from distutils.core import setup import sys import os import S3.PkgInfo if float("%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2]) < 2.4: sys.stderr.write("Your Python version %d.%d.%d is not supported.\n" % sys.version_info[:3]) sys.stderr.write("S3cmd required Python 2.4 or newer.\n") sys.exit(1) try: import elementtree.ElementTree as ET except ImportError, e: sys.stderr.write(e.message + "\n") sys.stderr.write("Please upgrade to Python 2.5 or install ElementTree module\n") sys.stderr.write("from\n") sys.exit(1) try: ## Remove 'MANIFEST' file to force ## distutils to recreate it. ## Only in "sdist" stage. Otherwise ## it makes life difficult to packagers. if sys.argv[1] == "sdist": os.unlink("MANIFEST") except: pass ## Don't install manpages and docs when $S3CMD_PACKAGING is set ## This was a requirement of Debian package maintainer. if not os.getenv("S3CMD_PACKAGING"): man_path = os.getenv("S3CMD_INSTPATH_MAN") or "share/man" doc_path = os.getenv("S3CMD_INSTPATH_DOC") or "share/doc/packages" data_files = [ (doc_path+"/s3cmd", [ "README", "INSTALL", "NEWS" ]), (man_path+"/man1", [ "s3cmd.1" ] ), ] else: data_files = None ## Main distutils info setup( ## Content description name = S3.PkgInfo.package, version = S3.PkgInfo.version, packages = [ 'S3' ], scripts = ['s3cmd'], data_files = data_files, ## Packaging details author = "Michal Ludvig", author_email = "", url = S3.PkgInfo.url, license = S3.PkgInfo.license, description = S3.PkgInfo.short_description, long_description = """ %s Authors: -------- Michal Ludvig """ % (S3.PkgInfo.long_description) )