January 7, 2009
View e3244a8

* S3/ACL.py: Move attributes from class to instance. * run-tests.py: Tests for ACL. * s3cmd: Minor messages changes.

Michal Ludvig authored on 2009/01/07 21:40:31
View 585c735

* s3cmd: New command 'setacl'. * S3/S3.py: Implemented set_acl(). * S3/ACL.py: Fill in <Owner/> tag in ACL XML. * NEWS: Info about 'setacl'.

Michal Ludvig authored on 2009/01/07 19:22:56
View d07b947

* S3/ACL.py: Generate XML from a current list of Grantees

Michal Ludvig authored on 2009/01/07 12:06:35
January 6, 2009
View 3439992

* S3/ACL.py: Keep ACL internally as a list of of 'Grantee' objects.

Michal Ludvig authored on 2009/01/06 22:07:05
View 7f50f84

* S3/ACL.py: New object for handling ACL issues. * S3/S3.py: Moved most of S3.get_acl() to ACL class.

Michal Ludvig authored on 2009/01/06 21:02:11