#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding=utf-8 -*- ## Amazon S3cmd - testsuite ## Author: Michal Ludvig ## http://www.logix.cz/michal ## License: GPL Version 2 ## Copyright: TGRMN Software and contributors import sys import os import re import time from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT import locale import getpass import S3.Exceptions import S3.Config from S3.ExitCodes import * count_pass = 0 count_fail = 0 count_skip = 0 test_counter = 0 run_tests = [] exclude_tests = [] verbose = False # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/377017/test-if-executable-exists-in-python/377028#377028 def which(program): def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None if which('curl') is not None: have_curl = True else: have_curl = False config_file = None if os.getenv("HOME"): config_file = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".s3cfg") elif os.name == "nt" and os.getenv("USERPROFILE"): config_file = os.path.join(os.getenv("USERPROFILE").decode('mbcs'), os.getenv("APPDATA").decode('mbcs') or 'Application Data', "s3cmd.ini") ## Unpack testsuite/ directory if not os.path.isdir('testsuite') and os.path.isfile('testsuite.tar.gz'): os.system("tar -xz -f testsuite.tar.gz") if not os.path.isdir('testsuite'): print "Something went wrong while unpacking testsuite.tar.gz" sys.exit(1) os.system("tar -xf testsuite/checksum.tar -C testsuite") if not os.path.isfile('testsuite/checksum/cksum33.txt'): print "Something went wrong while unpacking testsuite/checkum.tar" sys.exit(1) ## Fix up permissions for permission-denied tests os.chmod("testsuite/permission-tests/permission-denied-dir", 0444) os.chmod("testsuite/permission-tests/permission-denied.txt", 0000) ## Patterns for Unicode tests patterns = {} patterns['UTF-8'] = u"ŪņЇЌœđЗ/☺ unicode € rocks ™" patterns['GBK'] = u"12月31日/1-特色條目" encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() if not encoding: print "Guessing current system encoding failed. Consider setting $LANG variable." sys.exit(1) else: print "System encoding: " + encoding have_encoding = os.path.isdir('testsuite/encodings/' + encoding) if not have_encoding and os.path.isfile('testsuite/encodings/%s.tar.gz' % encoding): os.system("tar xvz -C testsuite/encodings -f testsuite/encodings/%s.tar.gz" % encoding) have_encoding = os.path.isdir('testsuite/encodings/' + encoding) if have_encoding: #enc_base_remote = "%s/xyz/%s/" % (pbucket(1), encoding) enc_pattern = patterns[encoding] else: print encoding + " specific files not found." if not os.path.isdir('testsuite/crappy-file-name'): os.system("tar xvz -C testsuite -f testsuite/crappy-file-name.tar.gz") # TODO: also unpack if the tarball is newer than the directory timestamp # for instance when a new version was pulled from SVN. def test(label, cmd_args = [], retcode = 0, must_find = [], must_not_find = [], must_find_re = [], must_not_find_re = [], stdin = None): def command_output(): print "----" print " ".join([" " in arg and "'%s'" % arg or arg for arg in cmd_args]) print "----" print stdout print "----" def failure(message = ""): global count_fail if message: message = u" (%r)" % message print u"\x1b[31;1mFAIL%s\x1b[0m" % (message) count_fail += 1 command_output() #return 1 sys.exit(1) def success(message = ""): global count_pass if message: message = " (%r)" % message print "\x1b[32;1mOK\x1b[0m%s" % (message) count_pass += 1 if verbose: command_output() return 0 def