# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## Amazon S3 manager ## Author: Michal Ludvig ## http://www.logix.cz/michal ## License: GPL Version 2 ## Copyright: TGRMN Software and contributors from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os import re import sys from .Utils import unicodise, deunicodise, check_bucket_name_dns_support from . import Config if sys.version_info >= (3,0): PY3 = True else: PY3 = False class S3Uri(object): type = None _subclasses = None def __new__(self, string): if not self._subclasses: ## Generate a list of all subclasses of S3Uri self._subclasses = [] dict = sys.modules[__name__].__dict__ for something in dict: if type(dict[something]) is not type(self): continue if issubclass(dict[something], self) and dict[something] != self: self._subclasses.append(dict[something]) for subclass in self._subclasses: try: instance = object.__new__(subclass) instance.__init__(string) return instance except ValueError: continue raise ValueError("%s: not a recognized URI" % string) def __str__(self): if PY3: return self.uri() else: return deunicodise(self.uri()) def __unicode__(self): return self.uri() def __repr__(self): return repr("<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__unicode__())) def public_url(self): raise ValueError("This S3 URI does not have Anonymous URL representation") def basename(self): return self.__unicode__().split("/")[-1] class S3UriS3(S3Uri): type = "s3" _re = re.compile("^s3:///*([^/]*)/?(.*)", re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) def __init__(self, string): match = self._re.match(string) if not match: raise ValueError("%s: not a S3 URI" % string) groups = match.groups() self._bucket = groups[0] self._object = groups[1] def bucket(self): return self._bucket def object(self): return self._object def has_bucket(self): return bool(self._bucket) def has_object(self): return bool(self._object) def uri(self): return u"/".join([u"s3:/", self._bucket, self._object]) def is_dns_compatible(self): return check_bucket_name_dns_support(Config.Config().host_bucket, self._bucket) def public_url(self): if self.is_dns_compatible(): return "http://%s.%s/%s" % (self._bucket, Config.Config().host_base, self._object) else: return "http://%s/%s/%s" % (Config.Config().host_base, self._bucket, self._object) def host_name(self): if self.is_dns_compatible(): return "%s.s3.amazonaws.com" % (self._bucket) else: return "s3.amazonaws.com" @staticmethod def compose_uri(bucket, object = ""): return u"s3://%s/%s" % (bucket, object) @staticmethod def httpurl_to_s3uri(http_url): m=re.match("(https?://)?([^/]+)/?(.*)", http_url, re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) hostname, object = m.groups()[1:] hostname = hostname.lower() if hostname == "s3.amazonaws.com": ## old-style url: http://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket/object if object.count("/") == 0: ## no object given bucket = object object = "" else: ## bucket/object bucket, object = object.split("/", 1) elif hostname.endswith(".s3.amazonaws.com"): ## new-style url: http://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/object bucket = hostname[:-(len(".s3.amazonaws.com"))] else: raise ValueError("Unable to parse URL: %s" % http_url) return S3Uri(u"s3://%(bucket)s/%(object)s" % { 'bucket' : bucket, 'object' : object }) class S3UriS3FS(S3Uri): type = "s3fs" _re = re.compile("^s3fs:///*([^/]*)/?(.*)", re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) def __init__(self, string): match = self._re.match(string) if not match: raise ValueError("%s: not a S3fs URI" % string) groups = match.groups() self._fsname = groups[0] self._path = groups[1].split("/") def fsname(self): return self._fsname def path(self): return "/".join(self._path) def uri(self): return u"/".join([u"s3fs:/", self._fsname, self.path()]) class S3UriFile(S3Uri): type = "file" _re = re.compile("^(\w+://)?(.*)", re.UNICODE) def __init__(self, string): match = self._re.match(string) groups = match.groups() if groups[0] not in (None, "file://"): raise ValueError("%s: not a file:// URI" % string) if groups[0] is None: self._path = groups[1].split(os.sep) else: self._path = groups[1].split("/") def path(self): return os.sep.join(self._path) def uri(self): return u"/".join([u"file:/"]+self._path) def isdir(self): return os.path.isdir(deunicodise(self.path())) def dirname(self): return unicodise(os.path.dirname(deunicodise(self.path()))) def basename(self): return unicodise(os.path.basename(deunicodise(self.path()))) class S3UriCloudFront(S3Uri): type = "cf" _re = re.compile("^cf://([^/]*)/*(.*)", re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) def __init__(self, string): match = self._re.match(string) if not match: raise ValueError("%s: not a CloudFront URI" % string) groups = match.groups() self._dist_id = groups[0] self._request_id = groups[1] != "/" and groups[1] or None def dist_id(self): return self._dist_id def request_id(self): return self._request_id def uri(self): uri = u"cf://" + self.dist_id() if self.request_id(): uri += u"/" + self.request_id() return uri if __name__ == "__main__": uri = S3Uri("s3://bucket/object") print("type() =", type(uri)) print("uri =", uri) print("uri.type=", uri.type) print("bucket =", uri.bucket()) print("object =", uri.object()) print() uri = S3Uri("s3://bucket") print("type() =", type(uri)) print("uri =", uri) print("uri.type=", uri.type) print("bucket =", uri.bucket()) print() uri = S3Uri("s3fs://filesystem1/path/to/remote/file.txt") print("type() =", type(uri)) print("uri =", uri) print("uri.type=", uri.type) print("path =", uri.path()) print() uri = S3Uri("/path/to/local/file.txt") print("type() =", type(uri)) print("uri =", uri) print("uri.type=", uri.type) print("path =", uri.path()) print() uri = S3Uri("cf://1234567890ABCD/") print("type() =", type(uri)) print("uri =", uri) print("uri.type=", uri.type) print("dist_id =", uri.dist_id()) print() # vim:et:ts=4:sts=4:ai