#!/usr/bin/env python ## Amazon S3 manager ## Author: Michal Ludvig ## http://www.logix.cz/michal ## License: GPL Version 2 import sys import logging import time from copy import copy from optparse import OptionParser, Option, OptionValueError, IndentedHelpFormatter from logging import debug, info, warning, error import elementtree.ElementTree as ET ## Our modules from S3 import PkgInfo from S3.S3 import * from S3.Config import Config from S3.S3Uri import * def output(message): print message def cmd_ls(args): s3 = S3(Config()) if len(args) > 0: uri = S3Uri(args[0]) if uri.type == "s3" and uri.has_bucket(): subcmd_bucket_list(s3, uri) return subcmd_buckets_list_all(s3) def cmd_buckets_list_all_all(args): s3 = S3(Config()) response = s3.list_all_buckets() for bucket in response["list"]: subcmd_bucket_list(s3, S3Uri("s3://" + bucket["Name"])) output("") def subcmd_buckets_list_all(s3): response = s3.list_all_buckets() for bucket in response["list"]: output("%s s3://%s" % ( formatDateTime(bucket["CreationDate"]), bucket["Name"], )) def subcmd_bucket_list(s3, uri): bucket = uri.bucket() object = uri.object() output("Bucket '%s':" % bucket) if object.endswith('*'): object = object[:-1] try: response = s3.bucket_list(bucket, prefix = object) except S3Error, e: if S3.codes.has_key(e.info["Code"]): error(S3.codes[e.info["Code"]] % bucket) return else: raise for object in response["list"]: size, size_coeff = formatSize(object["Size"], Config().human_readable_sizes) output("%s %s%s %s" % ( formatDateTime(object["LastModified"]), str(size).rjust(8), size_coeff.ljust(1), uri.compose_uri(bucket, object["Key"]), )) def cmd_bucket_create(args): uri = S3Uri(args[0]) if not uri.type == "s3" or not uri.has_bucket() or uri.has_object(): raise ParameterError("Expecting S3 URI with just the bucket name set instead of '%s'" % args[0]) try: s3 = S3(Config()) response = s3.bucket_create(uri.bucket()) except S3Error, e: if S3.codes.has_key(e.info["Code"]): error(S3.codes[e.info["Code"]] % uri.bucket()) return else: raise output("Bucket '%s' created" % uri.bucket()) def cmd_bucket_delete(args): uri = S3Uri(args[0]) if not uri.type == "s3" or not uri.has_bucket() or uri.has_object(): raise ParameterError("Expecting S3 URI with just the bucket name set instead of '%s'" % args[0]) try: s3 = S3(Config()) response = s3.bucket_delete(uri.bucket()) except S3Error, e: if S3.codes.has_key(e.info["Code"]): error(S3.codes[e.info["Code"]] % uri.bucket()) return else: raise output("Bucket '%s' removed" % uri.bucket()) def cmd_object_put(args): s3 = S3(Config()) uri_arg = args.pop() files = args[:] uri = S3Uri(uri_arg) if uri.type != "s3": raise ParameterError("Expecting S3 URI instead of '%s'" % uri_arg) if len(files) > 1 and uri.object != "" and not Config().force: error("When uploading multiple files the last argument must") error("be a S3 URI specifying just the bucket name") error("WITHOUT object name!") error("Alternatively use --force argument and the specified") error("object name will be prefixed to all stored filenames.") sys.exit(1) for file in files: uri_arg_final = str(uri) if len(files) > 1 or uri.object() == "": uri_arg_final += os.path.basename(file) uri_final = S3Uri(uri_arg_final) response = s3.object_put_uri(file, uri_final) output("File '%s' stored as %s (%d bytes)" % (file, uri_final, response["size"])) if Config().acl_public: output("Public URL of the object is: %s" % (uri.public_url())) def cmd_object_get(args): s3 = S3(Config()) uri_arg = args.pop(0) uri = S3Uri(uri_arg) if uri.type != "s3" or not uri.has_object(): raise ParameterError("Expecting S3 URI instead of '%s'" % uri_arg) destination = len(args) > 0 and args.pop(0) or uri.object() if os.path.isdir(destination): destination += ("/" + uri.object()) if not Config().force and os.path.exists(destination): raise ParameterError("File %s already exists. Use --force to overwrite it" % destination) response = s3.object_get_uri(uri, destination) if destination != "-": output("Object %s saved as '%s' (%d bytes)" % (uri, destination, response["size"])) def cmd_object_del(args): s3 = S3(Config()) uri_arg = args.pop(0) uri = S3Uri(uri_arg) if uri.type != "s3" or not uri.has_object(): raise ParameterError("Expecting S3 URI instead of '%s'" % uri_arg) response = s3.object_delete_uri(uri) output("Object %s deleted" % uri) def run_configure(config_file): cfg = Config() options = [ ("access_key", "Access Key"), ("secret_key", "Secret Key"), ] try: while 1: output("\nEnter new values or accept defaults in brackets with Enter.") output("Refer to user manual for detailed description of all options.