## Create and compare lists of files/objects ## Author: Michal Ludvig ## http://www.logix.cz/michal ## License: GPL Version 2 from S3 import S3 from Config import Config from S3Uri import S3Uri from SortedDict import SortedDict from Utils import * from Exceptions import ParameterError from HashCache import HashCache from logging import debug, info, warning, error import os import glob import copy __all__ = ["fetch_local_list", "fetch_remote_list", "compare_filelists", "filter_exclude_include", "parse_attrs_header"] def _fswalk_follow_symlinks(path): ''' Walk filesystem, following symbolic links (but without recursion), on python2.4 and later If a symlink directory loop is detected, emit a warning and skip. E.g. dir1/ dir2/ sym-dir -> ../dir2 ''' assert os.path.isdir(path) # only designed for directory argument walkdirs = set([path]) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): handle_exclude_include_walk(dirpath, dirnames, []) real_dirpath = os.path.realpath(dirpath) for dirname in dirnames: current = os.path.join(dirpath, dirname) real_current = os.path.realpath(current) if os.path.islink(current): if (real_dirpath == real_current or real_dirpath.startswith(real_current + os.path.sep)): warning("Skipping recursively symlinked directory %s" % dirname) else: walkdirs.add(current) for walkdir in walkdirs: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(walkdir): handle_exclude_include_walk(dirpath, dirnames, []) yield (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) def _fswalk_no_symlinks(path): ''' Directory tree generator path (str) is the root of the directory tree to walk ''' for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): handle_exclude_include_walk(dirpath, dirnames, filenames) yield (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) def filter_exclude_include(src_list): info(u"Applying --exclude/--include") cfg = Config() exclude_list = SortedDict(ignore_case = False) for file in src_list.keys(): debug(u"CHECK: %s" % file) excluded = False for r in cfg.exclude: if r.search(file): excluded = True debug(u"EXCL-MATCH: '%s'" % (cfg.debug_exclude[r])) break if excluded: ## No need to check for --include if not excluded for r in cfg.include: if r.search(file): excluded = False debug(u"INCL-MATCH: '%s'" % (cfg.debug_include[r])) break if excluded: ## Still excluded - ok, action it debug(u"EXCLUDE: %s" % file) exclude_list[file] = src_list[file] del(src_list[file]) continue return src_list, exclude_list def handle_exclude_include_walk(root, dirs, files): cfg = Config() copydirs = copy.copy(dirs) copyfiles = copy.copy(files) # exclude dir matches in the current directory # this prevents us from recursing down trees we know we want to ignore for x in copydirs: d = os.path.join(root, x, '') excluded = False for r in cfg.exclude: if r.search(d): excluded = True debug(u"EXCL-MATCH: '%s'" % (cfg.debug_exclude[r])) break if excluded: ## No need to check for --include if not excluded for r in cfg.include: if r.search(d): excluded = False debug(u"INCL-MATCH: '%s'" % (cfg.debug_include[r])) break if excluded: ## Still excluded - ok, action it dirs.remove(x) continue # exclude file matches in the current directory for x in copyfiles: file = os.path.join(root, x) excluded = False for r in cfg.exclude: if r.search(file): excluded = True debug(u"EXCL-MATCH: '%s'" % (cfg.debug_exclude[r])) break if excluded: ## No need to check for --include if not excluded for r in cfg.include: if r.search(file): excluded = False debug(u"INCL-MATCH: '%s'" % (cfg.debug_include[r])) break if excluded: ## Still excluded - ok, action it debug(u"EXCLUDE: %s" % file) files.remove(x) continue def fetch_local_list(args, recursive = None): def _get_filelist_local(loc_list, local_uri, cache): info(u"Compiling list of local files...") if deunicodise(local_uri.basename()) == "-": loc_list = SortedDict(ignore_case = False) loc_list["-"] = { 'full_name_unicode' : '-', 'full_name' : '-', 'size' : -1, 'mtime' : -1, } return loc_list, True if local_uri.isdir(): local_base = deunicodise(local_uri.basename()) local_path = deunicodise(local_uri.path()) if cfg.follow_symlinks: filelist = _fswalk_follow_symlinks(local_path) else: filelist = _fswalk_no_symlinks(local_path) single_file = False else: local_base = "" local_path = deunicodise(local_uri.dirname()) filelist = [( local_path, [], [deunicodise(local_uri.basename())] )] single_file = True for root, dirs, files in filelist: rel_root = root.replace(local_path, local_base, 1) for f in files: full_name = os.path.join(root, f) if not os.path.isfile(full_name): continue if os.path.islink(full_name): if not cfg.follow_symlinks: continue relative_file = unicodise(os.path.join(rel_root, f)) if os.path.sep != "/": # Convert non-unix dir separators to '/' relative_file = "/".join(relative_file.split(os.path.sep)) if cfg.urlencoding_mode == "normal": relative_file = replace_nonprintables(relative_file) if relative_file.startswith('./'): relative_file = relative_file[2:] sr = os.stat_result(os.lstat(full_name)) loc_list[relative_file] = { 'full_name_unicode' : unicodise(full_name), 'full_name' : full_name, 'size' : sr.st_size, 'mtime' : sr.st_mtime, 'dev' : sr.st_dev, 'inode' : sr.st_ino, 'uid' : sr.st_uid, 'gid' : sr.st_gid, 'sr': sr # save it all, may need it in preserve_attrs_list ## TODO: Possibly more to save here... } if 'md5' in cfg.sync_checks: md5 = cache.md5(sr.st_dev, sr.st_ino, sr.st_mtime, sr.st_size) if md5 is None: try: md5 = loc_list.get_md5(relative_file) # this does the file I/O except IOError: continue cache.add(sr.st_dev, sr.st_ino, sr.st_mtime, sr.st_size, md5) loc_list.record_hardlink(relative_file, sr.st_dev, sr.st_ino, md5) return loc_list, single_file def _maintain_cache(cache, local_list): if cfg.cache_file: cache.mark_all_for_purge() for i in local_list.keys(): cache.unmark_for_purge(local_list[i]['dev'], local_list[i]['inode'], local_list[i]['mtime'], local_list[i]['size']) cache.purge() cache.save(cfg.cache_file) cfg = Config() cache = HashCache() if cfg.cache_file: try: cache.load(cfg.cache_file) except IOError: info(u"No cache file found, creating it.") local_uris = [] local_list = SortedDict(ignore_case = False) single_file = False if type(args) not in (list, tuple): args = [args] if recursive == None: recursive = cfg.recursive for arg in args: uri = S3Uri(arg) if not uri.type == 'file': raise ParameterError("Expecting filename or directory instead of: %s" % arg) if uri.isdir() and not recursive: raise ParameterError("Use --recursive to upload a directory: %s" % arg) local_uris.append(uri) for uri in local_uris: list_for_uri, single_file = _get_filelist_local(local_list, uri, cache) ## Single file is True if and only if the user ## specified one local URI and that URI represents ## a FILE. Ie it is False if the URI was of a DIR ## and that dir contained only one FILE. That's not ## a case of single_file==True. if len(local_list) > 1: single_file = False _maintain_cache(cache, local_list) return local_list, single_file def fetch_remote_list(args, require_attribs = False, recursive = None): def _get_filelist_remote(remote_uri, recursive = True): ## If remote_uri ends with '/' then all remote files will have ## the remote_uri prefix removed in the relative path. ## If, on the other hand, the remote_uri ends with something else ## (probably alphanumeric symbol) we'll use the last path part ## in the relative path. ## ## Complicated, eh? See an example: ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def") may yield: ## { 'def/file1.jpg' : {}, 'def/xyz/blah.txt' : {} } ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/") will yield: ## { 'file1.jpg' : {}, 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} } ## Furthermore a prefix-magic can restrict the return list: ## _get_filelist_remote("s3://bckt/abc/def/x") yields: ## { 'xyz/blah.txt' : {} } info(u"Retrieving list of remote files for %s ..." % remote_uri) s3 = S3(Config()) response = s3.bucket_list(remote_uri.bucket(), prefix = remote_uri.object(), recursive = recursive) rem_base_original = rem_base = remote_uri.object() remote_uri_original = remote_uri