        headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_CREATE", uri = uri,
                                      extra = "?policy", headers=headers)
        body = policy
        debug(u"set_policy(%s): policy-json: %s" % (uri, body))
        response = self.send_request(request, body=body)
        return response

    def delete_policy(self, uri):
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_DELETE", uri = uri, extra = "?policy")
        debug(u"delete_policy(%s)" % uri)
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response

    def set_lifecycle_policy(self, uri, policy):
        headers = SortedDict(ignore_case = True)
        headers['content-md5'] = compute_content_md5(policy)
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_CREATE", uri = uri,
                                      extra = "?lifecycle", headers=headers)
        body = policy
        debug(u"set_lifecycle_policy(%s): policy-xml: %s" % (uri, body))
        response = self.send_request(request, body=body)
        return response

    def delete_lifecycle_policy(self, uri):
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_DELETE", uri = uri, extra = "?lifecycle")
        debug(u"delete_lifecycle_policy(%s)" % uri)
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response

    def get_multipart(self, uri):
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_LIST", bucket = uri.bucket(), extra = "?uploads")
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response

    def abort_multipart(self, uri, id):
        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_DELETE", uri=uri,
                                      extra = ("?uploadId=%s" % id))
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response

    def list_multipart(self, uri, id):
        request = self.create_request("OBJECT_GET", uri=uri,
                                      extra = ("?uploadId=%s" % id))
        response = self.send_request(request)
        return response

    def get_accesslog(self, uri):
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_LIST", bucket = uri.bucket(), extra = "?logging")
        response = self.send_request(request)
        accesslog = AccessLog(response['data'])
        return accesslog

    def set_accesslog_acl(self, uri):
        acl = self.get_acl(uri)
        debug("Current ACL(%s): %s" % (uri.uri(), str(acl)))
        debug("Updated ACL(%s): %s" % (uri.uri(), str(acl)))
        self.set_acl(uri, acl)

    def set_accesslog(self, uri, enable, log_target_prefix_uri = None, acl_public = False):
        request = self.create_request("BUCKET_CREATE", bucket = uri.bucket(), extra = "?logging")
        accesslog = AccessLog()
        if enable:
        body = str(accesslog)
        debug(u"set_accesslog(%s): accesslog-xml: %s" % (uri, body))
            response = self.send_request(request, body)
        except S3Error, e:
            if e.info['Code'] == "InvalidTargetBucketForLogging":
                info("Setting up log-delivery ACL for target bucket.")
                self.set_accesslog_acl(S3Uri("s3://%s" % log_target_prefix_uri.bucket()))
                response = self.send_request(request, body)
        return accesslog, response

    ## Low level methods
    def urlencode_string(self, string, urlencoding_mode = None):
        if type(string) == unicode:
            string = string.encode("utf-8")

        if urlencoding_mode is None:
            urlencoding_mode = self.config.urlencoding_mode

        if urlencoding_mode == "verbatim":
            ## Don't do any pre-processing
            return string

        encoded = ""
        ## List of characters that must be escaped for S3
        ## Haven't found this in any official docs
        ## but my tests show it's more less correct.
        ## If you start getting InvalidSignature errors
        ## from S3 check the error headers returned
        ## from S3 to see whether the list hasn't
        ## changed.
        for c in string:    # I'm not sure how to know in what encoding
                    # 'object' is. Apparently "type(object)==str"
                    # but the contents is a string of unicode
                    # bytes, e.g. '\xc4\x8d\xc5\xafr\xc3\xa1k'
                    # Don't know what it will do on non-utf8
                    # systems.
                    #           [hope that sounds reassuring ;-)]
            o = ord(c)
            if (o < 0x20 or o == 0x7f):
                if urlencoding_mode == "fixbucket":
                    encoded += "%%%02X" % o
                    error(u"Non-printable character 0x%02x in: %s" % (o, string))
                    error(u"Please report it to s3tools-bugs@lists.sourceforge.net")
                    encoded += replace_nonprintables(c)
            elif (o == 0x20 or  # Space and below
                o == 0x22 or    # "
                o == 0x23 or    # #
                o == 0x25 or    # % (escape character)
                o == 0x26 or    # &
                o == 0x2B or    # + (or it would become <space>)
                o == 0x3C or    # <
                o == 0x3E or    # >
                o == 0x3F or    # ?
                o == 0x60 or    # `
                o >= 123):      # { and above, including >= 128 for UTF-8
                encoded += "%%%02X" % o
                encoded += c
        debug("String '%s' encoded to '%s'" % (string, encoded))
        return encoded