skip(message = ""): global count_skip if message: message = " (%r)" % message print "\x1b[33;1mSKIP\x1b[0m%s" % (message) count_skip += 1 return 0 def compile_list(_list, regexps = False): if regexps == False: _list = [re.escape(item.encode(encoding, "replace")) for item in _list] return [re.compile(item, re.MULTILINE) for item in _list] global test_counter test_counter += 1 print ("%3d %s " % (test_counter, label)).ljust(30, "."), sys.stdout.flush() if run_tests.count(test_counter) == 0 or exclude_tests.count(test_counter) > 0: return skip() if not cmd_args: return skip() p = Popen(cmd_args, stdin = stdin, stdout = PIPE, stderr = STDOUT, universal_newlines = True, close_fds = True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if type(retcode) not in [list, tuple]: retcode = [retcode] if p.returncode not in retcode: return failure("retcode: %d, expected one of: %s" % (p.returncode, retcode)) if type(must_find) not in [ list, tuple ]: must_find = [must_find] if type(must_find_re) not in [ list, tuple ]: must_find_re = [must_find_re] if type(must_not_find) not in [ list, tuple ]: must_not_find = [must_not_find] if type(must_not_find_re) not in [ list, tuple ]: must_not_find_re = [must_not_find_re] find_list = [] find_list.extend(compile_list(must_find)) find_list.extend(compile_list(must_find_re, regexps = True)) find_list_patterns = [] find_list_patterns.extend(must_find) find_list_patterns.extend(must_find_re) not_find_list = [] not_find_list.extend(compile_list(must_not_find)) not_find_list.extend(compile_list(must_not_find_re, regexps = True)) not_find_list_patterns = [] not_find_list_patterns.extend(must_not_find) not_find_list_patterns.extend(must_not_find_re) for index in range(len(find_list)): match = find_list[index].search(stdout) if not match: return failure("pattern not found: %s" % find_list_patterns[index]) for index in range(len(not_find_list)): match = not_find_list[index].search(stdout) if match: return failure("pattern found: %s (match: %s)" % (not_find_list_patterns[index], match.group(0))) return success() def test_s3cmd(label, cmd_args = [], **kwargs): if not cmd_args[0].endswith("s3cmd"): cmd_args.insert(0, "python2") cmd_args.insert(1, "s3cmd") if config_file: cmd_args.insert(2, "-c") cmd_args.insert(3, config_file) return test(label, cmd_args, **kwargs) def test_mkdir(label, dir_name): if os.name in ("posix", "nt"): cmd = ['mkdir', '-p'] else: print "Unknown platform: %s" % os.name sys.exit(1) cmd.append(dir_name) return test(label, cmd) def test_rmdir(label, dir_name): if os.path.isdir(dir_name): if os.name == "posix": cmd = ['rm', '-rf'] elif os.name == "nt": cmd = ['rmdir', '/s/q'] else: print "Unknown platform: %s" % os.name sys.exit(1) cmd.append(dir_name) return test(label, cmd) else: return test(label, []) def test_flushdir(label, dir_name): test_rmdir(label + "(rm)", dir_name) return test_mkdir(label + "(mk)", dir_name) def test_copy(label, src_file, dst_file): if os.name == "posix": cmd = ['cp', '-f'] elif os.name == "nt": cmd = ['copy'] else: print "Unknown platform: %s" % os.name sys.exit(1) cmd.append(src_file) cmd.append(dst_file) return test(label, cmd) def test_curl_HEAD(label, src_file, **kwargs): cmd = ['curl', '--silent', '--head', '-include', '--location'] cmd.append(src_file) return test(label, cmd, **kwargs) bucket_prefix = u"%s-" % getpass.getuser() print "Using bucket prefix: '%s'" % bucket_prefix argv = sys.argv[1:] while argv: arg = argv.pop(0) if