if rem_base != '' and rem_base[-1] != '/': rem_base = rem_base[:rem_base.rfind('/')+1] remote_uri = S3Uri("s3://%s/%s" % (remote_uri.bucket(), rem_base)) rem_base_len = len(rem_base) rem_list = SortedDict(ignore_case = False) break_now = False for object in response['list']: if object['Key'] == rem_base_original and object['Key'][-1] != os.path.sep: ## We asked for one file and we got that file :-) key = os.path.basename(object['Key']) object_uri_str = remote_uri_original.uri() break_now = True rem_list = {} ## Remove whatever has already been put to rem_list else: key = object['Key'][rem_base_len:] ## Beware - this may be '' if object['Key']==rem_base !! object_uri_str = remote_uri.uri() + key rem_list[key] = { 'size' : int(object['Size']), 'timestamp' : dateS3toUnix(object['LastModified']), ## Sadly it's upload time, not our lastmod time :-( 'md5' : object['ETag'][1:-1], 'object_key' : object['Key'], 'object_uri_str' : object_uri_str, 'base_uri' : remote_uri, 'dev' : None, 'inode' : None, } md5 = object['ETag'][1:-1] rem_list.record_md5(key, md5) if break_now: break return rem_list cfg = Config() remote_uris = [] remote_list = SortedDict(ignore_case = False) if type(args) not in (list, tuple): args = [args] if recursive == None: recursive = cfg.recursive for arg in args: uri = S3Uri(arg) if not uri.type == 's3': raise ParameterError("Expecting S3 URI instead of '%s'" % arg) remote_uris.append(uri) if recursive: for uri in remote_uris: objectlist = _get_filelist_remote(uri) for key in objectlist: remote_list[key] = objectlist[key] remote_list.record_md5(key, objectlist.get_md5(key)) else: for uri in remote_uris: uri_str = str(uri) ## Wildcards used in remote URI? ## If yes we'll need a bucket listing... if uri_str.find('*') > -1 or uri_str.find('?') > -1: first_wildcard = uri_str.find('*') first_questionmark = uri_str.find('?') if first_questionmark > -1 and first_questionmark < first_wildcard: first_wildcard = first_questionmark prefix = uri_str[:first_wildcard] rest = uri_str[first_wildcard+1:] ## Only request recursive listing if the 'rest' of the URI, ## i.e. the part after first wildcard, contains '/' need_recursion = rest.find('/') > -1 objectlist = _get_filelist_remote(S3Uri(prefix), recursive = need_recursion) for key in objectlist: ## Check whether the 'key' matches the requested wildcards if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(objectlist[key]['object_uri_str'], uri_str): remote_list[key] = objectlist[key] else: ## No wildcards - simply append the given URI to the list key = os.path.basename(uri.object()) if not key: raise ParameterError(u"Expecting S3 URI with a filename or --recursive: %s" % uri.uri()) remote_item = { 'base_uri': uri, 'object_uri_str': unicode(uri), 'object_key': uri.object() } if require_attribs: response = S3(cfg).object_info(uri) remote_item.update({ 'size': int(response['headers']['content-length']), 'md5': response['headers']['etag'].strip('"\''), 'timestamp' : dateRFC822toUnix(response['headers']['date']) }) # get md5 from header if it's present. We would have set that during upload if response['headers'].has_key('x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs'): attrs = parse_attrs_header(response['headers']['x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs']) if attrs.has_key('md5'): remote_item.update({'md5': attrs['md5']}) remote_list[key] = remote_item return remote_list def parse_attrs_header(attrs_header): attrs = {} for attr in attrs_header.split("/"): key, val = attr.split(":") attrs[key] = val return attrs def compare_filelists(src_list, dst_list, src_remote, dst_remote, delay_updates = False): def __direction_str(is_remote): return is_remote and "remote" or "local" def _compare(src_list, dst_lst, src_remote, dst_remote, file): """Return True if src_list[file] matches dst_list[file], else False""" attribs_match = True if not (src_list.has_key(file) and dst_list.has_key(file)): info(u"%s: does not exist in one side or the other: src_list=%s, dst_list=%s" % (file, src_list.has_key(file), dst_list.has_key(file))) return False ## check size first if 'size' in cfg.sync_checks and dst_list[file]['size'] != src_list[file]['size']: debug(u"xfer: %s (size mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" % (file, src_list[file]['size'], dst_list[file]['size'])) attribs_match = False ## check md5 compare_md5 = 'md5' in cfg.sync_checks # Multipart-uploaded files don't have a valid md5 sum - it ends with "...