Browse code

Update restore cmd help

Default is 1 day.

hrchu authored on 2018/10/02 15:18:28
Showing 1 changed files
... ...
@@ -2673,7 +2673,7 @@ def main():
2673 2673
     optparser.add_option(      "--acl-grant", dest="acl_grants", type="s3acl", action="append", metavar="PERMISSION:EMAIL or USER_CANONICAL_ID", help="Grant stated permission to a given amazon user. Permission is one of: read, write, read_acp, write_acp, full_control, all")
2674 2674
     optparser.add_option(      "--acl-revoke", dest="acl_revokes", type="s3acl", action="append", metavar="PERMISSION:USER_CANONICAL_ID", help="Revoke stated permission for a given amazon user. Permission is one of: read, write, read_acp, write_acp, full_control, all")
2675 2675
-    optparser.add_option("-D", "--restore-days", dest="restore_days", action="store", help="Number of days to keep restored file available (only for 'restore' command).", metavar="NUM")
+    optparser.add_option("-D", "--restore-days", dest="restore_days", action="store", help="Number of days to keep restored file available (only for 'restore' command). Default is 1 day.", metavar="NUM")
2677 2677
     optparser.add_option(      "--restore-priority", dest="restore_priority", action="store", choices=['standard', 'expedited', 'bulk'], help="Priority for restoring files from S3 Glacier (only for 'restore' command). Choices available: bulk, standard, expedited")
2678 2678
2679 2679
     optparser.add_option(      "--delete-removed", dest="delete_removed", action="store_true", help="Delete destination objects with no corresponding source file [sync]")