arg.startswith('--bucket-prefix='): print "Usage: '--bucket-prefix PREFIX', not '--bucket-prefix=PREFIX'" sys.exit(0) if arg in ("-h", "--help"): print "%s A B K..O -N" % sys.argv[0] print "Run tests number A, B and K through to O, except for N" sys.exit(0) if arg in ("-c", "--config"): config_file = argv.pop(0) continue if arg in ("-l", "--list"): exclude_tests = range(0, 999) break if arg in ("-v", "--verbose"): verbose = True continue if arg in ("-p", "--bucket-prefix"): try: bucket_prefix = argv.pop(0) except IndexError: print "Bucket prefix option must explicitly supply a bucket name prefix" sys.exit(0) continue if ".." in arg: range_idx = arg.find("..") range_start = arg[:range_idx] or 0 range_end = arg[range_idx+2:] or 999 run_tests.extend(range(int(range_start), int(range_end) + 1)) elif arg.startswith("-"): exclude_tests.append(int(arg[1:])) else: run_tests.append(int(arg)) cfg = S3.Config.Config(config_file) if not run_tests: run_tests = range(0, 999) # helper functions for generating bucket names def bucket(tail): '''Test bucket name''' label = 'autotest' if str(tail) == '3': label = 'Autotest' return '%ss3cmd-%s-%s' % (bucket_prefix, label, tail) def pbucket(tail): '''Like bucket(), but prepends "s3://" for you''' return 's3://' + bucket(tail) ## ====== Remove test buckets test_s3cmd("Remove test buckets", ['rb', '-r', '--force', pbucket(1), pbucket(2), pbucket(3)]) ## ====== verify they were removed test_s3cmd("Verify no test buckets", ['ls'], must_not_find = [pbucket(1), pbucket(2), pbucket(3)]) ## ====== Create one bucket (EU) test_s3cmd("Create one bucket (EU)", ['mb', '--bucket-location=EU', pbucket(1)], must_find = "Bucket '%s/' created" % pbucket(1)) ## ====== Create multiple buckets test_s3cmd("Create multiple buckets", ['mb', pbucket(2), pbucket(3)], must_find = [ "Bucket '%s/' created" % pbucket(2), "Bucket '%s/' created" % pbucket(3)]) ## ====== Invalid bucket name test_s3cmd("Invalid bucket name", ["mb", "--bucket-location=EU", pbucket('EU')], retcode = EX_USAGE, must_find = "ERROR: Parameter problem: Bucket name '%s' contains disallowed character" % bucket('EU'), must_not_find_re = "Bucket.*created") ## ====== Buckets list test_s3cmd("Buckets list", ["ls"], must_find = [ "autotest-1", "autotest-2", "Autotest-3" ], must_not_find_re = "autotest-EU") ## ====== Sync to S3 test_s3cmd("Sync to S3", ['sync', 'testsuite/', pbucket(1) + '/xyz/', '--exclude', 'demo/*', '--exclude', '*.png', '--no-encrypt', '--exclude-from', 'testsuite/exclude.encodings' ], must_find = [ "ERROR: Upload of 'testsuite/permission-tests/permission-denied.txt' is not possible (Reason: Permission denied)", "WARNING: 32 non-printable characters replaced in: crappy-file-name/non-printables", ], must_not_find_re = [ "demo/", "\.png$", "permission-denied-dir" ], retcode = EX_PARTIAL) if have_encoding: ## ====== Sync UTF-8 / GBK / ... to S3 test_s3cmd(u"Sync %s to S3" % encoding, ['sync', 'testsuite/encodings/' + encoding, '%s/xyz/encodings/' % pbucket(1), '--exclude', 'demo/*', '--no-encrypt' ], must_find = [ u"'testsuite/encodings/%(encoding)s/%(pattern)s' -> '%(pbucket)s/xyz/encodings/%(encoding)s/%(pattern)s'" % { 'encoding' : encoding, 'pattern' : enc_pattern , 'pbucket' : pbucket(1)} ]) ## ====== List bucket content test_s3cmd("List bucket content", ['ls', '%s/xyz/' % pbucket(1) ], must_find_re = [ u"DIR +%s/xyz/binary/$" % pbucket(1) , u"DIR +%s/xyz/etc/$" % pbucket(1) ], must_not_find = [ u"random-crap.md5", u"/demo" ]) ## ====== List bucket recursive must_find = [ u"%s/xyz/binary/random-crap.md5" % pbucket(1) ] if have_encoding: must_find.append(u"%(pbucket)s/xyz/encodings/%(encoding)s/%(pattern)s" % { 'encoding' : encoding, 'pattern' : enc_pattern, 'pbucket' : pbucket(1) }) test_s3cmd("List bucket recursive", ['ls', '--recursive', pbucket(1)], must_find = must_find, must_not_find = [ "logo.png" ]) ## ====== FIXME # test_s3cmd("Recursive put", ['put', '--recursive', 'testsuite/etc', '%s/xyz/' % pbucket(1) ]) ## ====== Clean up local destination dir test_flushdir("Clean testsuite-out/", "testsuite-out") ## ====== Put from stdin f = open('testsuite/single-file/single-file.txt', 'r') test_s3cmd("Put from stdin", ['put', '-', '%s/single-file/single-file.txt' % pbucket(1)], must_find = ["'' -> '%s/single-file/single-file.txt'" % pbucket(1)], stdin = f) f.close() ## ====== Multipart put os.system('dd if=/dev/urandom of=testsuite-out/urandom.bin bs=1M count=16 > /dev/null 2>&1') test_s3cmd("Put multipart", ['put', '--multipart-chunk-size-mb=5', 'testsuite-out/urandom.bin', '%s/urandom.bin' % pbucket(1)], must_not_find = ['abortmp']) ## ====== Multipart put from stdin f = open('testsuite-out/urandom.bin', 'r') test_s3cmd("Multipart large put from stdin", ['put', '--multipart-chunk-size-mb=5', '-', '%s/urandom2.bin' % pbucket(1)], must_find = ['%s/urandom2.bin' % pbucket(1)], must_not_find = ['abortmp'], stdin = f) f.close() ## ====== Clean up local destination dir test_flushdir("Clean testsuite-out/", "testsuite-out") ## ====== Sync from S3 must_find = [ "'%s/xyz/binary/random-crap.md5' -> 'testsuite-out/xyz/binary/random-crap.md5'" % pbucket(1) ] if have_encoding: must_find.append(u"'%(pbucket)s/xyz/encodings/%(encoding)s/%(pattern)s' -> 'testsuite-out/xyz/encodings/%(encoding)s/%(pattern)s' " % { 'encoding' : encoding, 'pattern' : enc_pattern, 'pbucket' : pbucket(1) }) test_s3cmd("Sync from S3", ['sync', '%s/xyz' % pbucket(1), 'testsuite-out'], must_find = must_find) ## ====== Remove 'demo' directory test_rmdir("Remove 'dir-test/'", "testsuite-out/xyz/dir-test/") ## ====== Create dir with name of a file test_mkdir("Create file-dir dir", "testsuite-out/xyz/dir-test/file-dir") ## ====== Skip dst dirs test_s3cmd("Skip over dir", ['sync', '%s/xyz' % pbucket(1), 'testsuite-out'], must_find = "ERROR: Download of 'xyz/dir-test/file-dir' failed (Reason: testsuite-out/xyz/dir-test/file-dir is a directory)", retcode = EX_PARTIAL) ## ====== Clean up local destination dir test_flushdir("Clean testsuite-out/", "testsuite-out") ## ====== Put public, guess MIME test_s3cmd("Put public, guess MIME", ['put', '--guess-mime-type', '--acl-public', 'testsuite/etc/logo.png', '%s/xyz/etc/logo.png' % pbucket(1)], must_find = [ "-> '%s/xyz/etc/logo.png'" % pbucket(1) ]) ## ====== Retrieve from URL if have_curl: test_curl_HEAD("Retrieve from URL", 'http://%s.%s/xyz/etc/logo.png' % (bucket(1), cfg.host_base), must_find_re = ['Content-Length: 22059']) ## ====== Change ACL to Private test_s3cmd("Change ACL to Private", ['setacl', '--acl-private', '%s/xyz/etc/l*.png' % pbucket(1)], must_find = [ "logo.png: ACL set to Private" ]) ## ====== Verify Private ACL if have_curl: test_curl_HEAD("Verify Private ACL", 'http://%s.%s/xyz/etc/logo.png' % (bucket(1), cfg.host_base), must_find_re = [ '403 Forbidden' ]) ## ====== Change ACL to Public test_s3cmd("Change ACL to Public", ['setacl', '--acl-public', '--recursive', '%s/xyz/etc/' % pbucket(1) , '-v'], must_find = [ "logo.png: ACL set to Public" ]) ## ====== Verify Public ACL if have_curl: test_curl_HEAD("Verify Public ACL", 'http://%s.