\n") for option in options: prompt = option[1] try: val = getattr(cfg, option[0]) if val not in (None, ""): prompt += " [%s]" % val except AttributeError: pass if len(option) >= 3: output("%s" % option[2]) val = raw_input(prompt + ": ") if val != "": setattr(cfg, option[0], val) output("\nNew settings:") for option in options: output(" %s: %s" % (option[1], getattr(cfg, option[0]))) val = raw_input("\nTest access with supplied credentials? [Y/n] ") if val.lower().startswith("y") or val == "": try: output("Please wait...") S3(Config()).bucket_list("", "") output("\nSuccess. Your access key and secret key worked fine :-)") except S3Error, e: error("Test failed: %s" % (e)) val = raw_input("\nRetry configuration? [Y/n] ") if val.lower().startswith("y") or val == "": continue val = raw_input("\nSave settings? [y/N] ") if val.lower().startswith("y"): break val = raw_input("Retry configuration? [Y/n] ") if val.lower().startswith("n"): raise EOFError() f = open(config_file, "w") cfg.dump_config(f) f.close() output("Configuration saved to '%s'" % config_file) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): output("\nConfiguration aborted. Changes were NOT saved.") return except IOError, e: error("Writing config file failed: %s: %s" % (config_file, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) commands = {} commands_list = [ {"cmd":"mb", "label":"Make bucket", "param":"s3://BUCKET", "func":cmd_bucket_create, "argc":1}, {"cmd":"rb", "label":"Remove bucket", "param":"s3://BUCKET", "func":cmd_bucket_delete, "argc":1}, {"cmd":"ls", "label":"List objects or buckets", "param":"[s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX]]", "func":cmd_ls, "argc":0}, {"cmd":"la", "label":"List all object in all buckets", "param":"", "func":cmd_buckets_list_all_all, "argc":0}, {"cmd":"put", "label":"Put file into bucket", "param":"FILE [FILE...] s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX]", "func":cmd_object_put, "argc":2}, {"cmd":"get", "label":"Get file from bucket", "param":"s3://BUCKET/OBJECT LOCAL_FILE", "func":cmd_object_get, "argc":1}, {"cmd":"del", "label":"Delete file from bucket", "param":"s3://BUCKET/OBJECT", "func":cmd_object_del, "argc":1}, ] def format_commands(progname): help = "Commands:\n" for cmd in commands_list: help += " %s\n %s %s %s\n" % (cmd["label"], progname, cmd["cmd"], cmd["param"]) return help class OptionMimeType(Option): def check_mimetype(option, opt, value): if re.compile("^[a-z0-9]+/[a-z0-9+\.-]+$", re.IGNORECASE).match(value): return value raise OptionValueError("option %s: invalid MIME-Type format: %r" % (opt, value)) TYPES = Option.TYPES + ("mimetype",) TYPE_CHECKER = copy(Option.TYPE_CHECKER) TYPE_CHECKER["mimetype"] = check_mimetype class MyHelpFormatter(IndentedHelpFormatter): def format_epilog(self, epilog): if epilog: return "\n" + epilog + "\n" else: return "" if __name__ == '__main__': if float("%d.%d" %(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])) < 2.4: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Python 2.4 or higher required, sorry.