    def create_request(self, operation, uri = None, bucket = None, object = None, headers = None, extra = None, **params):
        resource = { 'bucket' : None, 'uri' : "/" }

        if uri and (bucket or object):
            raise ValueError("Both 'uri' and either 'bucket' or 'object' parameters supplied")
        ## If URI is given use that instead of bucket/object parameters
        if uri:
            bucket = uri.bucket()
            object = uri.has_object() and uri.object() or None

        if bucket:
            resource['bucket'] = str(bucket)
            if object:
                resource['uri'] = "/" + self.urlencode_string(object)
        if extra:
            resource['uri'] += extra

        method_string = S3.http_methods.getkey(S3.operations[operation] & S3.http_methods["MASK"])

        request = S3Request(self, method_string, resource, headers, params)

        debug("CreateRequest: resource[uri]=" + resource['uri'])
        return request

    def _fail_wait(self, retries):
        # Wait a few seconds. The more it fails the more we wait.
        return (self._max_retries - retries + 1) * 3

    def send_request(self, request, body = None, retries = _max_retries):
        method_string, resource, headers = request.get_triplet()
        debug("Processing request, please wait...")
        if not headers.has_key('content-length'):
            headers['content-length'] = body and len(body) or 0
            # "Stringify" all headers
            for header in headers.keys():
                headers[header] = str(headers[header])
            conn = ConnMan.get(self.get_hostname(resource['bucket']))
            uri = self.format_uri(resource)
            debug("Sending request method_string=%r, uri=%r, headers=%r, body=(%i bytes)" % (method_string, uri, headers, len(body or "")))
            conn.c.request(method_string, uri, body, headers)
            response = {}
            http_response = conn.c.getresponse()
            response["status"] = http_response.status
            response["reason"] = http_response.reason
            response["headers"] = convertTupleListToDict(http_response.getheaders())
            response["data"] =  http_response.read()
            if response["headers"].has_key("x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs"):
                attrs = parse_attrs_header(response["headers"]["x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs"])
                response["s3cmd-attrs"] = attrs
            debug("Response: " + str(response))
        except ParameterError, e:
        except (IOError, OSError), e:
        except Exception, e:
            if retries:
                warning("Retrying failed request: %s (%s)" % (resource['uri'], e))
                warning("Waiting %d sec..." % self._fail_wait(retries))
                return self.send_request(request, body, retries - 1)
                raise S3RequestError("Request failed for: %s" % resource['uri'])

        if response["status"] == 307:
            ## RedirectPermanent
            redir_bucket = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//Bucket")
            redir_hostname = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//Endpoint")
            self.set_hostname(redir_bucket, redir_hostname)
            warning("Redirected to: %s" % (redir_hostname))
            return self.send_request(request, body)

        if response["status"] >= 500:
            e = S3Error(response)
            if retries:
                warning(u"Retrying failed request: %s" % resource['uri'])
                warning("Waiting %d sec..." % self._fail_wait(retries))
                return self.send_request(request, body, retries - 1)
                raise e

        if response["status"] < 200 or response["status"] > 299:
            raise S3Error(response)

        return response

    def send_file(self, request, file, labels, buffer = '', throttle = 0, retries = _max_retries, offset = 0, chunk_size = -1):
        method_string, resource, headers = request.get_triplet()
        size_left = size_total = headers.get("content-length")
        if self.config.progress_meter:
            progress = self.config.progress_class(labels, size_total)
            info("Sending file '%s', please wait..." % file.name)
        timestamp_start = time.time()
            conn = ConnMan.get(self.get_hostname(resource['bucket']))
            conn.c.putrequest(method_string, self.format_uri(resource))
            for header in headers.keys():
                conn.c.putheader(header, str(headers[header]))
        except ParameterError, e:
        except Exception, e:
            if self.config.progress_meter:
            if retries:
                warning("Retrying failed request: %s (%s)" % (resource['uri'], e))
                warning("Waiting %d sec..." % self._fail_wait(retries))
                # Connection error -> same throttle value
                return self.send_file(request, file, labels, buffer, throttle, retries - 1, offset, chunk_size)
                raise S3UploadError("Upload failed for: %s" % resource['uri'])
        if buffer == '':
        md5_hash = md5()

            while (size_left > 0):
                #debug("SendFile: Reading up to %d bytes from '%s' - remaining bytes: %s" % (self.config.send_chunk, file.name, size_left))
                if buffer == '':
                    data = file.read(min(self.config.send_chunk, size_left))
                    data = buffer

                if self.config.progress_meter:
                    progress.update(delta_position = len(data))
                size_left -= len(data)
                if throttle:
            md5_computed = md5_hash.hexdigest()