%s/xyz/etc/logo.png' % (bucket(1), cfg.host_base), must_find_re = [ '200 OK', 'Content-Length: 22059']) ## ====== Sync more to S3 test_s3cmd("Sync more to S3", ['sync', 'testsuite/', 's3://%s/xyz/' % bucket(1), '--no-encrypt' ], must_find = [ "'testsuite/demo/some-file.xml' -> '%s/xyz/demo/some-file.xml' " % pbucket(1) ], must_not_find = [ "'testsuite/etc/linked.png' -> '%s/xyz/etc/linked.png'" % pbucket(1) ], retcode = EX_PARTIAL) ## ====== Don't check MD5 sum on Sync test_copy("Change file cksum1.txt", "testsuite/checksum/cksum2.txt", "testsuite/checksum/cksum1.txt") test_copy("Change file cksum33.txt", "testsuite/checksum/cksum2.txt", "testsuite/checksum/cksum33.txt") test_s3cmd("Don't check MD5", ['sync', 'testsuite/', 's3://%s/xyz/' % bucket(1), '--no-encrypt', '--no-check-md5'], must_find = [ "cksum33.txt" ], must_not_find = [ "cksum1.txt" ], retcode = EX_PARTIAL) ## ====== Check MD5 sum on Sync test_s3cmd("Check MD5", ['sync', 'testsuite/', 's3://%s/xyz/' % bucket(1), '--no-encrypt', '--check-md5'], must_find = [ "cksum1.txt" ], retcode = EX_PARTIAL) ## ====== Rename within S3 test_s3cmd("Rename within S3", ['mv', '%s/xyz/etc/logo.png' % pbucket(1), '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(1)], must_find = [ "move: '%s/xyz/etc/logo.png' -> '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG'" % (pbucket(1), pbucket(1))]) ## ====== Rename (NoSuchKey) test_s3cmd("Rename (NoSuchKey)", ['mv', '%s/xyz/etc/logo.png' % pbucket(1), '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(1)], retcode = EX_NOTFOUND, must_find_re = [ 'Key not found' ], must_not_find = [ "move: '%s/xyz/etc/logo.png' -> '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG'" % (pbucket(1), pbucket(1)) ]) ## ====== Sync more from S3 (invalid src) test_s3cmd("Sync more from S3 (invalid src)", ['sync', '--delete-removed', '%s/xyz/DOESNOTEXIST' % pbucket(1), 'testsuite-out'], must_not_find = [ "delete: 'testsuite-out/logo.png'" ]) ## ====== Sync more from S3 test_s3cmd("Sync more from S3", ['sync', '--delete-removed', '%s/xyz' % pbucket(1), 'testsuite-out'], must_find = [ "'%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG' -> 'testsuite-out/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG'" % pbucket(1), "'%s/xyz/demo/some-file.xml' -> 'testsuite-out/xyz/demo/some-file.xml'" % pbucket(1) ], must_not_find_re = [ "not-deleted.*etc/logo.png", "delete: 'testsuite-out/logo.png'" ]) ## ====== Make dst dir for get test_rmdir("Remove dst dir for get", "testsuite-out") ## ====== Get multiple files test_s3cmd("Get multiple files", ['get', '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(1), '%s/xyz/etc/AtomicClockRadio.ttf' % pbucket(1), 'testsuite-out'], retcode = EX_USAGE, must_find = [ 'Destination must be a directory or stdout when downloading multiple sources.' ]) ## ====== put/get non-ASCII filenames test_s3cmd("Put unicode filenames", ['put', u'testsuite/encodings/UTF-8/ŪņЇЌœđЗ/Žůžo', u'%s/xyz/encodings/UTF-8/ŪņЇЌœđЗ/Žůžo' % pbucket(1)], retcode = 0, must_find = [ '->' ]) ## ====== Make dst dir for get test_mkdir("Make dst dir for get", "testsuite-out") ## ====== put/get non-ASCII filenames test_s3cmd("Get unicode filenames", ['get', u'%s/xyz/encodings/UTF-8/ŪņЇЌœđЗ/Žůžo' % pbucket(1), 'testsuite-out'], retcode = 0, must_find = [ '->' ]) ## ====== Get multiple files test_s3cmd("Get multiple files", ['get', '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(1), '%s/xyz/etc/AtomicClockRadio.ttf' % pbucket(1), 'testsuite-out'], must_find = [ u"-> 'testsuite-out/Logo.PNG'", u"-> 'testsuite-out/AtomicClockRadio.ttf'" ]) ## ====== Upload files differing in capitalisation test_s3cmd("blah.txt / Blah.txt", ['put', '-r', 'testsuite/blahBlah', pbucket(1)], must_find = [ '%s/blahBlah/Blah.txt' % pbucket(1), '%s/blahBlah/blah.txt' % pbucket(1)]) ## ====== Copy between buckets test_s3cmd("Copy between buckets", ['cp', '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(1), '%s/xyz/etc2/logo.png' % pbucket(3)], must_find = [ "remote copy: '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG' -> '%s/xyz/etc2/logo.png'" % (pbucket(1), pbucket(3)) ]) ## ====== Recursive copy test_s3cmd("Recursive copy, set ACL", ['cp', '-r', '--acl-public', '%s/xyz/' % pbucket(1), '%s/copy' % pbucket(2), '--exclude', 'demo/dir?/*.txt', '--exclude', 'non-printables*'], must_find = [ "remote copy: '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG' -> '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG'" % (pbucket(1), pbucket(2)), "remote copy: '%s/xyz/blahBlah/Blah.txt' -> '%s/copy/blahBlah/Blah.txt'" % (pbucket(1), pbucket(2)), "remote copy: '%s/xyz/blahBlah/blah.txt' -> '%s/copy/blahBlah/blah.txt'" % (pbucket(1), pbucket(2)) ], must_not_find = [ "demo/dir1/file1-1.txt" ]) ## ====== Verify ACL and MIME type test_s3cmd("Verify ACL and MIME type", ['info', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2) ], must_find_re = [ "MIME type:.*image/png", "ACL:.*\*anon\*: READ", "URL:.*http://%s.%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG" % (bucket(2), cfg.host_base) ]) ## ====== modify MIME type test_s3cmd("Modify MIME type", ['modify', '--mime-type=binary/octet-stream', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2) ]) test_s3cmd("Verify ACL and MIME type", ['info', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2) ], must_find_re = [ "MIME type:.*binary/octet-stream", "ACL:.*\*anon\*: READ", "URL:.*http://%s.%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG" % (bucket(2), cfg.host_base) ]) test_s3cmd("Modify MIME type back", ['modify', '--mime-type=image/png', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2) ]) test_s3cmd("Verify ACL and MIME type", ['info', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2) ], must_find_re = [ "MIME type:.*image/png", "ACL:.*\*anon\*: READ", "URL:.*http://%s.%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG" % (bucket(2), cfg.host_base) ]) test_s3cmd("Add cache-control header", ['modify', '--add-header=cache-control: max-age=3600, public', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2) ], must_find_re = [ "modify: .*" ]) if have_curl: test_curl_HEAD("HEAD check Cache-Control present", 'http://%s.%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % (bucket(2), cfg.host_base), must_find_re = [ "Cache-Control: max-age=3600" ]) test_s3cmd("Remove cache-control header", ['modify', '--remove-header=cache-control', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2) ], must_find_re = [ "modify: .*" ]) if have_curl: test_curl_HEAD("HEAD check Cache-Control not present", 'http://%s.