\n") sys.exit(1) ## Populate "commands" from "commands_list" for cmd in commands_list: if cmd.has_key("cmd"): commands[cmd["cmd"]] = cmd default_verbosity = Config().verbosity optparser = OptionParser(option_class=OptionMimeType, formatter=MyHelpFormatter()) #optparser.disable_interspersed_args() optparser.set_defaults(config=os.getenv("HOME")+"/.s3cfg") optparser.set_defaults(verbosity = default_verbosity) optparser.add_option( "--configure", dest="run_configure", action="store_true", help="Invoke interactive (re)configuration tool.") optparser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config", metavar="FILE", help="Config file name. Defaults to %default") optparser.add_option( "--dump-config", dest="dump_config", action="store_true", help="Dump current configuration after parsing config files and command line options and exit.") optparser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="force", action="store_true", help="Force overwrite and other dangerous operations.") optparser.add_option("-P", "--acl-public", dest="acl_public", action="store_true", help="Store objects with ACL allowing read by anyone.") optparser.add_option("-m", "--mime-type", dest="default_mime_type", type="mimetype", metavar="MIME/TYPE", help="Default MIME-type to be set for objects stored.") optparser.add_option("-M", "--guess-mime-type", dest="guess_mime_type", action="store_true", help="Guess MIME-type of files by their extension. Falls back to default MIME-Type as specified by --mime-type option") optparser.add_option("-H", "--human-readable-sizes", dest="human_readable_sizes", action="store_true", help="Print sizes in human readable form.") optparser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbosity", action="store_const", const=logging.INFO, help="Enable verbose output.") optparser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="verbosity", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, help="Enable debug output.") optparser.add_option( "--version", dest="show_version", action="store_true", help="Show s3cmd version (%s) and exit." % (PkgInfo.version)) optparser.set_usage(optparser.usage + " COMMAND [parameters]") optparser.set_description('S3cmd is a tool for managing objects in '+ 'Amazon S3 storage. It allows for making and removing '+ '"buckets" and uploading, downloading and removing '+ '"objects" from these buckets.') optparser.epilog = format_commands(optparser.get_prog_name()) optparser.epilog += ("\nSee program homepage for more information at\n%s\n" % PkgInfo.url) (options, args) = optparser.parse_args() ## Some mucking with logging levels to enable ## debugging/verbose output for config file parser on request logging.basicConfig(level=options.verbosity, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s') if options.show_version: output("s3cmd version %s" % PkgInfo.version) sys.exit(0) ## Now finally parse the config file try: cfg = Config(options.config) except IOError, e: if options.run_configure: cfg = Config() else: error("%s: %s" % (options.config, e.strerror)) error("Configuration file not available.") error("Consider using --configure parameter to create one.") sys.exit(1) ## And again some logging level adjustments ## according to configfile and command line parameters if options.verbosity != default_verbosity: cfg.verbosity = options.verbosity logging.root.setLevel(cfg.verbosity) ## Update Config with other parameters for option in cfg.option_list(): try: if getattr(options, option) != None: debug("Updating %s -> %s" % (option, getattr(options, option))) cfg.update_option(option, getattr(options, option)) except AttributeError: ## Some Config() options are not settable from command line pass if options.dump_config: cfg.dump_config(sys.stdout) sys.exit(0) if options.run_configure: run_configure(options.config) sys.exit(0) if len(args) < 1: error("Missing command. Please run with --help for more information.") sys.exit(1) command = args.pop(0) try: debug("Command: " + commands[command]["cmd"]) ## We must do this lookup in extra step to ## avoid catching all KeyError exceptions ## from inner functions. cmd_func = commands[command]["func"] except KeyError, e: error("Invalid command: %s" % e) sys.exit(1) if len(args) < commands[command]["argc"]: error("Not enough paramters for command '%s'" % command) sys.exit(1) try: cmd_func(args) except S3Error, e: error("S3 error: " + str(e)) except ParameterError, e: error("Parameter problem: " + str(e))