            response = {}
            http_response = conn.c.getresponse()
            response["status"] = http_response.status
            response["reason"] = http_response.reason
            response["headers"] = convertTupleListToDict(http_response.getheaders())
            response["data"] = http_response.read()
            response["size"] = size_total
            debug(u"Response: %s" % response)
        except ParameterError, e:
        except Exception, e:
            if self.config.progress_meter:
            if retries:
                if retries < self._max_retries:
                    throttle = throttle and throttle * 5 or 0.01
                warning("Upload failed: %s (%s)" % (resource['uri'], e))
                warning("Retrying on lower speed (throttle=%0.2f)" % throttle)
                warning("Waiting %d sec..." % self._fail_wait(retries))
                # Connection error -> same throttle value
                return self.send_file(request, file, labels, buffer, throttle, retries - 1, offset, chunk_size)
                debug("Giving up on '%s' %s" % (file.name, e))
                raise S3UploadError("Upload failed for: %s" % resource['uri'])

        timestamp_end = time.time()
        response["elapsed"] = timestamp_end - timestamp_start
        response["speed"] = response["elapsed"] and float(response["size"]) / response["elapsed"] or float(-1)

        if self.config.progress_meter:
            ## Finalising the upload takes some time -> update() progress meter
            ## to correct the average speed. Otherwise people will complain that
            ## 'progress' and response["speed"] are inconsistent ;-)

        if response["status"] == 307:
            ## RedirectPermanent
            redir_bucket = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//Bucket")
            redir_hostname = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//Endpoint")
            self.set_hostname(redir_bucket, redir_hostname)
            warning("Redirected to: %s" % (redir_hostname))
            return self.send_file(request, file, labels, buffer, offset = offset, chunk_size = chunk_size)

        # S3 from time to time doesn't send ETag back in a response :-(
        # Force re-upload here.
        if not response['headers'].has_key('etag'):
            response['headers']['etag'] = ''

        if response["status"] < 200 or response["status"] > 299:
            try_retry = False
            if response["status"] >= 500:
                ## AWS internal error - retry
                try_retry = True
            elif response["status"] >= 400:
                err = S3Error(response)
                ## Retriable client error?
                if err.code in [ 'BadDigest', 'OperationAborted', 'TokenRefreshRequired', 'RequestTimeout' ]:
                    try_retry = True

            if try_retry:
                if retries:
                    warning("Upload failed: %s (%s)" % (resource['uri'], S3Error(response)))
                    warning("Waiting %d sec..." % self._fail_wait(retries))
                    return self.send_file(request, file, labels, buffer, throttle, retries - 1, offset, chunk_size)
                    warning("Too many failures. Giving up on '%s'" % (file.name))
                    raise S3UploadError

            ## Non-recoverable error
            raise S3Error(response)

        debug("MD5 sums: computed=%s, received=%s" % (md5_computed, response["headers"]["etag"]))
        if response["headers"]["etag"].strip('"\'') != md5_hash.hexdigest():
            warning("MD5 Sums don't match!")
            if retries:
                warning("Retrying upload of %s" % (file.name))
                return self.send_file(request, file, labels, buffer, throttle, retries - 1, offset, chunk_size)
                warning("Too many failures. Giving up on '%s'" % (file.name))
                raise S3UploadError

        return response

    def send_file_multipart(self, file, headers, uri, size):
        chunk_size = self.config.multipart_chunk_size_mb * 1024 * 1024
        timestamp_start = time.time()
        upload = MultiPartUpload(self, file, uri, headers)
        response = upload.complete_multipart_upload()
        timestamp_end = time.time()
        response["elapsed"] = timestamp_end - timestamp_start
        response["size"] = size
        response["speed"] = response["elapsed"] and float(response["size"]) / response["elapsed"] or float(-1)
        return response