%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % (bucket(2), cfg.host_base), must_not_find_re = [ "Cache-Control: max-age=3600" ]) ## ====== sign test_s3cmd("sign string", ['sign', 's3cmd'], must_find_re = ["Signature:"]) test_s3cmd("signurl time", ['signurl', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2), str(int(time.time()) + 60)], must_find_re = ["http://"]) test_s3cmd("signurl time offset", ['signurl', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2), '+60'], must_find_re = ["https?://"]) test_s3cmd("signurl content disposition and type", ['signurl', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2), '+60', '--content-disposition=inline; filename=video.mp4', '--content-type=video/mp4'], must_find_re = [ 'response-content-disposition', 'response-content-type' ] ) ## ====== Rename within S3 test_s3cmd("Rename within S3", ['mv', '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(2), '%s/copy/etc/logo.png' % pbucket(2)], must_find = [ "move: '%s/copy/etc2/Logo.PNG' -> '%s/copy/etc/logo.png'" % (pbucket(2), pbucket(2))]) ## ====== Sync between buckets test_s3cmd("Sync remote2remote", ['sync', '%s/xyz/' % pbucket(1), '%s/copy/' % pbucket(2), '--delete-removed', '--exclude', 'non-printables*'], must_find = [ "remote copy: '%s/xyz/demo/dir1/file1-1.txt' -> '%s/copy/demo/dir1/file1-1.txt'" % (pbucket(1), pbucket(2)), "remote copy: 'etc/logo.png' -> 'etc2/Logo.PNG'", "delete: '%s/copy/etc/logo.png'" % pbucket(2) ], must_not_find = [ "blah.txt" ]) ## ====== Don't Put symbolic link test_s3cmd("Don't put symbolic links", ['put', 'testsuite/etc/linked1.png', 's3://%s/xyz/' % bucket(1),], retcode = EX_USAGE, must_not_find_re = [ "linked1.png"]) ## ====== Put symbolic link test_s3cmd("Put symbolic links", ['put', 'testsuite/etc/linked1.png', 's3://%s/xyz/' % bucket(1),'--follow-symlinks' ], must_find = [ "'testsuite/etc/linked1.png' -> '%s/xyz/linked1.png'" % pbucket(1)]) ## ====== Sync symbolic links test_s3cmd("Sync symbolic links", ['sync', 'testsuite/', 's3://%s/xyz/' % bucket(1), '--no-encrypt', '--follow-symlinks' ], must_find = ["remote copy: 'etc2/Logo.PNG' -> 'etc/linked.png'"], # Don't want to recursively copy linked directories! must_not_find_re = ["etc/more/linked-dir/more/give-me-more.txt", "etc/brokenlink.png"], retcode = EX_PARTIAL) ## ====== Multi source move test_s3cmd("Multi-source move", ['mv', '-r', '%s/copy/blahBlah/Blah.txt' % pbucket(2), '%s/copy/etc/' % pbucket(2), '%s/moved/' % pbucket(2)], must_find = [ "move: '%s/copy/blahBlah/Blah.txt' -> '%s/moved/Blah.txt'" % (pbucket(2), pbucket(2)), "move: '%s/copy/etc/AtomicClockRadio.ttf' -> '%s/moved/AtomicClockRadio.ttf'" % (pbucket(2), pbucket(2)), "move: '%s/copy/etc/TypeRa.ttf' -> '%s/moved/TypeRa.ttf'" % (pbucket(2), pbucket(2)) ], must_not_find = [ "blah.txt" ]) ## ====== Verify move test_s3cmd("Verify move", ['ls', '-r', pbucket(2)], must_find = [ "%s/moved/Blah.txt" % pbucket(2), "%s/moved/AtomicClockRadio.ttf" % pbucket(2), "%s/moved/TypeRa.ttf" % pbucket(2), "%s/copy/blahBlah/blah.txt" % pbucket(2) ], must_not_find = [ "%s/copy/blahBlah/Blah.txt" % pbucket(2), "%s/copy/etc/AtomicClockRadio.ttf" % pbucket(2), "%s/copy/etc/TypeRa.ttf" % pbucket(2) ]) ## ====== List all test_s3cmd("List all", ['la'], must_find = [ "%s/urandom.bin" % pbucket(1)]) ## ====== Simple delete test_s3cmd("Simple delete", ['del', '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG' % pbucket(1)], must_find = [ "delete: '%s/xyz/etc2/Logo.PNG'" % pbucket(1) ]) ## ====== Simple delete with rm test_s3cmd("Simple delete with rm", ['rm', '%s/xyz/test_rm/TypeRa.ttf' % pbucket(1)], must_find = [ "delete: '%s/xyz/test_rm/TypeRa.ttf'" % pbucket(1) ]) ## ====== Create expiration rule with days and prefix test_s3cmd("Create expiration rule with days and prefix", ['expire', pbucket(1), '--expiry-days=365', '--expiry-prefix=log/'], must_find = [ "Bucket '%s/': expiration configuration is set." % pbucket(1)]) ## ====== Create expiration rule with date and prefix test_s3cmd("Create expiration rule with date and prefix", ['expire', pbucket(1), '--expiry-date=2012-12-31T00:00:00.000Z', '--expiry-prefix=log/'], must_find = [ "Bucket '%s/': expiration configuration is set." % pbucket(1)]) ## ====== Create expiration rule with days only test_s3cmd("Create expiration rule with days only", ['expire', pbucket(1), '--expiry-days=365'], must_find = [ "Bucket '%s/': expiration configuration is set." % pbucket(1)]) ## ====== Create expiration rule with date only test_s3cmd("Create expiration rule with date only", ['expire', pbucket(1), '--expiry-date=2012-12-31T00:00:00.000Z'], must_find = [ "Bucket '%s/': expiration configuration is set." % pbucket(1)]) ## ====== Get current expiration setting test_s3cmd("Get current expiration setting", ['info', pbucket(1)], must_find = [ "Expiration Rule: all objects in this bucket will expire in '2012-12-31T00:00:00.000Z'"]) ## ====== Delete expiration rule test_s3cmd("Delete expiration rule", ['expire', pbucket(1)], must_find = [ "Bucket '%s/': expiration configuration is deleted." % pbucket(1)]) ## ====== set Requester Pays flag test_s3cmd("Set requester pays", ['payer', '--requester-pays', pbucket(2)]) ## ====== get Requester Pays flag test_s3cmd("Get requester pays flag", ['info', pbucket(2)], must_find = [ "Payer: Requester"]) ## ====== ls using Requester Pays flag test_s3cmd("ls using requester pays flag", ['ls', '--requester-pays', pbucket(2)]) ## ====== clear Requester Pays flag test_s3cmd("Clear requester pays", ['payer', pbucket(2)]) ## ====== get Requester Pays flag test_s3cmd("Get requester pays flag", ['info', pbucket(2)], must_find = [ "Payer: BucketOwner"]) ## ====== Recursive delete maximum exceeed test_s3cmd("Recursive delete maximum exceeded", ['del', '--recursive', '--max-delete=1', '--exclude', 'Atomic*', '%s/xyz/etc' % pbucket(1)], must_not_find = [ "delete: '%s/xyz/etc/TypeRa.ttf'" % pbucket(1) ]) ## ====== Recursive delete test_s3cmd("Recursive delete", ['del', '--recursive', '--exclude', 'Atomic*', '%s/xyz/etc' % pbucket(1)], must_find = [ "delete: '%s/xyz/etc/TypeRa.ttf'" % pbucket(1) ], must_find_re = [ "delete: '.*/etc/logo.png'" ], must_not_find = [ "AtomicClockRadio.ttf" ]) ## ====== Recursive delete with rm test_s3cmd("Recursive delete with rm", ['rm', '--recursive', '--exclude', 'Atomic*', '%s/xyz/test_rm' % pbucket(1)], must_find = [ "delete: '%s/xyz/test_rm/more/give-me-more.txt'" % pbucket(1) ], must_find_re = [ "delete: '.*/test_rm/logo.png'" ], must_not_find = [ "AtomicClockRadio.ttf" ]) ## ====== Recursive delete all test_s3cmd("Recursive delete all", ['del', '--recursive', '--force', pbucket(1)], must_find_re = [ "delete: '.*binary/random-crap'" ]) ## ====== Remove empty bucket test_s3cmd("Remove empty bucket", ['rb', pbucket(1)], must_find = [ "Bucket '%s/' removed" % pbucket(1) ]) ## ====== Remove remaining buckets test_s3cmd("Remove remaining buckets", ['rb', '--recursive', pbucket(2), pbucket(3)], must_find = [ "Bucket '%s/' removed" % pbucket(2), "Bucket '%s/' removed" % pbucket(3) ]) # vim:et:ts=4:sts=4:ai