Instructions for s3cmd maintainers for doing a tagged release and publishing on
In the below, 1.5.0-rc1 is the example version being released.  Salt to taste.

1.  Make a fresh clone of the repo:
   git clone ssh+git:// s3cmd-release

2.  Run ./ to verify it all works OK.

3.  Update version to 1.5.0-rc1 in S3/

4.  Update manpage with ./s3cmd --help | ./ > s3cmd.1

5.  Update NEWS with info about new features. Best to extract from git
    with:  git log --no-merges v1.5.0-beta1..
    (list all tags with: "git tag")

6.  Verify the above changes:
    git diff --check && git diff
    git status
    (The only changed files should be NEWS, s3cmd.1, S3/

7.  Remove testsuite (intentionally inaccessible files break the next
    chmod -R +rwx testsuite/permission-tests/permission-denied-dir && rm -rf testsuite

8.  Build the "Source Distribution":
    python sdist
    -> Creates dist/s3cmd-1.5.0-rc1.tar.gz and dist/

9.  If everything worked fine commit the above changes:
    git commit -a -m "Update version to 1.5.0-rc1"

10. Tag it:
    git tag --sign -a v1.5.0-rc1 -m "Tag v1.5.0-rc1"

11. Push back to github:
    git push --tags

That's it for building the release. Now upload it to SourceForge:

1.  Login to

2.  Go to

3.  Files -> s3cmd -> Add Folder -> Enter "1.5.0-rc1" -> Create

4.  Go into 1.5.0-rc1 -> Add File -> upload dist/s3cmd-1.5.0-rc1.tar.gz

5.  Once uploaded click the little "i" icon on the right and click
    "Select all" under "Default Download For:" to update the default
    download button to this new version.

6.  Give it a few minutes and verify on the Summary page that the
    download button has been updated to s3cmd-1.5.0-rc1.tar.gz

Now it's time to send out an announcement email to and (check out the s3cmd-announce
archive for an inspiration :)

And the last step is to ask the respective distribution maintainers
(Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, ...?) to update the package in
their builds.