July 31, 2018
View 01eebc1

Updating libclamunrar from legacy C implementation to modern unrar 5.6.5. API changes and supporting changes included to pass the filepath of the scanned file into libclamav through the cli_ctx structure, required by the unrar library to open archives. The filename argument may be optional for the scandesc scanning variant, but libclamav will make a best effort to identify the filename from the file descriptor if it was not provided. In addition, included the ability to prefix temp file and directory names with file basenames.

Micah Snyder authored on 2018/07/31 09:19:28
December 31, 2007
View 80cf630

add support for version scripts when using Sun's ld on Solaris. use $GREP to grep binary files, needed for autoit to build on Solaris. add support for both GNU and Sun ld version scripts. add version script maps to libclamunrar, libclamunrar_iface. Enumerate all symbols, Sun's ld doesn't support cl_* (only *). cli_decodesig needs a dummy definition on Solaris.

Török Edvin authored on 2007/12/31 21:46:26