## Amazon S3 manager ## Author: Michal Ludvig ## http://www.logix.cz/michal ## License: GPL Version 2 import datetime import os import sys import time import re import string import random import rfc822 import hmac import base64 import errno import urllib try: import xattr have_xattr = True except: have_xattr = False from logging import debug, info, warning, error import Config import Exceptions # hashlib backported to python 2.4 / 2.5 is not compatible with hmac! if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] < 6: from md5 import md5 import sha as sha1 else: from hashlib import md5, sha1 try: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET except ImportError: import elementtree.ElementTree as ET from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError __all__ = [] def parseNodes(nodes): ## WARNING: Ignores text nodes from mixed xml/text. ## For instance some textother text ## will be ignore "some text" node retval = [] for node in nodes: retval_item = {} for child in node.getchildren(): name = child.tag if child.getchildren(): retval_item[name] = parseNodes([child]) else: retval_item[name] = node.findtext(".//%s" % child.tag) retval.append(retval_item) return retval __all__.append("parseNodes") def stripNameSpace(xml): """ removeNameSpace(xml) -- remove top-level AWS namespace """ r = re.compile('^(]+?>\s?)(<\w+) xmlns=[\'"](http://[^\'"]+)[\'"](.*)', re.MULTILINE) if r.match(xml): xmlns = r.match(xml).groups()[2] xml = r.sub("\\1\\2\\4", xml) else: xmlns = None return xml, xmlns __all__.append("stripNameSpace") def getTreeFromXml(xml): xml, xmlns = stripNameSpace(xml) try: tree = ET.fromstring(xml) if xmlns: tree.attrib['xmlns'] = xmlns return tree except ExpatError, e: error(e) raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket contains invalid filenames. Please run: s3cmd fixbucket s3://your-bucket/") __all__.append("getTreeFromXml") def getListFromXml(xml, node): tree = getTreeFromXml(xml) nodes = tree.findall('.//%s' % (node)) return parseNodes(nodes) __all__.append("getListFromXml") def getDictFromTree(tree): ret_dict = {} for child in tree.getchildren(): if child.getchildren(): ## Complex-type child. Recurse content = getDictFromTree(child) else: content = child.text if ret_dict.has_key(child.tag): if not type(ret_dict[child.tag]) == list: ret_dict[child.tag] = [ret_dict[child.tag]] ret_dict[child.tag].append(content or "") else: ret_dict[child.tag] = content or "" return ret_dict __all__.append("getDictFromTree") def getTextFromXml(xml, xpath): tree = getTreeFromXml(xml) if tree.tag.endswith(xpath): return tree.text else: return tree.findtext(xpath) __all__.append("getTextFromXml") def getRootTagName(xml): tree = getTreeFromXml(xml) return tree.tag __all__.append("getRootTagName") def xmlTextNode(tag_name, text): el = ET.Element(tag_name) el.text = unicode(text) return el __all__.append("xmlTextNode") def appendXmlTextNode(tag_name, text, parent): """ Creates a new Node and sets its content to 'text'. Then appends the created Node to 'parent' element if given. Returns the newly created Node. """ el = xmlTextNode(tag_name, text) parent.append(el) return el __all__.append("appendXmlTextNode") def dateS3toPython(date): date = re.compile("(\.\d*)?Z").sub(".000Z", date) return time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z") __all__.append("dateS3toPython") def dateS3toUnix(date): ## FIXME: This should be timezone-aware. ## Currently the argument to strptime() is GMT but mktime() ## treats it as "localtime". Anyway... return time.mktime(dateS3toPython(date)) __all__.append("dateS3toUnix") def dateRFC822toPython(date): return rfc822.parsedate(date) __all__.append("dateRFC822toPython") def dateRFC822toUnix(date): return time.mktime(dateRFC822toPython(date)) __all__.append("dateRFC822toUnix") def formatSize(size, human_readable = False, floating_point = False): size = floating_point and float(size) or int(size) if human_readable: coeffs = ['k', 'M', 'G', 'T'] coeff = "" while size > 2048: size /= 1024 coeff = coeffs.pop(0) return (size, coeff) else: return (size, "") __all__.append("formatSize") def formatDateTime(s3timestamp): try: import pytz timezone = pytz.timezone(os.environ.get('TZ', 'UTC')) tz = pytz.timezone('UTC') ## Can't unpack args and follow that with kwargs in python 2.5 ## So we pass them all as kwargs params = zip(('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'tzinfo'), dateS3toPython(s3timestamp)[0:6] + (tz,)) params = dict(params) utc_dt = datetime.datetime(**params) dt_object = utc_dt.astimezone(timezone) except ImportError: dt_object = datetime.datetime(*dateS3toPython(s3timestamp)[0:6]) return dt_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") __all__.append("formatDateTime") def