    def recv_file(self, request, stream, labels, start_position = 0, retries = _max_retries):
        method_string, resource, headers = request.get_triplet()
        if self.config.progress_meter:
            progress = self.config.progress_class(labels, 0)
            info("Receiving file '%s', please wait..." % stream.name)
        timestamp_start = time.time()
            conn = ConnMan.get(self.get_hostname(resource['bucket']))
            conn.c.putrequest(method_string, self.format_uri(resource))
            for header in headers.keys():
                conn.c.putheader(header, str(headers[header]))
            if start_position > 0:
                debug("Requesting Range: %d .. end" % start_position)
                conn.c.putheader("Range", "bytes=%d-" % start_position)
            response = {}
            http_response = conn.c.getresponse()
            response["status"] = http_response.status
            response["reason"] = http_response.reason
            response["headers"] = convertTupleListToDict(http_response.getheaders())
            if response["headers"].has_key("x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs"):
                attrs = parse_attrs_header(response["headers"]["x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs"])
                response["s3cmd-attrs"] = attrs
            debug("Response: %s" % response)
        except ParameterError, e:
        except (IOError, OSError), e:
        except Exception, e:
            if self.config.progress_meter:
            if retries:
                warning("Retrying failed request: %s (%s)" % (resource['uri'], e))
                warning("Waiting %d sec..." % self._fail_wait(retries))
                # Connection error -> same throttle value
                return self.recv_file(request, stream, labels, start_position, retries - 1)
                raise S3DownloadError("Download failed for: %s" % resource['uri'])

        if response["status"] == 307:
            ## RedirectPermanent
            response['data'] = http_response.read()
            redir_bucket = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//Bucket")
            redir_hostname = getTextFromXml(response['data'], ".//Endpoint")
            self.set_hostname(redir_bucket, redir_hostname)
            warning("Redirected to: %s" % (redir_hostname))
            return self.recv_file(request, stream, labels)

        if response["status"] < 200 or response["status"] > 299:
            raise S3Error(response)

        if start_position == 0:
            # Only compute MD5 on the fly if we're downloading from beginning
            # Otherwise we'd get a nonsense.
            md5_hash = md5()
        size_left = int(response["headers"]["content-length"])
        size_total = start_position + size_left
        current_position = start_position

        if self.config.progress_meter:
            progress.total_size = size_total
            progress.initial_position = current_position
            progress.current_position = current_position

            while (current_position < size_total):
                this_chunk = size_left > self.config.recv_chunk and self.config.recv_chunk or size_left
                data = http_response.read(this_chunk)
                if len(data) == 0:
                    raise S3Error("EOF from S3!")

                if start_position == 0:
                current_position += len(data)
                ## Call progress meter from here...
                if self.config.progress_meter:
                    progress.update(delta_position = len(data))
        except (IOError, OSError), e:
        except Exception, e:
            if self.config.progress_meter:
            if retries:
                warning("Retrying failed request: %s (%s)" % (resource['uri'], e))
                warning("Waiting %d sec..." % self._fail_wait(retries))
                # Connection error -> same throttle value
                return self.recv_file(request, stream, labels, current_position, retries - 1)
                raise S3DownloadError("Download failed for: %s" % resource['uri'])

        timestamp_end = time.time()

        if self.config.progress_meter:
            ## The above stream.flush() may take some time -> update() progress meter
            ## to correct the average speed. Otherwise people will complain that
            ## 'progress' and response["speed"] are inconsistent ;-)

        if start_position == 0:
            # Only compute MD5 on the fly if we were downloading from the beginning
            response["md5"] = md5_hash.hexdigest()
            # Otherwise try to compute MD5 of the output file
                response["md5"] = hash_file_md5(stream.name)
            except IOError, e:
                if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                    warning("Unable to open file: %s: %s" % (stream.name, e))
                warning("Unable to verify MD5. Assume it matches.")
                response["md5"] = response["headers"]["etag"]

        md5_hash = response["headers"]["etag"]
        if not 'x-amz-meta-s3tools-gpgenc' in response["headers"]:
            # we can't trust our stored md5 because we
            # encrypted the file after calculating it but before
            # uploading it.
                md5_hash = response["s3cmd-attrs"]["md5"]
            except KeyError:

        response["md5match"] = md5_hash.find(response["md5"]) >= 0
        response["elapsed"] = timestamp_end - timestamp_start
        response["size"] = current_position
        response["speed"] = response["elapsed"] and float(response["size"]) / response["elapsed"] or float(-1)
        if response["size"] != start_position + long(response["headers"]["content-length"]):
            warning("Reported size (%s) does not match received size (%s)" % (
                start_position + response["headers"]["content-length"], response["size"]))
        debug("ReceiveFile: Computed MD5 = %s" % response["md5"])
        if not response["md5match"]:
            warning("MD5 signatures do not match: computed=%s, received=%s" % (
                response["md5"], md5_hash))
        return response

def parse_attrs_header(attrs_header):
    attrs = {}
    for attr in attrs_header.split("/"):
        key, val = attr.split(":")
        attrs[key] = val
    return attrs

def compute_content_md5(body):
    m = md5(body)
    base64md5 = base64.encodestring(m.digest())
    if base64md5[-1] == '\n':
        base64md5 = base64md5[0:-1]
    return base64md5
# vim:et:ts=4:sts=4:ai