-nn" if compare_md5: if (src_remote == True and src_list[file]['md5'].find("-") >= 0) or (dst_remote == True and dst_list[file]['md5'].find("-") >= 0): compare_md5 = False info(u"disabled md5 check for %s" % file) if attribs_match and compare_md5: try: src_md5 = src_list.get_md5(file) dst_md5 = dst_list.get_md5(file) except (IOError,OSError), e: # md5 sum verification failed - ignore that file altogether debug(u"IGNR: %s (disappeared)" % (file)) warning(u"%s: file disappeared, ignoring." % (file)) raise if src_md5 != dst_md5: ## checksums are different. attribs_match = False debug(u"XFER: %s (md5 mismatch: src=%s dst=%s)" % (file, src_md5, dst_md5)) return attribs_match # we don't support local->local sync, use 'rsync' or something like that instead ;-) assert(not(src_remote == False and dst_remote == False)) info(u"Verifying attributes...") cfg = Config() ## Items left on src_list will be transferred ## Items left on update_list will be transferred after src_list ## Items left on copy_pairs will be copied from dst1 to dst2 update_list = SortedDict(ignore_case = False) ## Items left on dst_list will be deleted copy_pairs = [] debug("Comparing filelists (direction: %s -> %s)" % (__direction_str(src_remote), __direction_str(dst_remote))) for relative_file in src_list.keys(): debug(u"CHECK: %s" % (relative_file)) if dst_list.has_key(relative_file): ## Was --skip-existing requested? if cfg.skip_existing: debug(u"IGNR: %s (used --skip-existing)" % (relative_file)) del(src_list[relative_file]) del(dst_list[relative_file]) continue try: same_file = _compare(src_list, dst_list, src_remote, dst_remote, relative_file) except (IOError,OSError), e: debug(u"IGNR: %s (disappeared)" % (relative_file)) warning(u"%s: file disappeared, ignoring." % (relative_file)) del(src_list[relative_file]) del(dst_list[relative_file]) continue if same_file: debug(u"IGNR: %s (transfer not needed)" % relative_file) del(src_list[relative_file]) del(dst_list[relative_file]) else: # look for matching file in src try: md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file) except IOError: md5 = None if md5 is not None and dst_list.by_md5.has_key(md5): # Found one, we want to copy dst1 = list(dst_list.by_md5[md5])[0] debug(u"DST COPY src: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file)) copy_pairs.append((src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file)) del(src_list[relative_file]) del(dst_list[relative_file]) else: # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again, # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter). dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5) update_list[relative_file] = src_list[relative_file] del src_list[relative_file] del dst_list[relative_file] else: # dst doesn't have this file # look for matching file elsewhere in dst try: md5 = src_list.get_md5(relative_file) except IOError: md5 = None dst1 = dst_list.find_md5_one(md5) if dst1 is not None: # Found one, we want to copy debug(u"DST COPY dst: %s -> %s" % (dst1, relative_file)) copy_pairs.append((src_list[relative_file], dst1, relative_file)) del(src_list[relative_file]) else: # we don't have this file, and we don't have a copy of this file elsewhere. Get it. # record that we will get this file transferred to us (before all the copies), so if we come across it later again, # we can copy from _this_ copy (e.g. we only upload it once, and copy thereafter). dst_list.record_md5(relative_file, md5) for f in dst_list.keys(): if src_list.has_key(f) or update_list.has_key(f): # leave only those not on src_list + update_list del dst_list[f] return src_list, dst_list, update_list, copy_pairs # vim:et:ts=4:sts=4:ai