convertTupleListToDict(list): retval = {} for tuple in list: retval[tuple[0]] = tuple[1] return retval __all__.append("convertTupleListToDict") _rnd_chars = string.ascii_letters+string.digits _rnd_chars_len = len(_rnd_chars) def rndstr(len): retval = "" while len > 0: retval += _rnd_chars[random.randint(0, _rnd_chars_len-1)] len -= 1 return retval __all__.append("rndstr") def mktmpsomething(prefix, randchars, createfunc): old_umask = os.umask(0077) tries = 5 while tries > 0: dirname = prefix + rndstr(randchars) try: createfunc(dirname) break except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: os.umask(old_umask) raise tries -= 1 os.umask(old_umask) return dirname __all__.append("mktmpsomething") def mktmpdir(prefix = "/tmp/tmpdir-", randchars = 10): return mktmpsomething(prefix, randchars, os.mkdir) __all__.append("mktmpdir") def mktmpfile(prefix = "/tmp/tmpfile-", randchars = 20): createfunc = lambda filename : os.close(os.open(filename, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL)) return mktmpsomething(prefix, randchars, createfunc) __all__.append("mktmpfile") def hash_file_md5(filename): md5_xattr = Config.Config().md5_xattr if have_xattr and md5_xattr is not None: try: md5sum = xattr.get(filename, md5_xattr, namespace=xattr.NS_USER) debug("xattr.get(%s, %s) returned %s" % (filename, md5_xattr, md5sum)) return md5sum except: pass return hash_file_md5_io(filename) __all__.append("hash_file_md5") def hash_file_md5_io(filename): h = md5() f = open(filename, "rb") while True: # Hash 32kB chunks data = f.read(32*1024) if not data: break h.update(data) f.close() return h.hexdigest() def mkdir_with_parents(dir_name): """ mkdir_with_parents(dst_dir) Create directory 'dir_name' with all parent directories Returns True on success, False otherwise. """ pathmembers = dir_name.split(os.sep) tmp_stack = [] while pathmembers and not os.path.isdir(os.sep.join(pathmembers)): tmp_stack.append(pathmembers.pop()) while tmp_stack: pathmembers.append(tmp_stack.pop()) cur_dir = os.sep.join(pathmembers) try: debug("mkdir(%s)" % cur_dir) os.mkdir(cur_dir) except (OSError, IOError), e: warning("%s: can not make directory: %s" % (cur_dir, e.strerror)) return False except Exception, e: warning("%s: %s" % (cur_dir, e)) return False return True __all__.append("mkdir_with_parents") def unicodise(string, encoding = None, errors = "replace"): """ Convert 'string' to Unicode or raise an exception. """ if not encoding: encoding = Config.Config().encoding if type(string) == unicode: return string debug("Unicodising %r using %s" % (string, encoding)) try: return string.decode(encoding, errors) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise UnicodeDecodeError("Conversion to unicode failed: %r" % string) __all__.append("unicodise") def deunicodise(string, encoding = None, errors = "replace"): """ Convert unicode 'string' to , by default replacing all invalid characters with '?' or raise an exception. """ if not encoding: encoding = Config.Config().encoding if type(string) != unicode: return str(string) debug("DeUnicodising %r using %s" % (string, encoding)) try: return string.encode(encoding, errors) except UnicodeEncodeError: raise UnicodeEncodeError("Conversion from unicode failed: %r" % string) __all__.append("deunicodise") def unicodise_safe(string, encoding = None): """ Convert 'string' to Unicode according to current encoding and replace all invalid characters with '?' """ return unicodise(deunicodise(string, encoding), encoding).replace(u'\ufffd', '?') __all__.append("unicodise_safe") def replace_nonprintables(string): """ replace_nonprintables(string) Replaces all non-printable characters 'ch' in 'string' where ord(ch) <= 26 with ^@, ^A, ... ^Z """ new_string = "" modified = 0 for c in string: o = ord(c) if (o <= 31): new_string += "^" + chr(ord('@') + o) modified += 1 elif (o == 127): new_string += "^?" modified += 1 else: new_string += c if modified and Config.Config().urlencoding_mode != "fixbucket": warning("%d non-printable characters replaced in: %s" % (modified, new_string)) return new_string __all__.append("replace_nonprintables") def sign_string(string_to_sign): """Sign a string with the secret key, returning base64 encoded results. By default the configured secret key is used, but may be overridden as an argument. Useful for REST authentication. See http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/s3-developer-guide/RESTAuthentication.html """ signature = base64.encodestring(hmac.new(Config.Config().secret_key, string_to_sign, sha1).digest()).strip() return signature __all__.append("sign_string") def sign_url(url_to_sign, expiry): """Sign a URL in s3://bucket/object form with the