Instructions for s3cmd maintainers for doing a tagged release and publishing on In the below, 2.1.0 is the example version being released. Salt to taste. Dependency that could be needed for the release: pip install --user twine 1. Make a fresh clone of the repo: git clone ssh+git:// s3cmd-release 2. Run ./ to verify it all works OK. 3. Update version to 2.1.0 in S3/ 4. Update manpage with ./s3cmd --help | ./ > s3cmd.1 5. Update NEWS with info about new features. Best to extract from git with: git log --abbrev-commit --no-merges v2.0.2.. (list all tags with: "git tag") 6. Verify the above changes: git diff --check && git diff git status (The only changed files should be NEWS, s3cmd.1, S3/ 7. Remove testsuite (intentionally inaccessible files break the next step): chmod -R +rwx testsuite/permission-tests/permission-denied-dir && rm -rf testsuite 8. If everything worked fine commit the above changes: git commit -a -m "Update version to 2.1.0" 9. Tag it: git tag --sign -a v2.1.0 -m "Tag v2.1.0" 10. Push back to github: git push --tags 11. Build the "Source Distribution" and the universal "Wheel" package: python sdist bdist_wheel --universal -> Creates dist/s3cmd-2.1.0.tar.gz , dist/ and dist/s3cmd-2.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl 12. Generate the GPG signatures for the previously generated artefacts gpg2 --default-key XXXX --detach-sign -a dist/s3cmd-2.1.0.tar.gz gpg2 --default-key XXXX --detach-sign -a dist/ gpg2 --default-key XXXX --detach-sign -a dist/s3cmd-2.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl 13. Publish to PyPi, so 'pip install s3cmd' downloads the new version. twine upload dist/s3cmd-2.1.0.tar.gz* dist/s3cmd-2.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl* Note: we only publish the .tar.gz and the .whl (+.asc signatures) to Pypi, and not the .zip as Pypi only accepts a single "sdist" source file for a given version. GitHub releases 1. Login to 2. You will see your new tag in the Tags tab. Click "Draft a new release". 3. In the 'Tag version' drop-down, select your new tag. 4. In the 'Release title' field, name it v2.1.0. 5. In the 'Describe this release' text box, add in this release's notes from the NEWS file. 6. Upload all 4 files from dist/. 7. Click "Publish release" SourceForge releases 1. Login to 2. Go to 3. Files -> s3cmd -> Add Folder -> Enter "2.1.0" -> Create 4. Go into 2.1.0 -> Add File -> upload dist/s3cmd-2.1.0.tar.gz 5. Once uploaded click the little "i" icon on the right and click "Select all" under "Default Download For:" to update the default download button to this new version. 6. Give it a few minutes and verify on the Summary page that the download button has been updated to s3cmd-2.1.0.tar.gz Now it's time to send out an announcement email to and (check out the s3cmd-announce archive for an inspiration :) And the last step is to ask the respective distribution maintainers (Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, ...?) to update the package in their builds.