given expiry time. The object will be accessible via the signed URL until the AWS key and secret are revoked or the expiry time is reached, even if the object is otherwise private. See: http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/s3-developer-guide/RESTAuthentication.html """ return sign_url_base( bucket = url_to_sign.bucket(), object = url_to_sign.object(), expiry = expiry ) __all__.append("sign_url") def sign_url_base(**parms): """Shared implementation of sign_url methods. Takes a hash of 'bucket', 'object' and 'expiry' as args.""" parms['expiry']=time_to_epoch(parms['expiry']) parms['access_key']=Config.Config().access_key debug("Expiry interpreted as epoch time %s", parms['expiry']) signtext = 'GET\n\n\n%(expiry)d\n/%(bucket)s/%(object)s' % parms debug("Signing plaintext: %r", signtext) parms['sig'] = urllib.quote_plus(sign_string(signtext)) debug("Urlencoded signature: %s", parms['sig']) return "http://%(bucket)s.s3.amazonaws.com/%(object)s?AWSAccessKeyId=%(access_key)s&Expires=%(expiry)d&Signature=%(sig)s" % parms def time_to_epoch(t): """Convert time specified in a variety of forms into UNIX epoch time. Accepts datetime.datetime, int, anything that has a strftime() method, and standard time 9-tuples """ if isinstance(t, int): # Already an int return t elif isinstance(t, tuple) or isinstance(t, time.struct_time): # Assume it's a time 9-tuple return int(time.mktime(t)) elif hasattr(t, 'timetuple'): # Looks like a datetime object or compatible return int(time.mktime(ex.timetuple())) elif hasattr(t, 'strftime'): # Looks like the object supports standard srftime() return int(t.strftime('%s')) elif isinstance(t, str) or isinstance(t, unicode): # See if it's a string representation of an epoch try: return int(t) except ValueError: # Try to parse it as a timestamp string try: return time.strptime(t) except ValueError, ex: # Will fall through debug("Failed to parse date with strptime: %s", ex) pass raise Exceptions.ParameterError('Unable to convert %r to an epoch time. Pass an epoch time. Try `date -d \'now + 1 year\' +%%s` (shell) or time.mktime (Python).' % t) def check_bucket_name(bucket, dns_strict = True): if dns_strict: invalid = re.search("([^a-z0-9\.-])", bucket) if invalid: raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket name '%s' contains disallowed character '%s'. The only supported ones are: lowercase us-ascii letters (a-z), digits (0-9), dot (.) and hyphen (-)." % (bucket, invalid.groups()[0])) else: invalid = re.search("([^A-Za-z0-9\._-])", bucket) if invalid: raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket name '%s' contains disallowed character '%s'. The only supported ones are: us-ascii letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), dot (.), hyphen (-) and underscore (_)." % (bucket, invalid.groups()[0])) if len(bucket) < 3: raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket name '%s' is too short (min 3 characters)" % bucket) if len(bucket) > 255: raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket name '%s' is too long (max 255 characters)" % bucket) if dns_strict: if len(bucket) > 63: raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket name '%s' is too long (max 63 characters)" % bucket) if re.search("-\.", bucket): raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket name '%s' must not contain sequence '-.' for DNS compatibility" % bucket) if re.search("\.\.", bucket): raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket name '%s' must not contain sequence '..' for DNS compatibility" % bucket) if not re.search("^[0-9a-z]", bucket): raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket name '%s' must start with a letter or a digit" % bucket) if not re.search("[0-9a-z]$", bucket): raise Exceptions.ParameterError("Bucket name '%s' must end with a letter or a digit" % bucket) return True __all__.append("check_bucket_name") def check_bucket_name_dns_conformity(bucket): try: return check_bucket_name(bucket, dns_strict = True) except Exceptions.ParameterError: return False __all__.append("check_bucket_name_dns_conformity") def getBucketFromHostname(hostname): """ bucket, success = getBucketFromHostname(hostname) Only works for hostnames derived from bucket names using Config.host_bucket pattern. Returns bucket name and a boolean success flag. """ # Create RE pattern from Config.host_bucket pattern = Config.Config().host_bucket % { 'bucket' : '(?P.*)' } m = re.match(pattern, hostname) if not m: return (hostname, False) return m.groups()[0], True __all__.append("getBucketFromHostname") def getHostnameFromBucket(bucket): return Config.Config().host_bucket % { 'bucket' : bucket } __all__.append("getHostnameFromBucket") # vim:et:ts=4:sts=4:ai